Chapter 252

In the boudoir, Hu Hongyu looked at her daughter with decals and white powder on her face in the mirror, and for a moment she thought of her own youth.

She held the noose in her hand and helped her daughter to open her face bit by bit.

Once she meets, she is no longer a little girl.

"Your father is not at home. If your father were at home, he would definitely be very sad when he saw you getting married!" Hu Hongyu said, "Don't feel sorry for yourself. As long as Li Yue treats you well in the future, your parents will be happy." "

Liu Ruyu wanted to marry Li Yue, and now she got her wish, but she also left irreparable regrets.

It was her wedding, and her father wasn't there.

Tears blurred vision.

"Don't cry, today is a happy day!" Hu Hongyu whispered: "Don't move the fetal air. Let Honghong take over for you in the bridal chamber tonight. The child is still young and cannot bear the trouble. Do you understand?"

Liu Ruyu felt uncomfortable and shy, and nodded, "My daughter knows!"

At this moment, there was a commotion outside.

"Listen, Li Yue and the others are coming!"

Wiping away the tears on Liu Ruyu's face, Hu Hongyu said with a smile.

Outside, Liu Ruyu's friends and besties were blocking the door.

Li Yue quickly handed out red envelopes, then cupped his hands and said: "Sisters, please let me in!"

Qin Mo and others also shouted loudly: "Brother, come out!"

This is makeup!
However, the best friends at the door said: "It's not that simple to marry Ruyu from our family!"

"Sisters, stop making trouble, it's getting late now, don't miss the opportunity!"

From the time I walked in to here, and through all the checkpoints, it was already afternoon.

It gets dark quickly in winter. Although weddings are held at night, it is not good to be too late.

"Then it depends on whether you, the groom, can impress the bride!"

The red envelopes given by Li Yue were generous, and each of the gatekeepers received one ingot or ten taels of gold.

It can be described as rich and powerful.

Therefore, they were not too difficult.

"That's right, whether you can force it out depends on your own ability!"

As the saying goes, if you don't listen to your husband's poem urging you to make up, you won't go downstairs to make up without covering your head.

Li Yue got angry anxiously and quickly read out the poem he had made to encourage makeup, "I am too shy to get off the dressing table, and the maid will ring my nine hairpins."

"it is good!"

The crowd applauded!

But my best friend who was standing inside said, "I'm not sincere enough, do another song!"

Li Yue was also well prepared and read the second song immediately.

But the second song still didn't draw the bride out.

Liu Ruyu said: "Oh, please don't embarrass him!"

"If you don't feel embarrassed now, you won't be embarrassed in the future!"

"Yes, and both poems are not sincere enough!"

"His good brother is a drunk poet, he will definitely be able to write better poems, and it will definitely become a good story when the time comes!"

Liu Ruyu had no choice but to let them go.

Seeing that Liu Ruyu still didn't come out, Li Yue really got angry and quickly asked the people around him for help.

"I, I can't do it, but you can let me do boxing!"

"Don't look at me, I have trouble writing!" Brother Cheng Dabao shook his head repeatedly.Dou Yiai pointed at Qin Mo and said: "Quickly, get him drunk. If you get him drunk, he will write poems!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Qin Mo.

Qin Mo was furious and directly kicked Dou Yiai, "Can you bear it when you spend all your time picking up my friend's wool? Every time I get drunk, I don't know what poems I have made. It feels like that." Do you know how uncomfortable it is?"

Li Yongmeng hugged Qin Mo, "Idiot, for the sake of your brother's happiness, just endure it and just wake up!"

Li Yue's eyes also glowed green. He waved, and several people hugged their hands and feet. Qin Mo yelled angrily, "It's too much to bully others. You forget your friends when you see sex, tons, tons, tons."

Qin Mo almost vomited after eating a bowl of Shao Knife. This was not the same drink as at Tianxiangyuan yesterday.

"Okay, okay, he's blushing, he must be drunk!" Li Yue waved his hand, and several people let go of him. They saw Qin Mo burping from wine and looking at Li Yue with a resentful look on his face.

Li Yue also smiled awkwardly and said: "Idiot, it's up to you whether you can let Ruyu come out!"

Qin Mo almost wanted to hit someone, but today was a happy day and he couldn't really get angry at anything, so he pushed Li Yue away and said, "People inside, listen up!"

"Listen quickly, it's Qin Mo's voice!"

"Qin Mo is going to compose a poem, he must have been drinking again!"

Everyone in the boudoir pricked up their ears.

Liu Ruyu was also looking forward to it with great anticipation. What a stunning makeup-inducing poem Qin Mo would write!
Then I heard a voice from outside, "I don't know what night it is. I urge you to go to the balcony and get closer to the mirror."

Everyone held their breath and watched Qin Mo step forward and said again: "Who said hibiscus grows in water and blooms in the bronze mirror?"

"it is good!"

Li Yue couldn't help stroking his palms, "What a sentence, who said hibiscus grows in water and blooms in a bronze mirror!"

In the boudoir, Hu Hongyu said with a smile: "This Qin Mo is really talented when he is drunk. I really praise you to the sky!"

Liu Ruyu was also very happy, comparing her to a hibiscus flower!
"Sister Ruyu, it's open!" Qin Mo shouted loudly.

Hearing Qin Mo's call, Liu Ruyu said: "Sisters, please stop making things difficult for Ba Lang!"

"I think it's because you feel distressed!" A group of girlfriends laughed, and then the door opened in response.

"Open the door!"

"Quick, go in and steal the bride!"

Everyone rushed in hurriedly, and Li Yue picked up Liu Ruyu who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

However, with his weak body, it was difficult to hold him up, and Liu Ruyu was getting pregnant and getting fatter, so he didn't dare to do it.

"Slow down!" Hu Hongyu said quickly.

After leaving the door, Liu Rujian blocked the way with red eyes. He held a red hijab in his hand and admonished: "Respect them and never disobey orders!"

Basically, follow him, submit to him, and don't reject him at night.

Usually it is the father who tells his married daughter, but Liu Chenghu is away and the eldest brother is like a father, so this task naturally falls on Liu Rujian.

"Yes!" Liu Ruyu cried.

Liu Rujian put the red hijab on Liu Ruyu's head. At this time, Hu Hongyu also came over and warned: "I respect you, and I will do it all day and night!"

"Yes, my daughter knows!"

At this time, Liu Rujian said to Li Yue: "Come, let me carry my sister out of the house!"

Li Yue took a deep breath and carefully let Liu Ruyu get on his back without touching the ground with her feet.

The entire Liu Mansion burst into tears.

When Liu Ruyu got on the car, Li Yue got on the horse and circled the car three times, which meant that he would protect her in this life. Then he held his hands and said, "Brother and mother-in-law, please rest assured. Li Yue will not dare to betray Ruyu in this life!"

"Let's go!" Hu Hongyu said while holding back tears.

"Mother, my daughter is unfilial. I will come back to see my mother later!" Liu Ruyu cried loudly in the carriage!

(End of this chapter)

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