big dry son-in-law

Chapter 266 I beg you, can you?

Chapter 266 I beg you, can you?
"Master, Master"

As soon as he entered the house, Yang Liugen shouted. Before the father-in-law left the house, he gave many instructions to take good care of Qin Mo.

If Qin Mo had any shortcomings, even his death would not be enough!

"Here it is!" Qin Mo was lying on the rocking chair, playing with the arrow in his hand!

"Are you okay, young master? Get up quickly and let me take a look!" Yang Liugen sweated.

"It's okay. If something happens to me, you have to offer me incense!" Qin Mo said.

"Bah, bah, bah, the young master will live a long life and have many children and grandchildren!" Yang Liugen said, but he was relieved.

"Master, you'd better not go out these days, wait until those aristocratic families arrest them!"

"The head of the scapegoat they caught has been chopped off long ago!" Qin Mo said: "With these people, a sow can climb a tree. Besides, I can't hide at home every day, right? How uncomfortable would that be?"

"Then what should we do? The other party is hiding in the dark!" Yang Liugen said: "How about telling His Majesty and asking Your Majesty to come and investigate?"

Qin Mo shook his head, this is not modern, there are eyes everywhere.

In Daqian, the investigation rate is extremely low. There are gangsters everywhere and there are many rangers. How to investigate?
Yang Liugen frowned, "Master, show me the arrow!"

Qin Mo handed over the arrow, and Yang Liugen picked up the arrow and looked at it carefully, pinched the arrow and pulled it gently, "Master, this arrow seems to be able to move!"

He pulled hard, and something suddenly fell out of the arrow!
Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "It's you who pay the debt back, Uncle Liugen!"

Yang Liugen quickly picked up the things on the ground and unfolded them. It was filled with small scripts!

"Master, there is a letter here!"

Qin Mo quickly pinched it with a handkerchief, "Quick, Uncle Liu Gen, put it on the desk. Go wash your hands!"

Yang Liugen understood instantly and ran out to wash his hands!
At this moment, Qin Mo finished reading the letter, and Yang Liugen ran in, "Master, what is written on it?"

"The superior asked me to write down the recipes for growing vegetables in winter, fireplaces, grenades, sea fishing, etc. and put them in one place. Otherwise, they will send people to assassinate me endlessly!"

"Good thief, don't let me catch him, otherwise I will kill him!" Yang Liugen was furious.

Qin Mo sat on the rocking chair with a smile, "Growing vegetables, fireplaces, and sea fishing are all smoke bombs. Even if I gave them to them, they wouldn't dare to do them, because it would expose their identities, which would be like catching them all in one go. Opportunity.

Their real target is grenades! "

"Master, I told you before I left that the grenade formula is the top priority!"

Now the people in Qinzhuang who make grenades have all been arranged secretly and are heavily guarded.

"I know, don't worry, I can still live a good life if I give it to them?" It doesn't matter whether it's a family member, a remnant of the previous dynasty, or any other careerist.

This grenade can stir up a dynasty.

Qin Mo is not ambitious either. He has seen bloodshed and knows what it feels like when a human head falls to the ground, so this is good.

If someone hadn't provoked him, he would have been reluctant to take out the grenade.

Moreover, Qin Mo left a way out for himself, but as for this way out, he would never show his cards until it was absolutely necessary.

"It's easy if you know what they want. Just use the bait and find a way to lure them out!" Qin Mo chuckled!
"Master, are you planning to put yourself in danger?"

"Of course that's not possible!" How could Qin Mo, a man who cherishes his life so much, put himself in danger?

"Even if we don't write down the recipe for grenades, we can't grow vegetables or do Haidilao."

"Uncle Liu Gen, I have my own way!" The [-] meters surrounding the Duke of Qin's mansion are within the scope of the court's surveillance. There is no need to worry about safety. However, it is unrealistic to take the old man out.

Qin Mo didn't want to take risks.

But Li Yuan didn't know what happened to Qin Mo. After the mahjong ended, he drove Li Zhi and the others away. Li Yue wanted to stay and serve him, but Li Yuan didn't let him stay and asked him to go back and make people early!

"Let's go, Qin Mo, go for a walk with me!"

"Old man, no, I got a bit of a headache from the wind today!" Qin Mo lied!

"Aren't you fooling me?"

"No, I really don't feel well!"

Qin Mo pretended to be sick, "I'm going to go back and lie down. Oh, by the way, I have to go to the Queen today. The Queen Mother said that we can go to Huaqing Palace to warm soup in two days!"

"What's so good about taking a bath in a warm bath? I still like to take a sauna here. It's much more comfortable than taking a bath in a warm bath. Then I'll have a quickie."

"The horse kills the chicken!"

"Yes, that's right. I slept so soundly at night. I have never been so comfortable in Da'an Palace!" Li Yuan was so happy to stay at Qin's house that he couldn't miss his childhood. He followed them and faced false filial piety and all kinds of competition for favor. It’s so annoying.

"That won't work. I have already promised the Queen Mother. If I don't go by then, the Queen Mother will definitely be unhappy. She has ruined the children of Lao Li's family. I want to follow her orders. Do you think you are right?"

Li Yuan was reluctant.

To be honest, after staying with Qin Mo for a long time, he became accustomed to this simple and pure life. He was too tired in the palace, but he was relaxed, happy and comfortable here.

"Old man, to be honest, I don't really want to go, but I have no choice, I have to go." Qin Mo sighed, "Whoever doesn't go to this kind of family activity will not be successful.

When the time comes, when we come back, the mahjong parlor should be ready. You will have something to do by then, and you will collect the money from now on, and we can carry forward mahjong. How great! "

"Hey, okay, but in the evening, you have to continue telling stories. Did you know that your Journey to the West is really good, I'm addicted to it!"

"No, I have a headache. This story is very difficult to think about. I'll let you know tomorrow if it's okay!"

"Hey, how will you spend the night? You have a headache and can't play mahjong with me!"

Li Yuan's life is now fully scheduled. He starts with a delicious breakfast in the morning, then plays mahjong, and takes a walk in the afternoon.

In the evening, listen to Qin Mo’s talk about Da Qian’s Journey to the West!

It is still a story with him as the protagonist. It tells the story of Li Daoxuan, the imperial younger brother of Daqian, who traveled from Daqian in the east to the west to preach morality.

The state religion of Daqian is Taoism, and Buddhism is imported. The people of Daqian particularly like this kind of sectarian dispute.

The beauty of this story is that Qin Mo mythologized the ancestor of Li Qian.

This is very beneficial to Daqian's rule.

Once this story of Journey to the West spreads, the reputation of his great ancestor Li Yuan will naturally be deeply rooted.

Of course, Qin Mo made changes. The story is that Emperor Daqian prayed for Emperor Gao, hoping that Emperor Gao would live a long life. Then the Taoist master voluntarily traveled westward, preached virtues, prayed for Emperor Gao, and prayed for Daqian.

This time, the story instantly sublimated.

"Qin Mo, please tell me half of it, please?"

(End of this chapter)

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