big dry son-in-law

Chapter 303 Sadness flows upstream!

Chapter 303 Sadness flows upstream!

Dashan and others were also heartbroken.

First, Wu Gui died in a surprise attack by the remnants of the previous dynasty, and now there are no traces of his six corpses, and the young master is missing.

Before our eyes, a family is about to be separated.

The energy and spirit of the entire Qin family were drained away.

After the Duke of Qin's palace was gone, even hope was gone.

Qin Xiangru cheered up and said, "Let's go to the suburbs today!"

"Master, even if you want to go find the young master, you have to eat before you go!" Everyone knelt down and begged.

Qin Xiangru picked up a Hu pancake and said, "Let's go and eat while you're looking for it!"

With that said, he mounted his horse and galloped away.

He set a time for himself. If Qin Mo could not be found within seven days, he would kill all the people who had a grudge against Qin Mo.

At the same time, in the princess mansion.

Li Yulan fell ill again, this time more serious than last time.

Her bedside was filled with letters, all of which she and Qin Mo exchanged.

On one day at most, they wrote more than 20 letters until the curfew.

At that time, they had endless things to say, and every letter was filled with memories.

Their feelings don't grow over time, but are hidden between the lines.

It was the hand-in-hand time when we were building a snowman on a snowy day, and that heart-breaking "Wo Nong Ci" in the snow!
It was for her that she had the courage to reconcile with Qimei.

The cowardice is her, the regret is her, the resentment is her.

"Qin Lang, if you come back, I will no longer be timid or cowardly. I will openly tell Qimei that I like you.

I will beg my father, emperor, and mother to say that I like you!

Who am I to tell Third Sister that her sister-in-law is shameless! "

Only crying was heard, but no tears were shed, because the tears had long since dried up.

The two red streaks at the corners of his eyes and his chapped lips were like flower stamens that were blown by the wind and rain and might wither at any time.

Hong Dafu knelt beside him, feeling extremely regretful, "Princess, I was wrong. I will never hinder you again. Please, have something to eat."

How uncomfortable it will be for the Prince Consort to see you like this when he comes back! "

"I can't eat it!"

"Princess, I beg you, please take care of yourself so that you can wait until the Prince Consort comes back and tell him what you want to say!"

"Do I still have a chance?"

Li Yulan said feebly: "Dafu, you go down first, I'm tired!"

"Princess, I beg you!" Hong Dafu knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing. He felt regretful in his heart now. If he knew this, he might as well help them earlier.

If this continues, the princess will really risk her life.

He knew that the princess was angry with him and hated herself. She was filled with anger. She seemed weak, but in fact, she was the strongest.

What she determined was something that even nine oxen could not pull back.

Li Yulan turned a blind eye to what Hong Dafu did, "Dafu, I ask you something, you must help me!" Hong Dafu raised his head, "Princess, as long as you have a meal, don't say one thing, just ten things, One hundred pieces, even if it takes my life, I am willing to do it!"

He had watched Li Yulan grow up. In his heart, he was both his master and his relative.

"I don't want your life, I only ask you to do one thing for me!" Li Yulan said: "If one day I die, you can find a way to stuff these letters into my coffin and bury them with me.

If anything happens to Qin Lang, help me get some of Qin Lang's clothes and stuff them into my coffin. Whether I can be with him in life or not, I will be with her in death! "

Hong Dafu cried and begged: "Princess, I beg you, please don't think like this. Prince Consort Duwei Ji has his own destiny. You must take care of yourself and wait until he comes back."

Tell him these words yourself, please! "

"Hey!" With a long sigh, red tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and Li Yulan slowly closed her eyes, "Go out, Dafu!"

Hong Dafu gritted his teeth anxiously and cursed in his heart: "Qin Hanzi, you are such a disaster!"

The palace has lost the joy of the past. It has been closed in recent years, but there is no celebration. Everyone is cautious and has a mountain in their hearts.

Qin Mo was nowhere to be found, but life had to go on.

Li Shilong finished handling the business and said subconsciously: "Qin Mo hasn't come to see me for several days!"

After saying that, his heart sank. If Qin Mo died, it would definitely be Da Gan's loss.

Arriving at the Li Zheng Hall, Empress Gongsun stood up quickly and said, "I have met your Majesty!"

"Niannu, we are an old married couple, so don't do such nonsense." Li Shilong looked at Empress Gongsun who was thinner than before and said with distress: "You are not alone now, you are two people, you must eat more. "

Since ancient times, the Tian family has been ruthless, and it depends on who the other party is.

If he is a sword, then Empress Gongsun is the scabbard. The reputation of his heroic master is half of that of Empress Gongsun.

"I know, I just don't have much appetite lately!"

Li Shilong pulled her to sit down and looked at the things on the table, "Didn't I tell you not to be a female celebrity anymore? Now that you still have money, you can take a rest."

Queen Gongsun's eyesight was not very good and she couldn't see clearly when she stood far away.

"Hey, if you don't find something to do for yourself, you will be too busy. Now the children have all returned to the palace. It's cold and they don't want to go out. As soon as they are free, they feel flustered.

It's almost the New Year now, and the child hasn't moved yet, but I think he is also a lucky person, and he can't just disappear.

So, I made him a New Year's dress. The child has lost his mother since he was a child. It's so painful. He regards me as his mother. He clings to me in everything and is filial.

My heart feels like being stabbed by a knife. In the harem, the children were fine when they were young, but when they grow up, they are no longer kissed. This child is really a mess.

He has taken good care of you in everything. Cheng Qian and Yu Shu did not care about how many things they did to bully him.

I feel bad! "

Wiping away her tears, Empress Gongsun continued: "They say the Tian family is ruthless, why are the Tian family so ruthless? Are the Tian family not human beings?
Whose heart is not made of flesh, and who does not bleed when pierced by a knife? "

Li Shilong was also very unhappy. He was the emperor immediately and was used to seeing life and death, but that didn't mean that he had no feelings.

"When the child comes back, he will be able to wear new clothes. As a mother, it is useless for me. I see him being wronged every day, and I hide my selfish thoughts in my heart.

This is not what parents do. What my father said that day made me reflect on myself. Maybe we were wrong and this is not how children are educated.

Teeth and lips sometimes fight, not to mention different people.

Erlang, when this kid comes back, don't let him go to court. He has a lazy temper, so you might as well let him stay at home.

If something happens, just call him into the palace and have a meal and chat together, okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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