big dry son-in-law

Chapter 239 It exploded until they called daddy

Chapter 239 It exploded until they called daddy

"Okay, I'm sure!"

Li Shilong thought for a while and nodded to let others know that he was really worried.

"Quick, go and try its power!" Li Shilong couldn't wait to see the power of this grenade with his own eyes!

Qin Mo said: "This Tai Chi Palace is empty, and there is nothing to explode. Could it be that the Tai Chi Palace was blown up?"

"Who said the Tai Chi Palace was bombed?" Li Shilong snorted: "Follow me to the Royal Garden!"

There are many rockeries in the Imperial Garden, so you can blow them up at will.

The group of people came to the Imperial Garden, which was full of winter plum trees, which were colorful and looked particularly beautiful.

Qin Mo stared at the fish in the lake at a glance, took out a grenade, lit the fuse with a fire stick, and threw it directly into the lake.


A loud bang.

Water splashes everywhere.

Everyone around was frightened by the sound.

Needless to say, Li Yue and others, even though they had already seen it, were still shocked, and this time the grenade was larger than the previous one and more powerful.

This was the first time for Li Shilong to appreciate the power of grenades up close, and his head was buzzing for a while.

I saw a piece of fish in the lake turned over. There were dead fish dozens of meters around, and even the stumps of some fish were blown ashore.

"My fish, who told you to throw it into the water? There are so many rockeries here, why can't you blow them up?" Li Shilong loves fish. Whenever he is upset, he comes over to feed the fish, which makes him feel a lot better. Now that they are all dead, I feel extremely distressed.

"That's not possible. The power of exploding the rockery is too great. Others will be easily hit. They'll be fine in the water!" Qin Mo didn't feel that he was wrong at all.

Li Shilong had a headache, "Then stop throwing grenades into the lake now and go blow up the rockery!"


Qin Mo responded, walked to a rockery, and asked them to retreat dozens of meters before lighting the fuse.

Then he lit it and threw the grenade down the hole into the depths of the rockery.


Another bang.

The rockery collapsed from the inside, and rubble flew. One of the guards was accidentally hit by the rubble, and he bled immediately!
Li Shilong asked someone to bandage the guard. He looked at the shorter rockery and the broken stones beside it. He took a breath and said, "No wonder it can blow up a house. This power is really extraordinary. If it is used on the battlefield, then Aren't you going to kill a piece?"

“Father, this grenade is very powerful, but it is not moisture-proof and will easily go out when it rains. It is not very effective against cavalry unless they are grouped together.

But it is still very powerful for attacking and defending the city. If you encounter infantry on a sunny day, it will really kill them all. Moreover, this one is made of iron balls. When it explodes, the iron fragments will splash out, even the armor will be destroyed. Shot through.

And don’t be so narrow-minded. It’s best used to dig mountains and open roads! "

"You're right!" Li Shilong nodded, "I didn't see it, but you still used the method of fighting formation!"

Qin Mo smiled naively, "My father tells me about his heroic battles when he was young every day. I don't want to hear it, and I'm bored to death if he forces me to listen. I don't know how to fight because I just listen to what he says."

Li Shilong smiled and said: "Others want to hear it but haven't heard it yet. It's no wonder that you have never been on the battlefield, but you can organize people to save Cheng Qian in critical moments!"

He suddenly discovered that Qin Mo was actually a bit of a general.

Hey, it's such a pity. If this kid didn't have Soul Leaving Syndrome, he would definitely be handsome. In the future, when these people get old, Qin Mo will definitely be able to take over.

"Father, why don't you throw two away for fun?" Qin Mo handed over the grenade.Li Shilong had long wanted to try it with his own hands. The grenade was slightly heavy in his hand, with a fire stick in one hand and a grenade in the other.

"Father, throw it away immediately after lighting it, don't hesitate!" Qin Mo reminded.

Li Shilong nodded, lit the fuse, and threw the grenade.


The fish in the lake died again.

"My fish!" Li Shilong felt distressed, but even more happy. With this grenade, let's see who dares to fight with him!
"Isn't it just some fish? If it's dead, it's dead!" Qin Mo said: "Go and fish out all the dead fish in the water. There's an extra meal today!"

That was true, but Li Shilong felt unhappy and gave Qin Mo a chestnut.

"Oh, Father, why did you hit me again?"

"My fish died and I feel unhappy, so why don't you take it out on me?"

Hey, this sixth child used to make all kinds of excuses, but now he doesn’t make excuses.

Qin Mo couldn't stand that anger, "I'm not happy either, I'm going to blow someone up!"

"Where are you going? Come back quickly!"

"Those people haven't found the real culprit yet and haven't apologized to me yet. I'm going to blow them up!"

"Fool, wait!"

"I don't, my father beat me, and I can't beat him, so I can only find someone else to vent my anger on!" Qin Mo walked out, holding the big box in his arms.

Li Shilong couldn't laugh or cry, this fool said, "If you have something to say, anything can be discussed!"

"There is no need to discuss this matter. I have been hiding in the palace for four or five days. Is it possible that I can hide in the palace for the rest of my life? Then my father will miss me so much!"

Li Shilong thought to himself, your father misses you so much that you are not at home. Your father doesn't know how to worry. He went to Qin's house two days ago. He originally wanted to comfort Qin Xiangru, but he ate well and slept well at home. , saying that Hanzi is not at home, and he is in a better mood!

"Father, do you want to stop him?"

"Can you stop him? This idiot is a fool and no one can stop him. We stopped him today. When he comes home, can you guarantee that he won't go looking for trouble in private?"

Li Shilong looked at them, "Why don't you go and watch, don't let Qin Mo kill people!"

Li Yue understood instantly, "Yes, father, we will definitely work hard to stop the fool!"

"Hey, I've rebelled against you. Come on, Qin Mo blew up my beloved koi and deposed him as the county boss of Dingyuan County. From today on, Qin Mo is a commoner. You have to act quickly. Spread this decree!"

Soon, several people carried several boxes of grenades out of the palace, and Yang Liugen and others were already waiting outside the Meridian Gate.


"Uncle Liugen, everyone is here?"

"Young master, you are all here. You don't know that my father-in-law has been losing weight these days because of you!"

"Have those bitches gone to my father to admit their mistakes?"

"No, I'm so angry. I impeach you every day. My father-in-law is almost sick with anger at home!" Yang Liugen said, "His Majesty even went to the house to see me two days ago!"

"Okay, okay, you're not afraid of death, right? If you bully my father, I'll kill them!" Qin Mo was furious, "Follow me, and I won't give up until I let them kneel down and call me daddy this time!"

"Young master has an order, blow up until they call me daddy!" Yang Liugen waved his hand, and the people in Qinzhuang's eyes turned red and they howled. Those who didn't know thought they were going to fight to kill the enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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