big dry son-in-law

Chapter 277 8 Carry away in a sedan chair

Chapter 277: Carry away in eight sedans
"Big brother."

Li Zhi screamed in pain and looked at Li Shilong with aggrieved face.

This moment really made Li Shilong's lungs explode with anger.

But by this time, Li Xin had already limped away.

It was Lin Rong who said to Li Zhi with an apologetic look: "Fourth brother, sister-in-law, I have to apologize to you!"

Li Zhi stood up with difficulty, "Nothing, sister-in-law should go see big brother!"

Lin Rong nodded and quickly chased after him.

Li Shilong sat by the bed, looking at the pale Queen Gongsun, and felt even more guilty for Qin Mo. If Qin Mo hadn't used various methods to get food for Queen Gongsun and nurse her back to health these days, I'm afraid this time.
He was very aware of his wife's character. She would live on a diet, and give delicious food either to her children or to the concubines in the harem.

Ever since he came to power, he has never been worried about the harem.

Li Xin's actions in recent days made Li Shilong hesitate, but his father's words made him hesitate again.
That night, Qin Mo was lying on the bed. Chu Rui applied a hot towel to his feet, while Chai Sitian wiped his face carefully, "Brother Qin, the princess came to see you, why not?"

"Seeing that she is upset, she is not really here to see her. Besides, you and sister Churui are enough!" Qin Mo said.

"What about the Supreme Emperor?"

"A golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as your own doghouse. Besides, how can you get such treatment after entering the palace?" Qin Mo chuckled.

"Brother Qin, please don't hit someone in front of His Majesty next time. Although it's not your fault, I'm worried about it!" Chai Sitian said.

"Don't worry, good girl, it won't happen!"

"But if the other party bullies us too much, then we can't be wronged. Take me with you and I'll find a place with you!" Chai Sitian didn't think it was wrong to hit Liang Zheng. She just felt sorry for her husband.

"I have a good girl like you, even if it means giving her to my county prince, I won't change her!"

Chai Sitian felt sweet in her heart, "I, I'm not as valuable as the prince!"


Qin Mo scratched her nose, "In my heart, you are a priceless treasure!"

"You just know how to say nice things to me!"

Chai Sitian said shyly.

Churui felt sour in her heart, Qin Mo often said this to her.

"I really want summer to come soon, and then I can marry you!"

"Ah, are you ashamed?"

"Why are you so embarrassed? My father-in-law pushed you here. Come on, get a stamp!"

"Don't worry, you will be seen. Sister Churui is still here!"

"It's okay, Sister Churui is one of our own!"

Seeing the two of them fighting, Chu Rui smiled sadly and entered the small room obediently!

The sound of fighting continued for two quarters of an hour before Chai Sitian walked out holding a basin with a blush on her collar.

"Second Madam, let the slave come!"

"It's okay, I can do it myself!" Chai Sitian smiled and left the room as if running away!
But soon, she turned back, blew out the lamp, and lay down next to Qin Mo, but Qin Mo could only lie down and move his hands and mouth.

For three consecutive days, Qin Mo spent it in bed. On the fourth day, Yang Liugen sent a wheelchair over and said, "Master, give it a try and make it according to the drawings you gave me!"

Qin Mo looked at this simple wheelchair and was quite satisfied. The wheels were made of a mortise and tenon structure, wrapped in iron sheets, and then covered with two layers of coarse cloth on the outside to increase shock absorption!

With Chai Sitian's support, she sat on the mattress-padded wheelchair, but she couldn't do it completely, so she had to support it a little with her hands, "Not bad, it's quite comfortable!"

"As long as the young master likes it!"

Yang Liugen said with a smile: "Master, I think this wheelchair will be very easy to sell if it is made into a product. If there are elderly people or patients at home, this kind of wheelchair is suitable!" Let’s produce it at the furniture factory, let’s make a batch to test the water first!”

"Yes, Master!"

"By the way, how's it going at the breeding farm?"

"Sanjin said that the first batch of eggs will probably break out of their shells in the next two days, and some of the eggs are starting to move!"

Qin Mo nodded, "Are those three big ones okay?"

"Fortunately, Master Qin Kong is at the breeding factory now. He likes it there quite a lot. He said that he should observe carefully and keep records, so that the efficiency of the breeding factory can be improved!"

"Yes, he is a talent!" Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction.

"Young Master Qin Liao, he studied blacksmithing in Qinzhuang and has many ideas. He figured out how to make this wheelchair!"

"Not bad, not bad!" Qin Mo was even more satisfied. It was better to hire people from outside than to use his own people.

"What about Qin Wei?"

"Master Qin Wei is supervising the construction of the new village!"

"Okay, tell me when the egg hatches!"

"Yes, Master!"

After Yang Liugen left, Qin Mo asked Chai Sitian to push him around Qin Mansion.

Soon, the housekeeper came in, "Master, Master Liu's letter!"

After receiving the letter, Qin Mo read it and found that more than 20 people did not come to the court meeting that day.

Some people are marginal figures, or they are too old to walk anymore, and they hold empty positions in the court.

Or, just a nobody.

He could understand if others didn't come, because these people were always good at the previous court meetings.

But Hou Gennian was basically there, but if he didn't come, something was wrong!

Could it be that the person who shot the secret arrow was Hou Gennian?
Qin Mo took out the fire certificate and burned the letter.

If this incident has something to do with Hou Gennian, then does the hunt also have something to do with him?

We must continue to investigate, and we must investigate deeply. If we can't find it, we must find a way to kill this guy!

Qin Mo will not leave trouble for himself.

Moreover, this guy already had an irresolvable grudge with him!
At the same time, someone came from the palace, it was Feng Jin.

"Old Feng, what are you doing here?"

"The Empress asked this old slave to take you to the palace. She said she wanted to go to Huaqing Palace. The temperature there is high and is suitable for recuperation!"

"Aren't you saying we can't go on?" Qin Mo frowned: "By the way, how is my mother? Is she feeling better?"

"The Queen is feeling much better. Don't you feel bored in the palace? So you want to go out and relax!"

"Hey, I don't want to go, Lao Feng, how about you help me talk to my mother, and I have to change the dressing every day, which is inconvenient!"

Feng Jin seemed to have guessed what Qin Mo would say, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, the imperial doctor will accompany him, and the emperor has been thinking about you very much these days!"

Can an imperial physician have sister Chai and sister Churui?

And there will definitely be a lot of people there by then, and some of them will be annoyed. It took him two days to be clean.

"But, there is still something going on at my breeding farm."

"Captain Prince Consort, please don't embarrass me. Your Majesty has issued a death order, and you must be taken over to recuperate. The reason why I have waited a few days is to wait for you to consolidate your injury!" Feng Jin waved his hand. Several eunuchs came in from the main entrance carrying a large sedan chair!
(End of this chapter)

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