big dry son-in-law

Chapter 302 The posthumous title is 'Wu'

Chapter 302 The posthumous title is 'Wu'

"You mean that Hai Dafu?"

"Yes, Hai Dafu will definitely find me at all costs."

"Why?" Xiao Miaozhen wanted to see what excuse Qin Mo would make.

"Hey, this."

Qin Mo paced in place, opened his mouth several times, and then swallowed back his words, "It's hard to say, because I have a big secret hidden in me. If this secret is revealed, Hai Dafu and his family will definitely die!"

Xiao Miao's thoughts changed, "In that case, I won't ask, but you can't leave now. You have to wait for two days until the sun comes out before you leave!"

Qin Mo thought to himself, why doesn't this Xiao Miaozhen act according to the routine?
Aren’t women all very curious?

After thinking about it, I felt that judging Xiao Miaozhen by the standards of ordinary women was a kind of contempt in itself.

In Qin Mo's heart, his aunt is definitely a breath of fresh air.

Even though she is older than him, his two lifetimes combined make him older than her.

Thinking about it this way made me feel better.

Who can refuse a beautiful aunt with similar views?
He gritted his teeth and said, "Auntie, I will only tell you this secret. I'm afraid that one day I will die and no one will know about it."

Xiao Miaozhen just wanted to laugh, but her face was extremely serious, "Are you looking for revenge against Hai Dafu?"

Qin Mo didn't reply directly, "Auntie, come over here and I'll tell you!"

When Xiao Miaozhen came closer, the scent made Qin Mo's mind wander, "Auntie, that Hai Dafu is actually searching for seven Buddhist scriptures. These seven Buddhist scriptures are called the 42 Chapter Sutra. Legend has it that these Buddhist scriptures were left by the emperor of the previous Zhou Dynasty.

Back then, Li Qian attacked the capital. In order to continue the Zhou Dynasty's national destiny, the former Zhou emperor hid a large amount of gold and silver treasures in one place. If you find all seven books with 42 chapters, you can dig out the treasure.

At that time, we can gather loyal people to fight against the Zhou Dynasty. In fact, I have always felt that the Zhou Dynasty emperor was very good. It was not the emperor's fault that he conquered Goguryeo three times, and the use of the word "Yang" is too much.

I think we should use 'Martial' Emperor to highlight the emperor's life!
The front part is all nonsense, but the back part is his real intention.

Xiao Miaozhen believes in Buddhism, but has a Taoist name.

He is single but has a huge fortune.

Therefore, Qin Mo guessed that this woman must be the daughter of a high official in the previous dynasty, and she must hate Li Qian in her heart.

Xiao Miaozhen's eyes remained calm, "That's not something we can talk about. Now that we are in Li Qian, the Zhou Dynasty is already a thing of the past.

I'm very happy that you can tell me this secret, but these are just clouds to me. I just want to worship Buddha wholeheartedly! "

The more she said this, the more determined Qin Mo became.

The reason is simple. No matter who it is, they will be surprised when they hear him say this.

If she was surprised or scolded Qin Mo, Qin Mo would think that he had guessed wrong.

But she was a calm person and obviously didn't resent what Qin Mo said.

Qin Mo had some concerns in his mind and continued: "Hey, it's a pity that Zhou Zhou died in this life, but the only thing the emperor did wrong was to conscript Jiangnan for corvee several times, which caused too many wives and children to be separated.

If Goguryeo can be captured, maybe the Zhou Dynasty can continue for hundreds of years! "

Xiao Miaozhen sighed, "Go back and rest, I'm tired!"

Back in the room, Xiao Miaozhen's memories rippled.

Qin Mo's words pried open a hole in her restless heart.

Posthumous title 'Wu'?
He really deserves it!
He is doing it all for the world, for the poor family, why don't those people support him?
Tears stained the skirt of his clothes.The whole person fell into a whirlpool of pain.

When her mood calmed down, she even felt in a trance that what Qin Mo said was true.

He is obviously Daqian's son-in-law and is favored by the Heavenly Family, so why do he say such things?

Could it be that she showed her weakness?
Shouldn't be.

But what is certain is that this little slick guy talks glibly and doesn't say a few words of truth.

"Thank you. He wanted to become a martial artist all his life, but he didn't expect that he would be put in a 'Yang' position after he died!"

Soon, another two days passed. It was a sunny day and Qin Mo was carrying a bag with food behind him.

I got skis under my feet. Although they were crude, they were strong and saved time and effort when walking in the snow.

"Brother Mule, I'm leaving first. When I come back, I will find you a hundred female mules and make you the king of mules!" He patted the mule's head.

Mule sneezed and glanced at Qin Mo, seemingly disdainful.

"You are awesome!" Qin Mo wiped his face, and then said to Xiao Miaozhen: "Auntie, I will miss you when I leave. Sister Xi'er, I will miss you too. Thank you for taking care of me.

Brother Macho, I hope you can smile more when you come back next time. By the way, help me take care of my aunt and sister Xier. I’m leaving! "

"Have a safe journey!" Xiao Miaozhen was still calm, and there was no change in emotion on his expression.

On the other hand, Xi'er, after spending the past few days getting along with Qin Mo, felt that this fool was really interesting.

"Don't die on the road!" Xi'er snorted.

"Wait for me to come back!" Qin Mo waved his hand!
Then he slowly came out of everyone's sight.

"We spent so much effort and just let him go?" Xiao Wu said in confusion.

"This guy has great uses. If you are just tough, you won't be able to achieve anything. I have already taken a lot of steps back. If you are still not satisfied, then go and arrest him and torture him. Is that enough?"

"I don't mean this!" Xiao Wu quickly knelt on the ground, "Princess, please punish me!"

Xiao Miaozhen's eyes were cold, "It's time to go back, let's send people here to watch, that fake body won't be able to withstand it for too long!
Moreover, he will definitely come back! "

"Will it?" Xi'er said in disbelief.

Xiao Miaozhen said calmly: "The prince can't escape from my grasp, let alone him? I want him to willingly hand over everything in his hands bit by bit!"

At the same time, everyone in the capital had given up hope.

From the initial 5 people to the current 2 people.

There was also news from Jingzhao Mansion, but there was no news from Qin Mo either.

Li Shilong was ashamed, Empress Gongsun was in tears, and Li Yuan also hid in Da'an Palace, staring at the mahjong in front of him in a daze.

Li Yongmeng and the others haven't given up yet. These days, the capital has been plowed.

I don't know how many people died in Xiajiuliu, and even the rangers in the capital became targets of attack.

Qin Xiangru had not slept for three days. Dashan and Erzhu knelt on the ground and begged him, "Master, please take a rest. If this continues, how can your body bear it?"

"I'm fine, I want to find my idiot, I want my son!" Qin Xiangru's eyes were bloodshot, "I am an incompetent father, I am a bastard father!
He said he didn't like the princess, but I didn't allow it. I should have promised him a long time ago. I would rather he be that stupid son. I only want my son! "

(End of this chapter)

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