big dry son-in-law

Chapter 276 Warning

Chapter 276 Warning
"Father, calm down, I have asked Cheng Qian to face the wall and think about it!" Li Shilong was also very angry, but what should he do?

Beat and scold Li Xin in public?
Even if he wants to be beaten or scolded, it will be done behind his back.

"Tell him, if Qin Mo is such a good brother-in-law, if he doesn't treat him well, it will be his loss. One Qin Mo is worth half the civil and military power of a dynasty.

Those wine sacks and rice sacks are useless at anything, but they are more greedy than anyone else!
He Li Chengqian doesn't know, and you Li Shilong don't know either?

Who helped you clean up these blood-sucking insects? Who got you 200 million taels of silver when the treasury was empty, so that you could face all this calmly?
Who was it that got the grenade, gave you the confidence, and gave you the capital to conquer everything?

If you don't want me to leave the palace, then I will always die in the palace and never go out again, lest you anger Qin Mo! "

"Father, you are wrong. I am not worried about you being with Qin Mo!" Li Shilong actually felt guilty in his heart. He first punched the county uncle. Originally, he planned to give Qin Mo the title of county prince today. .

As a result, he was knocked out with one punch.

He also received a beating.

"My son plans to go to Huaqing Palace tomorrow morning and take Qin Mo with him. The temperature there is high and it's quiet. It's a suitable place for Qin Mo to recuperate!"

"Hypocrisy, hurting people, and not giving them any supplements!"

Li Shilong was extremely embarrassed. He went and Li Yuan didn't scold him in front of outsiders?
He just knew this would happen, so he couldn't bear to go.

Just now, the queen brought Xiao Jiu over and scolded him. Xiao Jiu even cried and said that she would never recognize him as her father again.

"If you don't want to go to Huaqing Palace, I will send someone to take Qin Mo to Da'an Palace in a while, and I will take care of it myself.

Also, Qin Mo has made such great achievements and must be promoted. How wronged the child is. Qin Mo will not go to court in the future. As I said, he will go to court, and I will accompany him. I want to see, that A blind thing dares to stumble Qin Mo! "

Li Shilong only smiled bitterly.

"Tell Li Chengqian that his grandfather's life was saved by Qin Xiangru, his father's life was saved, and his own life was saved by Qin Mo. Let him think about how ungrateful he is. If he can't see through this, how can he control Daqian?
Lost the watermelon and picked up the sesame seeds. He is extremely stupid and often makes mistakes. If he can't be a good prince and abdicate as soon as possible, it won't be his first time anyway! "

After speaking, he took a deep look at Li Shilong and left angrily.

"Congratulations to my father!"

After sending Li Yuan away, Li Shilong's face darkened. Although his words were unpleasant, he was still reminding him.

Daqian, there must be no second 'White Tiger Gate' incident.

"Your Majesty!"

Empress Gongsun held a paddle in her hand and slapped Li Xin on the back for thirty times before stopping.

His back hurt, but Li Xin gritted his teeth and didn't make a sound!
"Today, if you hit Qin Mo three times, I will hit you back ten times!" Queen Gongsun said angrily: "Why do you have to fight Qin Mo? You don't know how much contribution he has made today?

I have told you a long time ago that this child has an impulsive temper and is easily provoked. As an elder brother-in-law, do you have to show your majesty as a prince in front of others? "

"Mom, he beat up my teacher in front of my son. Should I just pretend it didn't happen, or should I cheer for him from the sidelines?" Li Xin contradicted.

"Your father has already been beaten with a hundred sticks. His only consideration is that he needs you to show how you respect your teacher? Don't forget, he is your brother-in-law!

Don't forget, his name is Qin Mo, he is the prince of the Duke of Qin, and he is your savior! "It's right for him to save Erchen, and it's right for Erchen to beat him. Erchen, that's right. Even if the queen mother beats him four hundred times, Erchen is right, and it's Qin Mo who's wrong!" "His eyes were full of suppressed anger and resentment.

Queen Gongsun's eyes were full of disappointment, and the board in her hand fell to the ground. She was out of breath because she was too angry, "You are still too far behind, really too far behind. You don't even understand how to be a human being. In the future, How convincing!
There are many things that you don’t understand when you are the prince. When you become the emperor, it will be too late! "

"Is it wrong for my son not to favor and trust Qin Mo?" Li Xin said with tears in his eyes, "Then the queen mother can just let Qin Mo be the prince, and my son will have no complaints!"

Queen Gongsun was speechless, but she still held back, "I will tell you one last time, Qin Mo will definitely be the mainstay of Daqian in the future, and the disasters at the border will definitely be eradicated in the future, but governance The world needs capable ministers.

Do you want a group of favored ministers and happy ministers who are just living without food, or do you want a group of capable ministers and capable ministers? Think about it yourself.

If you still don't understand Qin Mo's contribution and importance, you have been the prince for more than ten years in vain! "

"Qin Mo is a nuisance, but capable ministers are not like that!" Li Xin laughed at himself, "But I also understand that when I meet Qin Mo in the future, I will stay away. As long as it is Qin Mo's matter, I will never say anything." Mention, even if one day he holds a knife to Er Chen’s neck, Er Chen will still laugh and applaud him!”

"you you."

Queen Gongsun couldn't breathe, her body softened and she fell directly to the ground.

Li Xin's eyes were about to burst, "Mother!"

Queen Gongsun fainted, and the imperial doctor hurried into the palace.

All the princes and princesses gathered in the Li Zheng Hall.

Li Shilong put his hands behind his back and never took his eyes away from Empress Gongsun.

Li Xin and the Crown Princess were kneeling there, their eyes full of worry.

In the huge Li Zheng Hall, no one dared to breathe heavily.

After a long time, the imperial doctor stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty is just angry and fainting, caused by a temporary lack of Qi and blood. Since your last fainting, your health has become much better than before. Thanks to these days. Will raise, otherwise"

"Otherwise what?"

"Otherwise, there will be a dragon in your belly." After saying this, the imperial doctor was silent.

Li Shilong suddenly looked at Li Xin and kicked him to the ground, "Get out of here!"

Li Xin only felt that his internal organs were all mixed together, and Lin Rong did not dare to help the prince up. He knelt on the ground and cried and begged: "Father, your old injury has not healed, and you cannot withstand this kick. I am willing to accept it on my behalf!"

Looking at Lin Rong, Li Shilong couldn't help but continue to have an attack, "Everyone, please get out of here. Don't bother your mother anymore these days!"

Knowing that Li Shilong was on fire, no one dared to get into trouble at this time.

Li Zhi stood up from the crowd, moved his fat body, and walked to the prince, "Brother, get up quickly!"

"Go away!"

Li Xin pushed Li Zhi away, and when he was off guard, Li Zhi fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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