Chapter 255
"Your Majesty, why are you acting like a child? Qin Mo treats me well, shouldn't you be happy?" Empress Gongsun put her hand on her abdomen, "Recently, I feel like I'm getting fat. This kid is doing different things to me every day. I took supplements and gave me some health exercises for pregnant women. I don’t have much to do on weekdays, so I did it twice and I felt quite comfortable!”

Li Shilong nodded and couldn't help laughing when he looked at Qin Mo, who was toasting with Li Yue behind him.

This brat, wherever he is, is always filled with laughter.

The couple didn't stay outside for too long, and went back while the palace was locked.

The prince and princess also followed, and some princes and princesses also followed.

Li Yushu did not return to the palace. Today she is staying with Li Yulan!

As soon as Li Shilong and his wife left, the atmosphere at the scene completely relaxed.

Everyone started to pour wine into Li Yue, until Li Yue couldn't drink anymore. Then Li Yongmeng and other drunkards started to hold back the wine, and they all drank in confusion.

Qin Mo was also afraid that Li Yue would be drunk and impulsive, and it would be bad if he hurt Liu Ruyu.

"Okay, okay, if you drink it, he won't be able to have a bridal chamber at night. Send him to the room quickly!"

With Qin Mo's words, everyone embraced Li Yue and went in.

After closing the door, he looked at the beautiful girl sitting there with her head covered, and felt hot in her heart, "Ruyu!"

Liu Ruyu also trembled, "Eight Lang!"

Li Yue's hands are not hands, and his feet are not feet. "I, I still like you to call me Brother Yue!"

Honghong looked at Li Yue, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Uncle, it's time to lift your hijab and drink Hexin wine!"

"Oh, that's right!"

Li Yue reacted, suppressed his excitement, and lifted his hijab.

The four eyes are facing each other, full of affection.

I ate candied dates and longan, drank Hexin wine, and blew out the lamp.

The room suddenly became dark.

Cheng Xiaobao muttered: "Why are you silent? Isn't Li Yue good at it?"

"I'm so worried, why is there no sound at all?"

A group of people huddled under the window and listened.

At this moment, Dou Yiai couldn't help shouting: "Li Yue, are you not good at it?"

Immediately after the window was pushed open, a basin of cold water was poured out. Everyone screamed when it was poured on. Li Yue laughed and said: "I told you to listen to the wall, so get out of here!"

After driving away the people listening to the wall, Li Yue turned back.

"Ruyu, they're gone!"

In the darkness, Liu Ruyu's pretty face was hot, "Mom, I told you to let Honghong sleep with you today!"

Honghong on the side was clutching her clothes and was so nervous!

"It's okay!"

Li Yue smiled and said, "I asked the imperial doctor."

This night is filled with infinite warmth.

Qin Mo also took a group of brothers back to Haidilao and slept until the afternoon of the next day.

Rubbing his swollen head, Qin Mo said, "Are they up yet?"

"No, young master, they were all vomiting last night, and Uncle Liugen arranged for someone to stay by their side!" Xiao Liuzi said, holding a handful of hot towels.

"Get something light to eat!"

"It's all done. Oh, by the way, young master, Prince Yue's Mansion sent a return gift this morning!"

"I know!" Qin Mo nodded. Before he finished eating, someone came from the palace, "Captain Prince Consort, the Supreme Emperor misses you and asked you to come to the palace to accompany him. Oh, and you need to bring that A new style of cake is coming to the palace!”

"I haven't seen him for two days. This old man is too clingy!" Qin Mo scratched his head, "Well, take the cake away and tell the old man that I was drunk yesterday and am still dizzy now. When I sober up, I’ll go over and see him!”

The little eunuch was about to cry, "Captain Prince Consort."

"Okay, don't be afraid, just say that and I guarantee you'll be fine!" Qin Mo patted his shoulder.

The little eunuch had no choice but to go back.

Qin Moxin said that the old man must have gone crazy in Da'an Palace. Even if there were many beauties accompanying him, he would still be too old to bear it.

You still have to find something for him to do. If he comes to you every day, how can he play happily?

Just as I was thinking about it, someone came to the house.

"Master, my father-in-law calls you to go home!"

"what happened again?"

The servant said with a strange expression: "It seems like someone is coming from my hometown!"

"Home? Which hometown?"

"I don't know, I don't know. Anyway, my father-in-law just wants you to go back quickly!"

Qin Mo looked confused, took a few hasty bites, and went home.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw my father sitting there with a few people drinking tea and chatting, and a few young people standing there serving tea. Judging from their clothes, they were pretty good!
"Dad, are there guests at home?"

"Son, come here, let me introduce you!" Qin Xiangru waved, pointed at the elder beside him and said: "This is the clan leader, these are your clan brothers!"

Qin Mo looked at these people who were older than his father. Are these his brothers?

Before he could speak, the young men knelt on the ground, "My nephew has met my uncle!"

Qin Mo was dumbfounded, "Hey, you guys look older than me, why do you call me uncle as soon as you come up?"

"That's right, you are our uncle!" said the young man at the head.

"That's right, clan brother, this is my grandson, named Qin Wei. According to seniority, she does call you uncle!" Qin Youde said!

The clan leader Qin Xianggui said: "Your father and I are of the same generation, and your clan brother is the generation of You, so in the family tree, your name is Qin Youmo!"

Is there ink?I'm still funny!

Qin Mo looked at the clan members who suddenly jumped out and the clan descendants kneeling on the ground, "Get up and speak first!"

"Thank you, uncle!" the three of them shouted in unison.

"Dad, didn't you say that our family is helpless? Why?"

"Hey, Dad didn't expect that they would actually find this place. I left home when I was young, and I was lucky enough to meet His Majesty. Later I heard that our home was hit by a military disaster. The war was so chaotic at that time, and I thought that most of them were dead.

I didn’t go back to look for him, but I didn’t expect that they actually found me! "

"So, our family also has a clan?"

"Nonsense, otherwise how did your father come here?" Qin Xiangru said: "Your grandma passed away early, and I grew up eating the food of hundreds of families. If it weren't for the help from the clan, my father would have starved to death!

By the way, Brother Prime Minister, is Uncle Ping'an still there? "

"No more. Uncle Ping'an was still thinking about you before he died!" Qin Xianggui sighed.

Qin Xiangru's eyes were also red, "No, I want to go back to my clan to pay homage to his old man!"

"It's time to go and pay your respects. During the war, all the ancestral tablets in the ancestral hall were moved, and several groups of people escaped. Now only three groups of people have returned, and two groups are living outside, with no news at all!"

"Uncle, you are the elder of our Qin family and the glory of our Qin family. Our life is difficult now. Please help us, uncle!" Several people knelt down and cried and begged!
(End of this chapter)

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