big dry son-in-law

Chapter 263: The most reward he can receive is the county prince!

Chapter 263: The most reward he can receive is the county prince!
"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Cungong cupped his hands and left Tai Chi Palace immediately.

Li Shilong was in a particularly good mood just because of what the Emperor said to Qin Mo today.

It can even be said that his many years of heart disease and depression have been eradicated, and the whole person feels relieved.

What he said today was addressed to Qin Mo, and even more to him.

Looking back now, we are all a family, so there is really no need.

"Idiot, what a good son-in-law, what a lucky star!" Li Shilong was in such a good mood that he ate two more bowls of dinner at night, and even went to the Li Zheng Palace to tell Empress Gongsun about it.

"Really? Father really told Qin Mo that?"

"Well, my cousin said that Cheng Sanaxe was also there at the time. After so many years, some things should really be put down."

Queen Gongsun's eyes turned red. Only she knew what Li Shilong had been carrying in these years.

He killed his brother and brother, forced the Supreme Emperor to abdicate, and imprisoned him in Da'an Palace.

Li Yuan said that Li Shilong should never, absolutely should not have implicated Prince Jian's family.

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

She knew very well that if they were the losers, Prince Jian would not hesitate to let their family die without a burial place!
Moreover, he is the king and Li Shilong is the minister. If he wants the minister to die, the minister must die!
Li Shilong let out a long breath, "I feel relieved, Qin Mo, I will reward you!"

"What do you want to reward him?" Empress Gongsun said with a smile: "He doesn't like being an official!"

"He likes silver, should I reward him with silver?" Li Shilong said depressedly: "That boy has more silver than me. After the aristocratic family lost last time, several families collected another 30 taels and gave it to him!"

"Then didn't he help you get more than 200 million taels? Now they are more honest in the court, and His Majesty can also arrange his own people. This is all earned by Qin Mo with his life!" Queen Gongsun said: "He will After blowing up those fish, he confiscated his county uncle, but Erlang was too cruel!" When no one was around, the two of them were just a normal couple, and only Empress Gongsun dared to call him Erlang.

"Niannu, you don't understand. I don't want him to tell the truth. This kid killed someone last time. If we don't take away his county boss, how can we stop their mouths?"

In this situation, even if he wanted to reward Qin Mo, there was nothing he could do.

Unless Qin Mozai makes a contribution.

"Erlang, do you know what Qin Mo sent to the palace yesterday?"

"What?" Li Shilong curled his lips and said, "That boy never gives anything to me. Do you think he has any objections to me?"

"Why are you competing with children for favor?" Empress Gongsun knew that emperors are men too, and men can sometimes be childish. "He sent 30 taels to the palace, saying it was pocket money for me, and asked me not to I have wronged myself!”

Li Shilong was stunned, "Has every cent of the money given to him by the aristocratic family been sent to the Li Zheng Palace?"

"Yeah, he said he's not short of money, so it's useless to ask for so much money!"

"Humph, it's not for me!" Li Shilong said angrily: "Give him at most one county prince, no more!"

"Didn't Erlang say that he couldn't be rewarded for killing someone?"

"Who dares to say, blow him up!" Li Shilong snorted.

Empress Gongsun covered her mouth, "Erlang likes to be duplicitous in his words. He obviously likes this kid from the bottom of his heart!"

"Hey, it's a bit difficult to deal with Cheng Qian. He doesn't seem to like Qin Mo very much. Even his father wants Qin Mo to be his confidant.

However, Qin Mo is also a little afraid of him and wants to find an opportunity to resolve the misunderstanding between the two! "Li Shilong said.

Empress Gongsun nodded, "I told Qin Mo last time that the brewing case frightened him. This child seems reckless, but in fact he is really not very courageous.

He looks arrogant and domineering, but he is actually hiding the fear in his heart!

Otherwise, I will call Qin Mo into the palace tomorrow, and I will act as a mediator and let Cheng Qian apologize to him properly. ""Can! "Li Shilong nodded!
Early the next morning, Qin Mo waited on the old man and prepared to go back and take a nap. He originally planned to go into the palace to bring papers and other things, but he might as well forget it now and wait until he has saved more in a few days.

Cheng Sanxu and Li Cungong also came over early to report. Li Yue also came over. No, the three of them were playing mahjong inside.

"Master, the fourth prince is here!" Xiao Liuzi came over and said.

"Li Zhi?"

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows, "He also came to show his courtesy? Just say I'm not at home!"

That kid stuck his butt out, and Qin Mo knew what he was going to do. The last time he shamelessly shared the credit with Li Yue, he knew that this kid was pure and simple.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, you are at home. I thought you were not at home!" Li Zhi ran in from outside with a smile. We haven't seen him in a few days. Li Zhi seems to be getting fatter.

Yes, I broke in on my own.

"What are you doing here?"

"Come to see you!" Li Zhi said with a smile.

"Look at me, I'm fine!" Qin Mo said: "Xiao Liuzi, bring tea to the fourth prince. Fourth prince, I'm going to bed!"

"Dongshan Li Qingzhao!"

Qin Mo stopped, pulled Li Zhi aside, and patted his shoulder enthusiastically, "Hey, fourth brother-in-law, come here, how can I sleep? Come on, come on to my study, little Liuzi, go on Get some delicious food!"

"There is no need to eat. I just heard that Grandpa Huang is here, so I came here to have a look. Can you take me there?"

"This is not very convenient. The old man is busy at the moment. If you disturb him at this time, I'm afraid he will be unhappy!"

"That's okay. Let's study how to write lyrics with my brother-in-law. How about we use loneliness as the theme?"

Damn it, this little silver coin!

"Haha, how can I compose lyrics? My dead brother-in-law, oh no, my fourth brother-in-law!"

"Won't you be good at it after a few drinks?" Li Zhi said with a smile.

"No, the old man is here. How can I drink? If I get drunk, it will be bad for the old man to find me!"

"Then shall I go?" Li Zhi raised his feet to make a move.

"Fourth brother-in-law, why are you leaving? Come here, don't you just want to see the old man? If he sees you coming, he will definitely be happy!"

As he said that, he hooked his short neck and used force secretly, which made Li Zhi feel a little uncomfortable. He gritted his teeth and smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, there is no need to be so enthusiastic!"

"That's not possible. The first time you come to my house, you must be enthusiastic!"

Qin Mo hung almost half of his body on him, "By the way, fourth brother-in-law, how do you know Dongshan Li Qingzhao?"

"Those two poems, one is more melancholy than the other. Those singers in the capital sing it every day. Who doesn't know Li Qingzhao's reputation?" Li Zhi said with a smile.

Pulling, right?

The last time Qin Mo went to Tianxiangyuan, he heard from Dabao and the others that the fourth prince was inextricably linked to Tianxiangyuan.

Now, the stone hammer!

He smiled and patted Li Zhi hard, "You little old man, you are really capable!"

Then he added in his mind, "Zhao Manyun, I'm determined!"

(End of this chapter)

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