big dry son-in-law

Chapter 224 Please take charge of the overall situation!

Chapter 224 Please take charge of the overall situation!

"Master Dai, I will tell my son what you said. It's getting late, so I won't let you rest here!" Qin Xiangru directly issued an eviction order.

Dai Wei was anxious, "Master Qin, let's open the skylight and speak frankly. I admit defeat. We can negotiate any conditions, but there is one thing. Let Qin Mo go to His Majesty to explain the accounts!"

"It's not up to your father to grow up, Mr. Dai, you also know how naughty my fool is. He makes me so angry every day that I can't control him at all, and only Your Majesty can control him.

How about you go discuss it with His Majesty? "

If he could explain to His Majesty, he would still need to come here.

The Qin family refused to give in. Dai Wei was angry but helpless. He glanced at the smiling Qin Xiangru and finally bowed his hands, "Then, I'll take my leave first!"

"Walk slowly, Master Dai. When you have nothing to do, you are welcome to come to my house!"

Hearing this, Dai Wei quickened his pace.

Qin Xiangru's cheerful laughter came from behind, which was even more heartbreaking.

Back at the house, Dai Wei felt uneasy. Dai Gang came over and asked, "Dad, our family can't bear this matter. We all made the money together, so why should we have to bear everything!"

Dai Wei felt very tired, "Just because your father is the Minister of Household Affairs and is in charge of the court's money bag, if we can't do this well, we, father and son, are going to sleep at the foot of the city wall!"

"Even so, the money shared by our family is not as much as theirs!" Dai Gang said angrily.

"If they don't care, then I won't care either. If we want to suffer bad luck, we will suffer bad luck together!" Dai Wei said angrily.

This night is destined to be restless.

The next day, Qin Mo woke up and felt dizzy every time he was drunk.

After drinking a bowl of millet porridge, I felt better.

"Master, people from the Cui family and the Lu family are here!"

Yang Liugen said.

"It's not time to open our house yet, right?"


"Then let them wait!"

Qin Mo stretched. He hadn't visited Xishan for several days. Today he went to take a look and see how the water in the abandoned mines was being drained.

"By the way, go wake up Li Yue, Xiao Liu and Xiao Dou!" Qin Mo said.

Not long after, Li Yue, Liu Rujian, and Dou Yiai arrived, and the three of them also looked uncomfortable.

"Idiot, why did you wake us up so early?"

"Of course I'm doing business!" Qin Mo said, "I'm too busy now. You have to help me share some of the work!"

"Are you talking about the new factory?"

Qin Mo nodded, "Especially you Li Yue, as the major shareholder, you are really too lazy. I have to do a lot of things myself. Why, I come up with ideas, you make money, and you make me do hard work, you can live with your conscience. ?"

Li Yue scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Idiot, haven't I been accompanying Ruyu recently? As you know, our wedding will be in a few days!"

Qin Mo rolled his eyes, "Xiao Liu, you have to take good care of him. Also, when will you and Xiao Dou get the money? If you don't pay again, I will take back the shares.

Day by day, if you don’t do anything formal and want to receive money without giving it, it’s too sinister, right? "Liu Rujian said: "Fool, can I give you 10 taels first? With the remaining money, I will also prepare a dowry for Ruyu. At worst, the dividends will be deducted from it. Do you think that's okay? "

Qin Mo thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you'll pass for this reason."

Dou Yiai scratched his head, "Um, I... I've just got 5000 taels now, idiot. How about I be like Xiao Liu?"

"Fuck you, you have the nerve to ask for 5000 taels of silver? Do you know how much money the coal mine earns in a day? It's almost 5000 taels. You earn 500 taels a day. In one month, it's 5000 taels. Three After a few months, you will be able to earn 5000 taels per month.

Are you here with nothing to show for it? "

Dou Yiai's face was also a little hot. 5000 taels and 5000 taels. After one year, it would be several hundred thousand taels.

"Idiot, if you give me a few more days, even if I can't come up with 10,000+ taels in one go, can I take half of it?"

"Okay, for the sake of brothers!" Qin Mo said helplessly.

"Thank you, brother, I knew you were the best!" Dou Yiai said excitedly.

"Damn, Xiao Dou, you've learned too much. You call me a fool when nothing happens, and you call me big brother when something happens!" Qin Mo gave him the middle finger.

Just as he was talking, the voices of Cui Yuan and Lu Sheng came from outside the house, "Master Qin, Master Qin"

Qin Mo frowned, "Uncle Liugen, what's going on?"

Yang Liugen said awkwardly: "Master, it's time to open the door. They got two entrance tickets from nowhere. We can't kick them out!"

"I know, these guys still have some energy!" Qin Mo leaned on the rocking chair, "Let them come in and see what they have to say!"

Soon, Cui Yuan and Lu Sheng came in. As soon as they entered the door, they bowed their hands and said, "Your Majesty, Cui Yuan (Lu Sheng), I have met Mr. Qin!"

Qin Mo said lazily: "What are you two doing here?"

"Sir, I am confused as to why your Excellency did not go on duty at the Household Department, so there are two of us, two inspectors, four supervisors, two supervisors from the Du branch, three supervisors from the gold department, and three supervisors from the warehouse department. , please go to the household department to be on duty.

Of course, if adults feel unwell, they can also be on duty here. If you have any questions, just ask them and I will definitely complete the work seriously! "

Li Yue and others looked at each other with indescribable joy in their hearts.

Yesterday you ignored me, but today you brought all the main officials from the Ministry of Revenue to your door to invite me.

And the attitude should be as sincere as possible!
"I am just the acting minister, and I may step down at any time. There is no need for you to be so polite to me. How can I, Qin Mo, be so virtuous that I can invite you all to come!"

"Master Qin, please don't say that!" Cui Yuan said sternly: "With Master Dai away, we are leaderless. Now only you can help us find our direction again!"

"That's right, sir, please go back to the household department and take charge of the overall situation!" Although Lu Sheng was reluctant, at this moment, he had to bow his head.

There was still no movement in the palace, which meant that something big happened this time.

If it happened on the spot and they found a scapegoat, nothing would happen.

Someone entered the palace, but His Majesty was not seen. Several generals in charge of the army frequently entered the palace, making it clear that blood would flow like a river.

So, they were all afraid.

"I can't preside over your overall situation. Mr. Cui and Mr. Lu are good officials who serve the people wholeheartedly. If I say something wrong, I will definitely be stabbed in the back by the people!"

Cui Yuan slapped himself in the face, "It's all my fault for my mouth. I'm just capable and show off. Mr. Qin, I know I'm wrong. If you're unhappy, I'll hit myself twice more!"

(End of this chapter)

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