big dry son-in-law

Chapter 225 Scared!

Chapter 225 Scared!

The sound of snapping echoed around the beam, and Cui Yuan suddenly had a few more slap marks on his face.

This guy is really ruthless.

Qin Mo smiled, turned to look at Lu Sheng, Lu Sheng's eyes dodge, and finally slapped himself in the face under Qin Mo's gaze, "I can't speak, sir. Please go back to the household department to take charge of the overall situation." !”

That's right.

Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, I will reluctantly accompany you for a trip. Li Yue, Xiao Dou, Xiao Liu, let's go!"

Qin Mo stood up and left in a swaggering manner. Li Yue and others followed behind. Cui Yuan and Lu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that Qin Mo would not accept the hard words, which would be troublesome.

Soon, the group arrived at the household department.

"I've met Mr. Qin!" All the officials from top to bottom of the household department, big and small, were standing here.

Qin Mo nodded without saying a word. They all bowed. Qin Mo didn't speak, and they didn't dare to get up.

As if intending to retaliate against them, Qin Mo just glanced at them and walked in.

Everyone looked at each other in shock and anger.

Cui Yuan and Lu Sheng also smiled bitterly, followed in, and poured tea and water for Qin Mo, "Sir, we have checked the bill you calculated yesterday. There is indeed a small mistake. We can re-do the account. Just a small matter. There’s no need to bother His Majesty, right?”

"It is a small mistake to make the imperial court spend more than 100 million taels a year. So what is a big mistake?"

Cui Yuan and Lu Sheng looked at each other and knew that this matter was inevitable. He said to Qin Mo: "Sir, I can explain, but the others have to get out!"

"If you don't have any evil intentions, why did you let us out?" Liu Rujian asked.

"This is a matter for the Ministry of Finance and has nothing to do with you!" Lu Sheng said.

"I called Xiao Dou to help. Even if he is half a member of the household department now, how come he has nothing to do with him?" Qin Mo said.

Cui Yuan gritted his teeth and said: "Master Qin, you must also want to resolve this matter satisfactorily, right? We are cooperating with you to resolve this matter now. If the stalemate continues, it will not be good for everyone.

It is true that there is a problem with the accounts now, but this problem can be big or small. If it gets bigger, it may not be good for you.

Since it is a matter of the Ministry of Revenue, let the problem stay in the Ministry of Household Affairs, what do you think? "

Qin Mo was not afraid of him, but he wanted to know how they wanted to solve this matter.

"Okay, you guys go out first and we'll talk later." Qin Mo said.

Li Yue took a deep look at Cui Yuan and Lu Sheng, "We are at the door. If anything happens, call us!"

Liu Rujian's fist clenched loudly, and the meaning was self-evident.

After they left, Cui Yuan said: "Master Qin, please help us correct our mistakes. To express our feelings, we are willing to pay 10 taels as a congratulatory gift to the master and Princess Jingyang!"

"Oh, you want to get rid of me for just 10 taels. Do you think I'm a beggar?" To be honest, let alone 10 taels, Qin Mo doesn't take it seriously even if it's hundreds of thousands taels. He still doesn't care for a million taels. Might give it a thought.

Lu Sheng frowned, "Of course, this 10 taels is just one of the thank you gifts. In two months, the lower officials will be released, and then the position of the assistant minister will be vacant. If Mr. Qin is interested, you can be the assistant minister." .”

"You guys think I'm a fool, I'm the minister now!"

"You are indeed the minister now, but you are just the acting minister. It is impossible for your majesty to let a young man serve as the minister!" Cui Yuan said.

"Are you so confident that you can make me the Minister of Household Affairs?"

"It's nothing, it's all discussed by everyone." Lu Sheng secretly threatened.

Qin Mo couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "Good guys, you are the one who runs the court of love. Let whoever you want come in."

"Master Qin, you can't say this nonsense."

Seeing Qin Mo's surprised look, Cui Yuan felt a little embarrassed, "I am an official for thousands of miles just for money. From now on, if you don't see me when you look up, why are you beating me to death?"

"That's right, you are so arrogant this time, and you will be our friend from now on. Everything can be easily discussed. To put it bluntly, there are so many people, even if the higher ups want to blame them, they can't all be killed.

If you do this, you will offend us all to death, and it will not do you any good! Lu Sheng said: "Master Qin, what do you think of what I said?" "

"That's nonsense!"

Qin Mo directly poured the tea on Lu Sheng, "What the hell, being an official does not serve the people, why not go home and farm, look at the two of you, you are so incompatible, this is what the family taught you of elites.

Even dogs won’t listen to what you say! "

Lu Sheng screamed when he was burned, and Cui Yuan was shocked and said angrily: "Master Qin, aren't we sincere enough?"

"You have the sincerity of your sister!"

Qin Mo scolded: "I'm telling you, all those greedy money will be sent back to the Ministry of Revenue to me, which makes me angry. Don't blame me for checking the food. Then it won't be as simple as refunding the money.

If you don't want me to check the food, just come up with a round number, 500 million taels. I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you. If you don't see the money tomorrow, you can figure it out yourself. "

With that said, Qin Mo turned around and left.

Cui Yuan jumped angrily, "Qin Mo, don't bully others too much."

"Qin Mo, you are forcing yourself to a dead end!" Lu Sheng also said angrily.

But Qin Mo didn't care about them at all.

No money?
It’s not too late to let them cry when the time comes.

"This guy is too greedy."

"Two million taels, why didn't he grab it?"

Cui Yuan and the two couldn't stop scolding. Officials from the Ministry of Revenue came in. After questioning, they also cursed, "At worst, I can find a few people to take the blame. I don't believe that your Majesty will kill us all!"

"Yes, you can't give in no matter what."

Everyone was outraged.

This incident soon reached the ears of Dai Wei and others.

Not waiting for their reaction.

The army defending Kyoto suddenly entered the city.

This time, those people were scared to death.

At this juncture, what is your Majesty doing by bringing in the Gyeonggi army?
Is there really a big move?

Many people wanted to check out the news, but they couldn't even enter the palace.

This time they both felt a chill on the back of their necks.

Especially Hou Gennian, at this time he smelled the smell of death.

The accounts of the Account Department are related to him.

After one year, there are 5 to [-] taels.

He was really scared.

It seems that His Majesty is serious about it and wants to take this opportunity to get rid of his previous passivity.

It's all the fault of damn Qin Mo for checking the accounts properly, and those idiots in the household department. How on earth did they do the accounts? A fool found out the clues easily.

As for money or life, fools know how to choose.

He said to the housekeeper in pain: "Go to the warehouse and bring out 30 taels of silver. You have to be quick!"

(End of this chapter)

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