big dry son-in-law

Chapter 265 Dark Arrow

Chapter 265 Dark Arrow
Cheng Sanxu was so greedy, "Really, is it really so delicious?"

"Go, Lao Ba, get Cheng Sanaxe a bowl!"

"Oh, how dare you let the Eighth Prince take action? Qin Mo, get me a bowl!" Cheng Sanaxe said.

"Make me a bowl by the way!" Li Cungong said.

Qin Mo was enjoying the meal, "Come here by yourself, I don't even have enough to eat!"

"Okay, Duke of E, Uncle Wang, let me do it!" This was a good opportunity to show courtesy, how could Li Yue miss it.

He has grown up slowly now and understands some things that he should know. Qin Mo has gathered a bunch of people around him, and these people are his assets.

As for the father, it was also at that time, so it was unlikely that the prince would even think about going up there for a while.

"Thank you, King Yue!" Li Cungong raised his hand!

"Uncle Wang is too polite!"

"Thank you, King Yue!" Cheng Sanxu said with a smile.

Soon, the two of them were eating steaming hot pot and taking a bite of popsicles. "Hey, this is so cool. Nephew Qin, do you still have these popsicles at home? Bring a few hundred to my house!"

"You have thought well, this one is worth fifty Daqian Tong Bao, if you want to eat it, you have to buy it with your own money!"

Cheng Sanxu curled his lips and thought, after a while the mahjong game will be over, and he will take back all the [-] pieces of mahjong.

Qin Mo was eating happily when someone came again. It was Feng Jin. When he opened the door and saw the Supreme Emperor and others, he was stunned.

"My slave, please see the Supreme Emperor, the Fourth Prince, the King of Yue, the Prince of Cheng County, the Duke of E, and the Prince Consort!"

"Get up!" Li Yuan said.

"Old Feng, why are you here?"

"Captain Prince Consort, the Queen has summoned you!" Feng Jin said.

"Is there a problem?"

"I don't know, but I'm in a hurry. I want you to go there now!"


Qin Mo wiped his mouth and said, "Li Yue, come here and make hot pot. Old man, my mother is calling me, so I'll go over first!"

"Well, come back early and go out for a walk with me in the afternoon!" Li Yuan said.

After leaving the mahjong room, Qin Mo stuffed a popsicle into Feng Jin, "Try, my new creation is quite delicious!"

He also had several boxes wrapped in his hand, which contained pure milk popsicles. These were not for Empress Gongsun. She was pregnant now and could not eat these cold items. They were for Xiaojiu.

This little girl looks like a porcelain doll. Every time she sees him, she calls her in front of and behind her brother-in-law. She is very obedient and sensible.

Qin Mo also likes her quite a lot. No, he promised her to bring her delicious food last time, and Qin Mo didn't forget it.

Feng Jin took a sip and immediately shuddered, "It's so cold!"

Soon, Qin Mo entered the palace, "Queen Mother, Queen Mother, I'm coming!"

Before anyone arrived, people started shouting from afar.

Hearing Qin Mo's voice, Queen Gongsun quickly put down the nühong in her hand and saw Qin Mo running over, "You kid, why are you running in such a hurry? It's slippery in the snow, what should you do if you fall?"

Qin Mo said with a smile: "My son, don't you want to come here early?"

"What's in your hand?"

"Oh, this is called a popsicle. It's a snack I brought to Xiaojiu. You can't eat more of this. You can only eat one stick a day. It's best to eat it every three to five days. It's not good to eat it every day. It's easy to have diarrhea!" Qin Mo instructed.

"Xiaojiu will be very happy to know that you brought her food!"

Queen Gongsun smiled. Qin Mo liked Xiao Jiu surprisingly, probably because he saved her. Xiao Jiu also liked Qin Mo very much and clamored for a brother-in-law every day!
"By the way, Queen Mother, why did you call me here in such a hurry?" "Oh, hasn't it been closed in recent years? I have nothing to do in the palace. I plan to go to Huaqing Palace to take a warm bath in the next two days!"

"It's good to take a warm bath!" Qin Mo came to Daqian and hadn't taken a bath yet. "But Queen Mother, where is the old man still with me? I can't leave him to enjoy it alone!"

"Can't we just call the Supreme Emperor?" Empress Gongsun said with a smile: "Our family is going out for a winter outing!"

"Are many people passing by?"

"Well, don't worry, Huaqing Palace is quite big and can accommodate many people." Empress Gongsun originally planned to call the prince here, but after thinking about it, she felt it was not good.

After all, the Supreme Emperor is still here, so if the two of them are forced to talk, it will probably be of no use.

Moreover, she also wanted to make the relationship between Qin Mo and Li Yushu a little more harmonious. It would also be good for the family to travel together.

Li Yulan also needs to be called in to get through her ideological work as soon as possible.

After all, children are debts!
"Okay, but mother, you can't take a bath in the hot springs now, it's not good for the fetus!" Qin Mo reminded.

"I got it. Mother, let's go out for a breather and take a look at Dongmei!"

Queen Gongsun was greatly benefited from Qin Mo's concern. It was sad to say that among all her children, none of her children was as filial as Qin Mo.

"Come, my mother has sewn another dress for you in the past few days. Put it on when you go to Huaqing Palace!" This is a round-neck robe with gold thread, which looks particularly noble.

"Thank you, Queen Mother!" Qin Mo said happily.

After coming out of the palace, Qin Mo sat on the carriage and walked back. The next second, an arrow shot out from a dark corner!

But it didn't shoot through the carriage!
But Qin Mo, who was lying in the carriage, was startled, "What's wrong?"

The car curtain opened, and the servant held an arrow in his hand, "Young Master, this hidden arrow was released from nowhere!"


It's obvious that they can't be killed, so they started assassinating?
Qin Mo broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, his carriage was sandwiched with thick steel. It was particularly difficult to get steel in Daqian.

The main reason was that the temperature could not be reached. Qin Mo worked hard and got it all on the carriage.

It is simply not something that a bow and arrow can penetrate.

"What are you still waiting for? Go home quickly!"

Qin Mo wanted to track down the real culprit, but he didn't want to take risks in such an unobstructed situation.

The guards of the Qin family quickly protected the carriage, and the driver urged the horse to rush towards the Qin Mansion.

In the car, Qin Mo held the arrow with his handkerchief, fearing that it was quenched with poison.

There are no marks on it either.

The last assassination was probably not from a noble family, they couldn't do such a stupid thing.

Even if there is an assassination, it will take several months.

So, who shot this arrow?

When he thought about it carefully, everyone he had offended had a motive for committing the crime.

Or, he is the person his father offended.

This was the second time. Qin Mo was furious, "I won't trust Qin until I find you out!"

Soon, the carriage arrived at the Qin Mansion, "Go and call Uncle Liu Gen over!"

Qin Mo was so angry that he was even thinking that the one who fired the cold arrow was a remnant of the previous dynasty?

It shouldn't be, they want to kill, kill the emperor, kill the prince, how can killing a prince of the country shake the leadership?

Soon, Yang Liugen learned the news that Qin Mo had been shot. He was so frightened that he put down what he was doing and returned home with his people!
(End of this chapter)

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