big dry son-in-law

Chapter 307 Homecoming!

Chapter 307 Homecoming!

Cheng Sanxu stepped forward, "Old boy, have you figured out how to interrogate me?"

Li Cungong smiled meaningfully, "Don't say it, don't say it!"

"Hmph, let me tell you, you have to take good care of Chai Shao's family. If that silly boy comes back and sees his father-in-law and wife being bullied, the sky will break for you!" Cheng Sanfu snorted.

"Do not worry!"

Li Cungong said.

The generals standing there also looked at each other, and it was Xu Shichang who spoke, "Let's all disperse. Since Prince Cheng said so, there must be no problem!"

They actually wanted to use this incident to have a fight with the civil servants, but Qin Xiangru told them to go back, and the fight couldn't happen.

Everyone is a little unwilling.

Xu Shichang walked to Qin Xiangru's side and said, "Xiangru, our family has traveled far over the years. When your children come back, let them move around more.

Hey, we are all old, and we will all be buried in a few years. These people are so arrogant, and they regard the person above as a fool.

That person has restrained himself a lot over the years, and you know why! "

At this point, Xu Shichang stopped talking. He believed that Qin Xiangru understood what he meant.

Qin Xiangru nodded. After all, Xu Shichang was also worried that if he died in the future, his children would have no one to take care of them.

In fact, he has never been in good health. He retired not only to avoid suspicion, but also to take care of his health.

For example, among the generals, Hou Gennian has not come, but this guy holds a high position and is the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he has a different mindset from them.

Why is this happening?

Because Your Majesty doesn’t allow it!

This guy has always wanted to have both sides, but in fact, he has been drifting away from the true core.

After everyone left, Qin Xiangru went to Dali Temple and saw the Chai family father and son in the prison.

"My dear, I have caused trouble to your family this time!" Chai Shao looked ashamed, "I knew it would be like this!"

"If one family doesn't talk to each other, you guys will rest here for two days and I will find a way to get you out." Qin Xiangru said.

Chai Shao's gratitude was beyond words. From beginning to end, Qin Xiangru never doubted them. Chai Shao was deeply moved by this trust.

"Thanks, in-laws!"

"I'm leaving first!" Qin Xiangru didn't stay long, but went to find a way to search for Qin Mo.

At the same time, in the snowy field, a figure climbed up with difficulty from the snow pit.

"Bah bah bah!"

Qin Mo spat out the snow in his mouth and almost threw him to death just now!

He gasped and took out a frozen, hard bun from his bag.

Then, he took out a water bag, which contained fruit wine. Although the alcohol was very low, it was better than nothing and could also play a role in warming up.

After eating, Qin Mo continued on his way, and finally, a road not far away appeared in sight.

Qin Mo was about to cry.

How he came here these two days is only known to him.

When I'm hungry, I'll eat steamed buns. When I'm thirsty, I'll drink snowflakes. When I'm sleepy, I'll climb a tree, fearing that a wolf will snatch me away at night.

In just two days, he almost turned into a savage.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

After sniffing, Qin Mo's eyes became moist, "Damn it, I finally escaped!"

Half an hour later, Qin Mo came to the road and threw the broken ski aside.

The muddy land is covered with horse hooves.

It's still fresh to see the imprint.The excitement was palpable, "So many horse paw prints must have been left when they came to find me."

He walked forward and met a pedestrian on the road. Just when he was about to ask a question, the pedestrian said with a look of disgust: "If you don't have anything to eat, if you want something to eat, go to the capital to ask for it!"

Qin Mo was speechless, but he probably knew that he was not going the wrong way, and he should be heading to the capital here.

Just as he was thinking about it, the sound of horse hooves came from behind. Qin Mo turned around and saw that those people were wearing the armor of the Daqian army and must be the emperor's men.

"Drive, drive!"

"Get out of the way, the people in front get out of the way!"

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here!" Qin Mo jumped up excitedly and kept waving. However, these people ignored Qin Mo, and one person even applauded him.

Looking at his numb palms, Qin Mo was about to cry. He walked to the ditch nearby, and his own appearance was reflected in the water.

A good guy, with disheveled hair and tattered clothes, his father doesn’t even recognize him.

He quickly took some water, washed his face, and tied his hair up.

There must be many people looking for him outside, so Qin Mo could only walk and wait.

Half an hour later, another pair of people came running over.

Qin Mo took a closer look and saw that the other party was not wearing armor, and there were not many of them. Qin Mo was a little nervous now, not knowing who the other party was.

He quickly let down his hair, grabbed a handful of mud on the ground, and smeared his face.

Not everyone in the capital wanted him to live.

He made a way, and when he got closer, he could clearly see the person coming. Tears instantly filled his eyes, "Uncle Dashan, Uncle Erzhu!"

He shouted excitedly, "I'm here, I'm Qin Mo."

Dashan, the leader, quickly reined in his horse and stopped, and the people behind him also stopped, "Dashan, what's wrong?"

"Uncle Dashan, it's me, I'm Qin Mo!"

Seeing the people in Qinzhuang, Qin Mo was extremely excited and trotted forward.

Dashan was stunned for a moment, then said excitedly: "Master, it's the voice of the master!"

He quickly turned over and dismounted, and Erzhu and others also ran over, "Master!"

When they saw Qin Mo's current situation clearly, their distressed eyes turned red, "Young Master, where have you been these days? The entire capital has been overthrown by us. My father-in-law has not slept a wink for days and nights. Just to find you!"

"Why are you like this? You look like a beggar!"

"Hurry up, bring the water bag and wash the young master's face!"

As he spoke, he took off his clothes, covered Qin Mo's body, and cried: "God bless, our young master is back safely, great!"

Even though Qin Mo's face was covered with mud, they recognized Qin Mo at a glance. How could they admit his mistake as children who had watched him grow up since childhood.

Qin Mo was also excited, "It's a long story, hurry up, go back to the city first!"

On the horse, Qin Mo also roughly knew what happened in the capital, and he gritted his teeth angrily, "Okay, okay, I'm just going out for a few days, so you're just fucking bullying my family.

If I don’t cry for you this time, my surname will not be Qin! "

"Master, do you need to inform them first?"

"No, let's go back first!"

Qin Mo was holding fire in his heart. He knew that the capital must be in chaos.

When he secretly returned to the Duke of Qin's mansion, everyone burst into tears.

"Master, you are finally back!" Sisters Hua and Churui hugged Qin Mo tightly and did not mind that he was dirty.

Everyone in the Qin Mansion is as happy as the New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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