big dry son-in-law

Chapter 238 What a big brother, what a lucky star!

Chapter 238 What a big brother, what a lucky star!
When this person gets old, he likes to have someone to accompany him.

I also like to have groups of children and grandchildren around me.

Li Yuan was no exception, but none of his children and grandchildren were willing to come to Da'an Palace to see him, an old man who had lost his power.

Qin Mo was the only one who knew about warmth and cold. He complained of pain in his lower back. The next day, Qin Mo brought a special waist-protecting chair into the palace. It was incredibly comfortable to sit on it.

"Hey, I'm so tired of staying in Da'an Palace. It's not like you, who is outside every day." Li Yuan said.

"That's not easy. If you have time, you can come and stay at my house for a few days. I guarantee that you will have a good time!" Qin Mo said.

"Really?" Li Yuan was happy, but in an instant he shook his head, "Hey, you can't get out!"

"Are you afraid that my father will disapprove? Don't worry, I'm going to talk to my father. It's really unfilial. Being in the same place every day will make a good person go crazy!"

Wei Zhong and Li Yue's backs were soaked with cold sweat. Ancestor, can you say this?

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news!"

"Remember, you can only play for half a day a day, no more than three hours at most, and you can only eat a small piece of cake every day. Although it is delicious, eating too much is not good for the elderly.

It's not that I'm stingy. This cake is expensive, but it's not expensive for me. I can afford it even if you feed me every day.

I will ask. If you don't obey then, then the friendship between our grandfather and grandson will be over! "Qin Mo threatened.

"Why, the friendship between us is so shallow?" Li Yuan said unhappily.

"I won't make friends with people who don't care about their bodies!" Qin Mo said arrogantly.

"Hey, okay, I'm really afraid of you. I've become the emperor and I'm bothered by a silly boy like you. I'm so annoyed!" He said this without any trace of disgust on his face.

"Then I'm leaving. Old Master, Old Wei, take good care of me and I promise not to treat you badly!"

"Captain Prince Consort, this is what a servant should do." Wei Zhong said quickly.

After the two left, Wei Zhong said: "The Emperor seems to like him very much!"

Li Yuan smiled and said, "You have to see too many ghosts before you know who is a human being. This child is simple-minded and filial. When this person gets old, he likes to be controlled and cared for by children.

It's also fate, I feel happy when I see him, but he is too simple and easily instigated and bullied. "

He frowned and said worriedly: "Hey, no, I have to find a way to get him an amulet!"

Wei Zhong thought to himself that the Supreme Emperor had never cared so much about his children and grandchildren. This Qin fool was really lucky.

It was actually able to make everyone in the Tian family like it so much.

At this time, Qin Mo and Li Yue carried the big box to Tai Chi Palace. Before they even entered the door, they shouted: "Father, I'm here, come here and help me, I'm exhausted!"

Li Shilong was reading the memorial, which was all about impeaching Qin Mo these days. It was very common to write anything. It was very common for him to be sent to the border area with tattoos on his face, to cancel the engagement, and to ask Qin Xiangru to apologize on his son's behalf.

Someone even viciously suggested that Qin Mo be castrated. Li Shilong was so angry that he lost his appetite for food.

It's obvious that they did something wrong, yet they're still here to beat me up!
Hearing the call, he quickly dropped the memorial and ran out of Tai Chi Palace. He saw two panting people carrying a big box. Behind him, Li Yongmeng, Cheng Dabao, Chai Rong and others were also carrying boxes.

Chai Rong is now on duty in the palace, so he is also recruited by Qin Mo to be a strong man!

"Why are you carrying it on your own? Don't you know how to ask for a guard?" Li Shilong said angrily: "You are all working for a living, but you don't know how to help me when you see me?"

The guards were startled and hurriedly stepped forward, but were stopped by Qin Mo, "No, they didn't do anything serious. Don't hit the things inside, it's very dangerous!" Li Shilong was stunned and asked quickly: "Is it a grenade?"

"It goes without saying, come and help me, I'm exhausted!" Qin Mo said.

Li Shilong quickly stepped forward to carry the box. The guard looked at him and wanted to help, but he didn't dare.

"Slow down, be sure to slow down, don't use too much force!" Qin Mo ordered.

Several people put down the three big boxes, and Li Shilong said impatiently: "Can you open it and take a look?"

"Of course. Li Yue and I worked hard day and night to make this. Father, you are so cruel. You asked me to accompany the Supreme Emperor during the day and made me work overtime at night."

Li Shilong was also a little embarrassed, "Don't worry, my father will not treat you badly."

"How about, boss of the department, you should let Li Yue do it. I don't want to go to work, it's too annoying." Qin Mo said, "I now have greenhouses, Haidilao, new factories and breeding In the market, how can we have so much time to manage new departments?

Father, please do well and have mercy on me! "

Li Shilong looked at Li Yue, "Can he do it?"

"Why not? He can also make this grenade, but he still can't figure out the formula. He is a bit stupid." Qin Mo said with some disgust, "Otherwise, let him be the boss of the department, and I will be the boss." He will be in charge of the second eldest son in the department, and I will be a consultant. I will go over and give guidance when I have time.

Moreover, you father and son meet every day, and it is convenient to communicate in the palace. Anyway, I don’t want to enter the palace before the Chinese New Year! "

Li Shilong took a deep look at Li Yue, and Qin Mo actually handed him the recipe for the grenade.

This thing can be a huge killer if used well. Although he has not seen it with his own eyes, if used well, it can definitely change the way war is fought.

And the fewer people who know the recipe, the better.

"You just told Li Yue?"

"Yes!" Qin Mo nodded.

"Idiot, this recipe must be kept secret from now on. Don't tell anyone. Do you understand?"

"I know, Li Yue said, if bad people take this thing, it will be troublesome!"

Li Shilong nodded and looked at Li Yue with admiration, "You are right, this grenade can only be controlled by the imperial court!"

"By the way, Father, when the time comes, let Yongniang, Dabao, and Xiaochai go to the new department together. It's easy for acquaintances to use it." Qin Mo said: "I don't worry about other people handling it, especially people from aristocratic families, we must not let them Join, if a few of them get stolen, then it’s okay!”

Li Shilong also nodded. Indeed, those people from the aristocratic family could really do such a thing.

They were even pushed to the point where even the emperor and the others dared to dismount.

Li Yongmeng and others looked at each other and were a little excited. They knew the power of this grenade all too well.

The new department must be very important, and wherever you work as a errand, it must be particularly promising.

He is still very loyal and worthy of being their eldest brother. He always thinks of them no matter what good thing he does!

And Li Yue was even more excited. If his father really agreed to Qin Mo's proposal, then he would have a big killer weapon and invisible supporters in his hands.

Looking at Qin Mo, he was even more grateful, "What a fool, what a good brother, you are really my lucky star!"

(End of this chapter)

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