big dry son-in-law

Chapter 251 Li Yue's Marriage

Chapter 251 Li Yue's Marriage
The next day, Qin Mo was still sleeping.

Qin Xiangru was pulled out of the bed.

"Still sleeping, have you forgotten what you are going to do today? Get up quickly, Li Yongmeng and the others are waiting outside!"

Qin Mo glanced outside, it was dark, "Even if you are getting married, you don't need to be so early, right?"

"It's too early?"

Qin Xiangru took out the whip and said, "Are you wearing clothes?"

"I wear it, I wear it!"

Qin Mo dressed reluctantly, and as soon as he went out, he was pulled away by Li Yongmeng and others, "Idiot, you have a lot to do today, and you have to lead Li Yue's horse. You have to do many things. "

"Hey, look at you, you look like you haven't woken up. You must have played too much yesterday afternoon!" Cheng Dabao said secretly: "You are young, you can't do it, right?"

"Hell, who can't do it?" Qin Mo got angry at that time, "It's only early in the morning, who doesn't fall asleep? I was busy until midnight yesterday!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing!" Chai Rong quickly smoothed things over.

"Let's talk about the big day first before going to the palace!"

The group of people jumped into the palace. Li Shilong also postponed the original small court meeting and deliberately opened the palace door early, of course it was the side door.

At the Meridian Gate, only when the emperor marries the queen, or the prince marries the princess, the wedding procession can go through the main entrance.

This is also the Daqian Dynasty, when the prince has grown up and still lives in the palace.

But this time after Li Yue gets married, he will also move to his own Prince Yue's Mansion.

These days, he has been busy in Yuewang Mansion, taking care of things before and after.

The group came to Annan Hall and saw Li Yue being manipulated by everyone.

All laughed.

I saw Li Yue wearing a scarlet suit, with a thick layer of white powder on his face, and red on his cheeks, making him look like he was singing in an opera.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh. Didn't you act like this when you got married?" Li Yue also felt ashamed that a grown man was wearing rouge and gouache.

"Li Yue, you look like Lord Rabbit!" Qin Mo couldn't hold it back and said.

"Go, go, you look like Lord Rabbit!" Li Yue snorted, "Idiot, I'm telling you, you have a very heavy task today!"

"Okay, okay, I got it, hurry up!" Qin Mo said.

"Fast? Can't be faster!"

As soon as Li Yue waved, the nuns pulled Qin Mo, Li Yongmeng, and Cheng Dabao over.

"What are you doing?"

"Captain Prince Consort, it's a big day for you. It's not okay for you to dress like this. You also need to put on makeup!"


Qin Mo exclaimed. He was laughing at Li Yue just now, but now he is in trouble, "I don't want to put on makeup."

Under Qin Mo's resistance, Qin Mo successfully completed makeup for the first time in his life.

All of them are tall and thick-looking men with makeup that looks like a monkey’s butt!

Qin Mo was completely speechless.

Li Yue laughed heartily, "Now our eldest brother will not laugh at our second brother!"

Qin Mo was so angry that he wanted to beat him.

Forget it, forget it, it’s a big day, just be happy.

After finishing his makeup, Li Yue first went to Da'an Palace to pay his respects to the Supreme Emperor, then to the Lizheng Palace to pay his respects to Empress Gongsun, and finally his mother-in-law.

Li Yue's mother-in-law was a very gentle woman. She specially wore festive clothes today and got up early to wait for Li Yue's arrival.

With tears in his eyes, he said, "Your Majesty!"

"Mother and concubine, my son is getting married today!" Li Yue knelt on the ground, also very excited. "Okay, okay, my son has finally grown up." Li Fei quickly helped Li Yue up, "I wish you good luck and bring the Liu family's little lady here soon!"

"Yes, mother-in-law!"

After bidding farewell to Concubine Li, Li Yue came to the ancestral hall. King Heng was also the ancestral order, and Li Daoyuan was also waiting at the ancestral hall.

Li Shilong has also been waiting for a long time.

Next came the complicated ancestor worship. By the time the ancestor worship was finished, it was already almost half noon.

Then, Li Shilong said to Li Yue: "Go and greet your prime minister, take over my sect, and show your respect to Commander Xu. I will be the heir of my late concubine. If so, there will be peace!"

The meaning of this sentence is, "Go, welcome your wife, and inherit the affairs of my family's ancestral temple. Try your best to guide her, respect the ways of women, and inherit the inheritance from your ancestors. You must always do this and never slack off."

Li Yue said: "Don't forget your fate!"

Then he rode on horseback with a big red ball on his chest. Qin Mo was leading the horse. The honor guard behind him began to play and sing. It was so lively!

Along the way, the snow was cleared, and colorful ribbons were flying wherever they passed!

People coming and going stood on both sides and offered their blessings to Li Yue.

There was a severe drought in the northwest and the victims came to Beijing. Li Yue provided relief work and established a charity foundation. The name of the wise king had long spread throughout the capital.

The people respected Li Yue very much.

Li Yue was also very moved, and he held his hands up repeatedly, the joy in his heart almost overflowing.

Soon the wedding team arrived at Zhu Guogong's mansion.

Duke Zhu's mansion was also decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, but there were seven aunts and eight aunts standing at the door, all holding sticks in their hands. People who didn't know better thought they were going to fight.

"Damn it, protect me, Li Yue!"

Qin Mo shouted, and Li Yongmeng and others quickly surrounded Li Yue, and the seven aunts and eight aunts beat them with sticks.

He was called the son-in-law, and he not only beat him, but also made fun of him in various ways, making the whole group miserable.

Qin Mo has also been hit with a lot of sticks and has a big bump on his head, but he still can't get angry. Are you angry?
After going back and forth, the clothes on everyone's body were all messy.

"Stop touching, aunt!" Qin Mo almost cried.

The group of people entered the gate with great difficulty, and what caught their eyes was a bucket full of wine. The wine was crystal clear. It was obvious that either the three bowls would not be enough, or the knife would burn.

Liu Rujian smiled and stood in the way with a few concubines, "I opened this road and planted this tree. If you want to live this life forever, drink up all this wine!"

Several people's faces turned green, "Xiao Liu, listen to big brother and stop drinking. Drinking will cause trouble and don't delay the good time!"

"That won't work!"

Liu Rujian smiled bitterly and said, "My mother said you are not allowed to go there without drinking!"

Qin Mo scratched his head and looked at Li Yongmeng and others, "There is nothing we can do, brothers, we have no choice but to get going!"

"I'll come first!"

Li Yongmeng stepped forward, holding the bowl, and swallowed it in one go!
The two brothers Cheng Dabao are honest people, not to mention Dou Yiai.

Qin Mo suddenly raised his wine, and the wine spilled all over the floor, "Here, let's toast first!"

When the bowl reached my mouth, my lips were barely wet!

Li Yue's eyes lit up and he also joined in. After drinking dozens of large bowls of wine, the two of them were not blushing and breathless, and looked like they were fine.

Qin Mo kicked Li Yongmeng and others, "I asked you to come here to welcome the bride, not to actually drink!"

Cheng Dabao burped, "This wine is really good!"

Li Yue couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, it's important to pick up the bride!"

Liu Rujian didn't stop him, and the group arrived at the bride's boudoir. Now, a new difficulty stood in front of them!

(End of this chapter)

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