big dry son-in-law

Chapter 304 Rumors 4

Chapter 304 Rumors Spread
Li Shilong nodded, "Okay, I promise you!"

"I didn't give birth to him or raise him, but he can still treat me like a biological mother and serve me filially. This shows how pure and kind he is in his heart!"

Empress Gongsun sighed: "Look at my father, he has to be strong in his life. Have you ever been so close to that descendant? Do you really think your father is getting old?"
He actually sees things more clearly than all of us.

Since he returned to Da'an Palace, he has not been out again, and he actually feels uncomfortable! "

"Where's Yushu?"

"I'm crying. I avoid crying every day. I said this girl is stubborn. Just like you, she obviously likes her but refuses to admit it. She just wants to bully Qin Mo and make him bow his head." Empress Gongsun said: "There is nothing to say now. Use it, it may not be a good thing for two stubborn cows to be together, Dou Yiai's matter is still ahead, we must take a warning."

Li Shilong nodded, but also felt a lot of melancholy, "Children are debts!"

"This palace is really deserted without Qin Mo, and life suddenly becomes boring!" Li Shilong put his hands in his hands, as if there was a child in the family. He would be annoyed just by looking at him on weekdays, and when he was angry, he would I want to put my feet on it.

But, suddenly, I’m gone, and I’m panicking again!

Li Shilong left the Li Zheng Palace and came to Da'an Palace.

Wei Zhong sighed and said: "Your Majesty, please come back. The Emperor has been in a bad mood these past two days and he doesn't want to see anyone!"

Li Shilong shook his head and cupped his hands, "Father, my son, please retire!"

In Da'an Palace, Li Yuan was lying in a rocking chair, with his and Qin Mo's favorite cake in hand.

In his hand, he also held the compiled Daqian Journey to the West.

"You brat, you've been away for so many days, it's time to come back. These days should be enough for you to think about the rest of the story, right?

Come back, I want to hear your story. No one is playing mahjong, but it’s so boring!
Aren’t you going to talk about opening a mahjong parlor and a storytelling teahouse with me?
Tell me, if their wise man were the owner of a mahjong parlor, would their jaws drop?
When the time comes, I will also go to the teahouse to tell stories, and I’m sure they will be fascinated by it! "

Li Yuan was used to the days when Qin Mo was around. In the past, his life only consisted of Da'an Palace, but now, he can leave the palace freely.

I can play mahjong with many people, listen to stories, and do things I like.

The sharp edges and aggressiveness of when I was an emperor have also worn off my suspicious character. In fact, when I get older, I just miss that.

Drink tea, play mahjong, listen to stories, and take care of the juniors, isn't that all?

"Old dog Wei, come in and tell me a story!"

Wei Zhong walked in quickly, "Your Majesty, this old slave is here!"

"Stop talking nonsense and come on!"

Wei Zhong said: "Your Majesty, you have heard this story many times these days, aren't you tired of hearing it?"

"Never get tired of hearing this, there is still a lot of truth in it!"

Li Yuandao: "Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly!"

Wei Zhong knew how much people were afraid of being alone when they got old. The Emperor had memorized the story a long time ago. He was just afraid that the story would be over and no one would continue it!

At this time, everyone was very happy.

To them, Qin Mo was a scourge, a hundred times dead.

They all wanted to celebrate together.

Once the limelight has passed, they can intervene unscrupulously. At that time, what Qin Mo left behind will become the best nourishment for the family.

He is the king of the world, not the king of the world. This must be made clear.

Seeing the past five or six days, everyone believed that Qin Mo was dead.

So several people secretly planned to take action on people related to Qin Mo.

Cheng family?No, Cheng Heizi is a big bastard, and he himself is not simple either.

Became the king of the county?
Skip it, the royal family cannot move for the time being!

Dou Xuanling?
It doesn't work too well. As the emperor's secretary-general, Jane is in the emperor's heart. His youngest son also has a good relationship with the prince, so it's not easy to deal with.

Liu Chenghu is guarding the southwest and touching his family is not seeking death?

After thinking about it, there is only one person.

Chai Shao!

In-laws of the Qin family!
There is nothing better than using Chai Shao to make an article!

But how to do it is very clear.

On the seventh day after Qin Mo disappeared, a rumor quietly spread in the capital!

Qin Mo's disappearance has something to do with the Chai family!

Why is it related to the Chai family?

The Chai family were loyal ministers of the previous dynasty. Although they defected to Daqian, they were never reused by the court.

Moreover, he is also secretly connected with the remnants of the previous dynasty. During the last hunt, there were traces of the Chai family.

The reason why Qin Mo was taken away was to get the grenade formula in Qin Mo's hand, in order to subvert Da Qian!
There were so many messages that it spread by word of mouth, and within a day it had become a huge hit!
And it became more and more violent. Eggs were thrown at the door of Duke Chai's mansion, and even feces was thrown at them.

As a result, even the Duke of Qin was involved.

However, there is another saying to clarify to the Duke of Qin that after all, Qin Xiangru only has a son, and it is impossible to harm his only seedling.

Therefore, it was Chai Shao who harbored evil intentions, the Duke of Qin was innocent, and Qin Xiangru, as a hero, naturally won everyone's sympathy.

The people were in an uproar, and many people yelled: "My mother, the Zhou Dynasty has been dead for a long time, but she still wants to go forward."

"Although Qin Mo rushed in recklessly, there are countless people alive, and he is the consort of the eldest princess of Daqian. What a pity!"

At this time, in the palace, Li Shilong's face was ashen.

Hundreds of civil servants impeached Chai Shao. They did not directly say that Qin Shao was the culprit, but they demanded that Chai Shao be investigated strictly.

"Your Majesty, Chai Shao has not made any contribution to the court for more than 20 years. Why did he start fighting for power when he got old?"

"There are so many talented young people in the capital, why did you choose Qin Mo as your husband? No one believes that there are no clues in this!"

"Your Majesty, Chai Shao's true intentions are clearly revealed. Poor Prince Consort, he was deceived by the people closest to him. I beg your Majesty to put Chai Shao into prison and torture him severely. There will definitely be gains!"

Everyone bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, please investigate Chai Shao thoroughly!"

"Based on your own speculations, you asked me to imprison a prince who is loyal to the imperial court. What do you want to do?"

Li Shilong's voice resounded throughout the Tai Chi Palace, and there was suppressed anger in his tiger eyes.

Today, they dared to join forces to coerce themselves to investigate Chai Shao. Then after some time, shouldn't they turn their target to Qin Xiangru again?

When he gets old, should he be forced to abdicate in favor of someone more worthy?
He had never looked forward to Qin Mo's presence so much. If Qin Mo was here, they would dare to show their heads and jump out.

It will definitely smash their heads!

Thinking of this, he said coldly: "You must think about it carefully. If this matter has nothing to do with Chai Shao, when Qin Mo comes back and knows that you bullied his father-in-law and finds you, I will not help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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