big dry son-in-law

Chapter 256 Qin Xiangru is angry

Chapter 256 Qin Xiangru is angry
Qin Xiangru quickly helped them up, "What are you doing? Get up quickly. You have found me here with great difficulty, how can I ignore you?"

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed, "Thank you, Uncle Clan!"

"Hey, thank you for what!" Qin Xiangru said: "Tell me, what happened!"

"Brother, that's it!" Qin Xianggui sighed, and then told the story.

After a long time, Qin Xiangru finally understood what happened.

After the Qin family fled, they abandoned their ancestral land. Although the place where they live now is not remote, it is located in a small area. Every household is next to each other, and the living environment is particularly poor.

But when the world is stable, everyone must reproduce and live. Once they reproduce, the population will increase.

Therefore, several elders of the Qin family discussed and planned to move back to their ancestral land. Here, they used to rent the land with money and live under someone else's roof. They did not want to live anymore.

So I sent people back to the ancestral land to inquire about it. I wouldn't know if I didn't go back. Only when I went back did I find that the Qin family's ancestral graves had been dug up.

The Qin family went up to argue, but were beaten so hard that the original fields were taken over by local squires.

The ancestral hall was also demolished.

They had been away from home for many years, and when they returned, they thought about the possibility of being occupied, so the leader took out more than 2000 taels of silver that the Qin clan members had collected, and wanted to return to their ancestral land. If the money was not enough, they could pay it back slowly.

Then the money was robbed and the leading tribesman was beaten to death.

Speaking of the latter part, Qin Xianggui burst into tears, "The person who was beaten to death was my son!"

Qin Xiangru slammed the table angrily, "Don't the local parents care about it?"

“The squire’s hands and eyes were all over the place, and he said he had connections with the capital city. The local old parents couldn’t do anything, and even tried to fawn over him!
Poor our Qin family, our ancestral graves were dug up and our ancestral hall was lost.

Now a large clan of people are like lonely ghosts living under the shelter of others! "Qin Xianggui cried and said: "We also heard that the Duke of Qin was from Guanzhong, and his age and name were the same as those of the clan brothers who left the clan, so we collected money and shamelessly came to visit him.

The ancestor opened his eyes, you are really the clan brother! "

Qin Xiangru was trembling with anger, "Are my parents' graves still there?"

"My uncle and aunt's graves have all been dug up!"

"How brave!"

Qin Xiangru's anger rose. The reason why he did not return to his ancestral land was because it was a sad place. He was afraid that he would be sad when he returned, so he deliberately avoided it.

Moreover, hundreds of miles away from Guanzhong, he has no chance to go back.

Qin Mo also frowned. No wonder Qin Xiangru was so angry and dug up the graves of people's ancestors.

The people of Daqian are most interested in the ancestral hall, and they will never stop doing so.

Although they fled and did not return home for many years, the Qin family was still polite and knew how to redeem them with money, but beating someone to death was a crime.

Very good, Qin Mo is already angry.

But after all, they haven't seen this with their own eyes, so they can't believe their words!
"Come here, pack your things, take two hundred soldiers, prepare enough food and grass, and be ready to come back to Guanzhong with me at any time!" Qin Xiangru was really angry.

"You wait here now, son, come into the study with me!" With that said, Qin Xiangru walked into the back hall angrily, and Qin Mo followed.

Coming to the study, Qin Mo said: "Dad, although I am also very angry, we are not there, so..."

"I know, but the Qin people are the most honest people. I grew up there. I believe in them. Son, my father used to think they were dead and that we were the orphans of the exterminated clan, but not anymore!
Do you look down on them and think they are idiots? "

Qin Mo couldn't help but smile bitterly, "When did I say that? Without the Qin family, where would I be? If you ask me, don't take it from the backcountry. Move the ancestral grave here and buy a better piece of land next to Qinzhuang." , wouldn’t it be better to let them multiply and thrive than in Guanzhong?”

"You're right, I also have this idea. In the past, we, father and son, fought alone, but now we have clan members. In the future, when dad is gone, you will also have a helper!"

Qin Mo was speechless, "Dad, are you just waiting for me to say this?"

"Idiot, our family has so much money, and you are so good at making money, what's wrong with helping a bunch of clan members? If it weren't for them, my father would have starved to death, and that Uncle Ping'an, your father's martial arts is all taught to him. Yeah, I've been trying to find him, but I can't find him!" Qin Xiangru sighed: "I'll write a note to your majesty first, and I'll leave today. The Ministry of Finance has nothing to do at the moment, and Prince Cheng is still here. Well, it’s okay if I’m not here.

But you should be good at home, don’t cause trouble at every turn, and end up in the Dali Temple prison at every turn, do you hear me?

Also, take care of your brother's three sons. These three children seem to be quite smart. It's better to stay with them than to boss others around! "

"Dad, you really find things for me to do!"

"Father's debt must be paid by his son. Even if you are unhappy, you have to do it. I'm not going to discuss it with you again. If you don't obey, I'll beat you to death!" Qin Xiangru snorted.

"Okay, okay, I got it!" Qin Mo said: "I am now an uncle after all, you have to save some face for me!"

"Oh, my son actually knows how to save face. He has really grown up!" Qin Xiangru smiled, "Don't forget, you were crowned only in the past year, so now, I can fight as much as I want, even if you You’re crowned, I’m going to beat you up, even the Emperor can’t even tell you what’s wrong!”

"I haven't been crowned yet?"

Qin Mo was stunned, "I'm not an adult yet?"

"No, I was delayed by something before, so I put it off. After the New Year, dad will find an auspicious day for you to perform the crowning ceremony!"

Qin Mo was about to cry. What kind of father is this? His son's coming-of-age ceremony was so casual.

In Daqian, being crowned is a very big deal. Before you were crowned, if someone called you a dirty kid, you wouldn't be able to fart.

Once you are crowned, you are an adult and you must be responsible for what you say.

"It's okay, I just dare to do the crowning ceremony before your wedding!" Qin Xiangru began to write a memorial.

After writing the memorial, he stuffed it into Qin Mo's arms, "I'm leaving, you take it to the palace. If your majesty asks, just say that I'm returning home like an arrow. Your majesty won't blame me!"

"I know!" Qin Mo replied speechlessly.

Coming to the main hall, "Brother Prime Minister, you are successful, promising, and happy. Come with me. Xiaowei and you three follow Qin Mo!"

"Yes, Grandpa!" The three of them knelt down again!
Qin Xiangru acted vigorously and left with a few people. The soldiers had already brought a large amount of supplies in four-wheeled carriages.

Several people got into the car, and the Qin Mansion's motorcade left.

From the time Qin Mo came back to the time he left, it was less than an hour!
Qin Mo looked at the three of them with a headache, "Tell me, what are your names and what are your specialties!"

(End of this chapter)

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