big dry son-in-law

Chapter 264 I don’t even want to be an emperor!

Chapter 264 I don’t even want to be an emperor!

"Brother-in-law said it wrong, I am the fourth child, not the sixth child!" Li Zhi squeezed Qin Mo's hand and felt better.

We arrived at the mahjong room, which Qin Mo had specially arranged for. Next to it was the massage room and then the sauna room.

This is usually where Qin Mo enjoys himself. It's so nice to have Chu Rui massage him and have a sauna together.

However, he won't let Churui come here now.

When I came to the mahjong room, I saw Li Cungong, Cheng Sanxu, and Li Yue, sitting there playing mahjong with the Supreme Emperor!
He quickly knelt down to say hello, "My grandson Li Zhi, I have met Grandpa Huang!"

Li Yuan glanced at it and said, "Oh, you're here too, get up!"


"If you have nothing to do, come here. I have a lot of fun at Qin Mo's house. If you come here every day, don't you expose that I am here? Don't cause trouble to Qin Mo!"

Li Zhi suddenly felt unhappy.

Li Yue can play mahjong, but he can't come?

"Grandpa Huang, my grandson also wants to come over and play with you. Moreover, my grandson knows mahjong and wants to play with you!" Li Zhi said shamelessly.

Qin Mo simply lay on the rocking chair nearby and watched him perform.

Li Yue also glanced at him, "Fourth brother, why don't we let you come after this is over?"

Li Zhi was overjoyed, "Thank you so much, eighth brother. Don't worry, I will play a few games with Grandpa Huang!"

I didn’t expect Li Yue to be so sensible!
"Hey, you are so fat. It's not good to sit all day. You should exercise more when you have time. There is no prince in the palace who is as fat as you.

There is still war going on at the border. How can you go to the battlefield like this?Which war horse can carry you? "

Qin Mo was heartbroken when he heard these words, let alone Li Zhi.

He felt extremely uncomfortable, it was piercing his heart.

But he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he gave a wry smile and cupped his hands and said: "Grandpa Huang taught me a lesson, but my grandson just wants to spend more time with Grandpa Huang!"

"If you lose weight, you are filial." Li Yuan felt like a mirror in his heart. Li Chengqian's biggest enemy was Li Zhi, who had both direct descendants and followers. Moreover, Li Zhi's intelligence was known to him in Da'an Palace.

Don't give him too much hope, otherwise it will be another disaster.

Li Yue suppressed his laughter and said, "Grandpa Huang, my fourth brother is also showing his filial piety, so I asked him to accompany you to play a few rounds. It just so happens that my grandson has lost all his money, so I'll ask the idiot for some money."

When Li Yue said this, he had no choice but to nod. To be honest, he had no impression of Li Yue before, but he knew that this child looked like him.

But after playing mahjong these days, I know more about Li Yue, and now Li Yue is not without any achievements. He is in charge of various factories and charitable foundations.

He did a great job, and I have a little more appreciation for Li Yue. Seeing Li Yue is like seeing myself when I was younger.

More and more pleasing to the eye.

What a pity, it would have been better if he was the eldest son.

After the game, Li Zhi was substituted, and Li Yue did not lie down, but ran forward and backward to pour tea and water for several people and arrange snacks.

Qin Mo called Xiao Liuzi over and said, "Go to the ice cellar and see if the fresh milk popsicles I made two days ago are ready!"

Xiao Liuzi nodded and hurried over. After a while, there was a box in his hand. The box contained popsicles filled with oil paper.

Qin Mo held the stick and peeled off the oil paper. It was milky white. It was made of fresh milk and sugar, and there were candied fruits and other things in it.

Not only that, there are mung beans and red beans in it.

Daqian had too little to eat, so he had to make do with it.

If I discover chocolate in the future, I might be able to taste it 'casually' in my lifetime.

Picking up a popsicle, Qin Mo started to squeak.Cheng Sanfu said sharply, "Nephew Qin Xian, what good food do you want to eat?"

"Good boy, what is this? Why haven't I seen you take it out before?" Li Cungong swallowed when he saw Qin Mo eating with gusto.

"Go, give it to me, one for each of you!"

Xiao Liuzi was a little scared, after all, he was the Supreme Emperor.

Li Yue took the box in his hand and was a little curious, "Fool, what is this?"

"Hey, Qin's popsicles, you will know after you try them!" Qin Mo sighed with satisfaction, "Xiao Liuzi, go get a copper pot and get some beef, mutton and vegetables. Don't eat hot pot at the same time. Popsicle, I’m a little sorry.”

Xiao Liuzi ran out in a hurry.

Li Yue opened the box, "Grandpa Huang, there are different flavors here, you can choose one!"

Just when Li Yuan was about to choose, Wei Zhong said quickly: "Your Majesty, it's better to surrender."

Li Yuan waved his hand, "My grandson-in-law will not harm me, so I will skip this step next time!"

Wei Zhong opened his mouth and finally said: "Yes!"

He had been a eunuch for so long and had seen his favorite Yukiomi, but she had never seen two trusted ministers.

Qin Mo is undoubtedly a trustworthy minister.

Li Yuan immediately chose one, which was red bean milk. He took a sip and immediately shuddered, "This popsicle tastes good, but it's a bit cold to eat on a cold day!"

"Old man, you have to eat popsicles in winter to taste them!"

Li Cungong also took one. Cheng Sanaxe was so evil that he took two at one go and ate them together.

"Fourth brother, come and root too!"

Li Zhi also chose one. He always loves sweets, but since Qin Mo made cakes, he eats them almost every day.

Sometimes he hates Qin Mo, why would he make such delicious food.

I wanted to be reserved and say no, but when the popsicles were handed to me, I couldn't help but take one.

Suddenly there was a loud "chick" sound, and everyone shuddered involuntarily, "Ha, eating popsicles in winter is indeed quite good!"

"Well, not bad, not bad. It would be nice if there was something to eat in the summer." Cheng Sanxu said: "Every summer, the heat kills me, and I want to sleep with ice cubes in my arms, but it's hard to keep the ice in the ice cellar, which gives me a headache!"

Just as he was talking, Xiao Liuzi made a small table and put on a copper hot pot. The servants brought various dishes and special seasonings.

The copper hot pot is bubbling, the red oil is rolling, and various meats are added, and the aroma suddenly emerges.

Then, with a hot pot and a popsicle, the snot bubbles are beautiful.

At this time, Li Yuan and others had no thoughts.

Li Yue possessed himself and said to Li Yuan: "Grandpa Huang, how about your grandson go over and bring you a bowl?"


Li Yuan nodded, "Come on, let's continue!"

Li Yue was overjoyed and hurriedly went over to pick up the meat. Qin Mo stopped and said, "What do you mean, I haven't even taken two bites yet and you've finished picking it all up for me?"

"Grandpa Huang wants to eat!"

Li Yue kept winking at Qin Mo, and Qin Mo rolled his eyes, "Keep half of it for me!"

After picking up the vegetables and making a bowl of dipping sauce, Li Yuan imitated Qin Mo and took a bite of hot pot and a popsicle, "Have a good time. I don't even want to be an emperor these days!"

(End of this chapter)

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