big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2210 The Ming Dynasty will never compromise!

Xijing also received the news.

When Tian Xin found out, she was also furious.

This was the first time in the long history of the Ming Dynasty that a prince was shot.

This case cannot be suppressed, and the real culprit behind the scenes must be found.

After receiving the news, the court officials entered the palace immediately.

"Your Majesty, they must be the remnants of the Li family. We must eradicate them completely."

"That's right. This time, no one can be spared."

Everyone was talking one after another, and Tian Xin had a headache. "Of course I know, but these people are hiding in the dark, and it is not so easy to find them out."

Feng Ge'er stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, I think the most urgent thing is to call back the other princes first to prevent these people from continuing to take action.

Their purpose is simple: revenge.

In Tokyo, they preyed on ordinary people.

Later, they found that everyone was looking for them, so they turned their target to the prince. "

Tian Xin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "No, parading is what they should do, and it is also to let the people better understand their governance philosophy.

Wouldn't it be a joke if we gave up the parade because of a shooting?
This makes people all over the world look down on the royal family of our Ming Dynasty.

Let them continue to patrol and take good protection.

The law cannot give in to the lawlessness!"

Feng Ge'er frowned.

Huo Lin'er said: "I think your Majesty's words make sense. The court has started the general election, which is of utmost importance. How can we throw the baby out with the bathwater?

If there is a single shooting, the descendants of my Qin clan will be so scared that they won’t dare to show their faces in public. If this gets out, people all over the world will laugh at them.

This is a test, but also a tempering.

What is tested is not only their governance philosophy, but also their courage and determination.

I think we can let the prince get involved in this matter and catch the murderer and the remnants."

The court officials were also shocked when they heard this.

Someone immediately objected, “There are only seven princes participating in the election this generation, unlike the previous generation, when there were 20 to 30 princes.

"The son of a rich family should not sit in the imperial court. This is a saying that has been passed down through the ages. How can we let the princes take risks?"

"Don't take any risks. Your Majesty, please take back your order!"

Huo Lin'er said with a smile: "How do they compare to the soldiers fighting on the battlefield? Which one is more dangerous? My eldest brother went deep into the rain forest and survived a near-death experience to achieve what he has today.

If each generation is worse than the previous one, is there any way out for the Ming Dynasty?

These children have been under military management since childhood, and they should have the tenacity and perseverance of soldiers.

If you are timid and afraid of things, how can you shoulder the heavy responsibility of the country?

This is about choosing an emperor for the country, not playing house, do you understand?"

Huo Lin'er's face had completely darkened when he said this. "They are my nephews. I hope they are safe more than anyone else. But I hope even more that the future successor of the Ming Dynasty is iron-blooded, responsible, and able to take on responsibilities."

Feng Ge'er also nodded silently. He had just considered it one-sidedly and had not thought of this point.

Tian Xin also said: "That's what I mean. If they are easily frightened, I think we should not elect the emperor and let them do what they should do."

"But the emperor wants to pause."

“I understand what my father means. After all, he is a grandfather. Out of consideration and care for the younger generation, he will naturally not let his children take risks.

But I am a father, even if something happens, I can take responsibility.

So, they are not allowed to come back.

Let Qin Chuan go back to where he came from, and continue his tour as long as he is not dead.

Tell everyone not to be intimidated.”

The iron blood in Tianxin's bones has not been weakened by being an emperor for many years.

Kindness does not command the army, and justice does not command the finances. Even after becoming an emperor, he was more resilient than when he was in the army. A kind emperor cannot manage the country well.

He knew this.

In fact, these seven people are still unqualified.

too weak.

One shot and he was so scared he walked back.

Among their ancestors, how many were afraid of death?

When it comes to them, their lives become even more precious?

He would never allow it.

"In my name, I am publishing a news release to warn those lawless elements that if they attempt to threaten the court in this way, they are wrong.

The Ming Dynasty will never bow to lawlessness and evil.

Retreat! "

Tianxin left angrily.

Feng Ge'er and Huo Lin'er quickly caught up.

"This matter has nothing to do with Dad."

"I know that one generation takes care of another. He is the grandfather, so he can only do this." Tian Xin sighed, "Our generation has not yet finished what it needs to do. I even think that these remnants may not be wiped out in one go.

I'm ready for a long battle.

They will never give up.

Just like in remote areas, there are still charlatans who pretend to be gods and deceive the people.

This kind of behavior cannot be stopped in a short period of time.”

Feng Ge nodded, "Yes, these people are not easy to find to survive until now."

Huo Lin'er said: "In fact, Dad should have known that this would happen, but there was nothing he could do. Due to the situation at the time, his choice was the most in line with national conditions."

Tian Xin nodded, gave the two brothers cigarettes, and then took out a letter, "Look, this is what happened in Tokyo recently.

You will understand why these remnants are as difficult to eradicate as maggots in the bones. "

The two brothers passed the information around, and after reading it, they were both unable to calm down for a long time.

The two looked at each other, both with mixed feelings.

"This, this is too unbelievable." Feng Ge'er sighed, "Who would have thought that Li Zhao was actually a fake!"

"This damn thing!" Huo Lin'er gnashed his teeth and said, "Just shoot him, that's it, he should be cut into pieces and chopped up and fed to the dogs!"

Tian Xin looked at Men Yan and said, "I have been suffering from insomnia these past few days, thinking about this matter.

In fact, Dad is suffering more than us.

So many things happened, seeming to prove that his original decision was wrong.

But I know that my father's decision was not wrong, it was these people who were wrong.

Ambitious and unrepentant.

No wonder these people can do so many things without making a fuss.

It turned out that Li Zhao was covering behind the scenes.

Thinking about it now, it’s quite scary.

With such an enemy hiding around us, who knows if there are similar enemies around us?"

Feng Ge and Huo Lin'er looked at each other and said, "We need to start investigating from within. Maybe, after so many years of marriage, there are many children. Maybe it was wrong from the beginning. They are Li's people.

They know their own identities, so they use the Qin clan's identity to take advantage of others."

"That's right, this is the plan of replacing the prince with a cat!"

Tian Xin said calmly: "And this plan has been implemented for more than 20 years!" (End of this chapter)

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