big dry son-in-law

Chapter 254 The Avengers!

Chapter 254 The Avengers!
"Dad, they are all watching!" Chai Sitian's heart was pounding and she felt it was difficult to breathe.

"It's okay, just see it when you see it!" Qin Mo smiled, looked at Li Yulan, and didn't know where the anger came from, and put it on Chai Sitian's face, and said "bah"!
Chai Sitian was so hot that she was almost smoking.

"Brother Qin, don't, don't do this." Chai Sitian almost lowered her head to her chest.

Li Yulan couldn't hold it any longer, big tears fell down, she covered her mouth and ran away.

Li Yushu also saw this scene and was very angry. This fool didn't even look where he was, but he was...
She stamped her foot angrily, and Qin Mo looked over just now, as if he was deliberately provoking her.

I just felt like someone had stuffed something into my chest, and it was terribly uncomfortable.

Her eyes were red, she clenched her pink fists, out of sight and out of mind, she turned around and left.

"Hey, seventh sister, third sister"

Li Yue was confused. Why did he leave without saying hello?

When he looked at Qin Mo, he suddenly understood and walked up to Qin Mo, "I'm stupid, um, can you restrain yourself a little bit? Although I know you like Chai Meizi very much, you have to think about me a little bit. That’s how I feel, sister!”

"I, Qin Mo's wife, have nothing to do with your sister!" Qin Mo snorted, "Okay, you go and receive your guests, I'm chatting with Sister Chai, I can't see!"

Li Yue smiled bitterly, now was indeed not the time to persuade fools, he had no choice but to accompany the guests.

Not far away, Qin Xiangru also had a formal conversation with Chai Shao for the first time, "My father-in-law!"

"Father-in-law!" The two of them cupped their hands, as enthusiastically as if they had been brothers for many years!
The two were chatting, Chai Shao pointed to the side, "These two children, it's true that there are so many people involved!"

Qin Xiangru was angry, he said, "You brat, you have to hold your wife behind your back."

Forget it, why are you still talking?

"Forget it, it's normal for a young man to be in control of his emotions, as long as no one is killed!"

"My father-in-law is right!" Chai Shao nodded, and during the conversation, many people avoided Qin Xiangru. He sighed secretly in his heart, "My father-in-law, there is something I don't know whether I should say or not! "

"We are all one family, there is nothing bad to say!"

"Thank you this time. You agree with the grace I asked for, but I might cause trouble for you!"

"What did I think was going on? It's okay. We all work for His Majesty. As long as we are loyal to His Majesty and loyal to our cadres, it doesn't matter. Didn't I live up to this time in the previous dynasty? Am I not loyal anymore?" Qin Xiangru comforted him. Chai Shao said: "From now on, the Qin and Chai families will be indistinguishable from each other. My fool is not very sensible either, so I can trouble my father-in-law to keep an eye on him!"

"Yes, although this kid can be a little impulsive sometimes, he is not blindly impulsive. He is also smart and talented, but his skills are a bit lacking. Now he is not stable at the border. It would be great if he could hire a master to teach him martial arts. , teaching him the art of war, he will definitely be a general by then!"

"It's useless. This brat is not sure what to do. I have taught him for more than ten years, and I have taught him all the strength!" Qin Xiangru is a handsome man among many, so it's not like he can't teach Qin Mo well.

"It's okay. I'll have a chat with Qin Mo sometime. This kid still listens to me!" Chai Shao said.

"Then I'll trouble my father-in-law."

When he said this, Li Shilong came with the queen, followed by the prince's support.

This time everyone knelt down.

Li Yue quickly left the guests behind and ran over quickly to greet them, "My son, please see your father, the emperor, and your mother, the queen!"

"Get up!" Li Shilong said with a smile.

"Thank you, Father!"

"Let's all get back together!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, my queen!"

Everyone got up.

"My brother has met the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess!"

"No need to be polite, eighth brother, congratulations on marrying a beautiful lady!" Li Xin said with a smile.The Crown Princess also sent her blessings.

The group of people escorted Li Shilong and Empress Gongsun to the main hall, and then sat on the main seat.

At this time, the wedding officially began.

"Sister, I'm going to work first. I'll see you later!" Qin Mo patted Chai Sitian's hand and walked into the main hall.

At this time, Mammy also came over with Liu Ruyu on her back, and the two formally worshiped.

Soon, after the worship service, Liu Ruyu was sent to the room, but Li Yue couldn't leave. He had to drink with the guests. Qin Mo and his party followed behind, their faces frozen with laughter.

Finally, when he came to the singer team, Li Yue said with a smile: "Everyone, thank you for singing at my wedding. I am very grateful. I propose you three glasses of wine!"

All the singers stood up quickly and returned the greeting. With their humble status, how could they bear Li Yue's toast.

Zhao Manyun, on the other hand, accepted the gift generously.

Because Qin Mo was wearing makeup, Zhao Manyun didn't recognize him for a moment. She didn't expect that Li Qingzhao's friend turned out to be the King of Yue.

Her heart boiled with murderous intent, but her face remained calm.

After Li Yue and others left, she looked deep into the palace, where there was the culprit who killed her parents.

That person is Emperor Daqian, Li Shilong!

She suppressed the urge for revenge in her heart. She also knew very well that this place was full of spies, and if she made the slightest move, she would be killed by random arrows.

This was not a good opportunity, but a plan formed in her mind.

She has been dormant for more than ten years, and it is not less than this time.

At this moment, Qin Mo gave Brother Cheng Dabao a snap of his fingers, and several people pushed out a huge wedding cake from inside.

The cake was pink, and the eighth layer was actually a bunch of mandarin ducks crossing their necks.

It was so vivid that everyone was shocked by the huge cake in front of them.

Even Li Yue was surprised, "Idiot, did you do this?"

"That's right, this is a wedding cake. It's so sweet after eating the cake!" Qin Mo climbed up on the table and broke off the pair of mandarin ducks on the top. "Bring this into the room and give it to Sister Ruyu later!"

Li Yue's eyes also became wet, "Good brother!"

Qin Mo patted him on the shoulder, "Well, you have worked hard to be together, but you must be nice to sister Ruyu. If you are not nice to him, we brothers will not forgive you!"


Li Yue nodded heavily, and then happily divided the cake.

The first piece is naturally for Li Shilong and Empress Gongsun, the second piece is for the prince and princess, and then the prince, the prince, the prince and the princess
Li Shilong was very satisfied with Li Yue's cake.

He took a bite and his eyes suddenly narrowed, "This cake seems to taste even better than the one on your birthday!"

Queen Gongsun took a bite and said, "I know this is a new style cake. I have already tasted this taste!"

Li Shilong's eyes widened, "When did it happen?"

"Qin Mo now provides me with three meals a day. Different dishes and desserts are given to me every day!"

Li Shilong snorted, "This heartless thing has delicious food, but he doesn't even know how to present it to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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