big dry son-in-law

Chapter 308 Why did my father suddenly become old!

Chapter 308 Why did my father suddenly become old!

"That's great. My father-in-law will definitely be very happy to know that the young master is back!" the housekeeper said, wiping his tears.

"Stop crying, go get some food first, Xia He, Qiu Yue, get hot water, I want to take a bath, sister Chu Rui, come with me!

Uncle Dashan, please go find my father and tell him that I am back and ask him to keep quiet for now! "

"Yes, Master!"

Dashan left quickly, Qin Mo came back, and the Qin family had the backbone.

"Quickly, everyone gets busy. The young master must be starving when he wanders outside. Hurry up and get the best food!" The housekeeper clapped his hands, and everyone in the Qin family was slaughtering chickens, goats, and oxen. Everyone got busy and started working. Every time he comes alive, he is very energetic!
In the sauna room, Chu Rui looked at the bruises all over Qin Mo's body and shed tears, "Master, everyone has been very worried and crying over and over since you have been away these past few days!"

Qin Mo lay in the bathtub, feeling tired and cold from the past few days.

"The young master just went camping for a few days, isn't he back?" Qin Mo held Chu Rui's hand. This rebirth after the disaster also made Qin Mo deeply realize that if you don't kill a snake, you will suffer from it instead!
Whether it is an enemy on the surface or an enemy in the dark, it will only take a ruthless attack.

"But, someone framed the second lady's family, and now the second lady has been arrested and taken to Dali Temple!" Chu Rui said anxiously. Only after getting along with Chai Sitian did she know that this is a kind-hearted girl who has seen too much in the palace. She prefers pure kindness to intrigues.

"Don't worry, when the young master has eaten and drank enough, go and rescue them." Qin Mo suddenly thought of something, "By the way, don't throw away the clothes I put on when I got back. The young master will be of great use in a while!"

Churui didn't know why, but she nodded obediently.

After a while, Xia He and Qiu Yue came in. Theoretically speaking, they were Qin Mo's first and second woman.

After a while, Qin Mo came out of the sauna, then looked at the table full of dishes and started gobbling them down.

The housekeeper laughed when he saw it, "Hey, seeing the young master eating, I will definitely sleep well at night!"

Erzhu also said: "Master, slow down, there are a lot of dishes!"

Chu Rui served Qin Mo soup, and then patted Qin Mo on the back from time to time. She was so happy that she said, "Slow down, slow down."

Qin Mo held a hoof in his left hand and a roast chicken in his right hand. Xia He Qiuyue kept wiping Qin Mo's mouth.

Everyone in the Qin family watched Qin Mo eat. They had never liked watching someone eat alone so much.

"Our young master is so handsome. He is even handsomer than others even when he is eating!"

"Hey, you don't understand. The more a man eats, the more capable he is. Our young master is as stupid as a calf, he must be really good!"

The maids and grandma of the Qin Mansion also laughed. In their hearts, their young master is good at everything, and those are all his advantages!

At this moment, hurried footsteps sounded outside the door, "Fool, fool, my son!"

When Qin Xiangru learned that he had found Qin Mo, he was very anxious and walked quickly. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Qin Mo surrounded by three girls, eating so much that the servants of the Qin Mansion looked at Qin Mo and smiled.

That scene had nothing to do with what he imagined as a father and son holding each other's arms and crying!

"Ah, Dad, you're back. Come on, let's eat something together. I heard that you haven't slept in a few days and haven't eaten well yet. Come and eat something quickly. After that, go to bed as soon as possible.

At your age, it's easy to have a cerebral infarction if you stay up all night. When you have a stroke, I'll have to find two old ladies to take care of you. Come here, it's still warm! Qin Mo said vaguely.

Qin Xiangru's hand was already on his belt, but the next second, he put it down again, walked to Qin Mo, and looked at Qin Mo, who had a bruised nose and swollen face.

It was like a pound of gravel had been poured into his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I know my idiots and idiots are blessed!"

Qin Xiangru choked up, "Dad saw the painting you gave me as a gift. It's so nice. The painting is so good, my son!" He couldn't hold back anymore and slapped Qin Mo on the head, and then again He touched his head and said, "Good son, if you don't come back, dad will go on a killing spree!"

Qin Mo swallowed a mouthful of pork chops and felt sad when he saw his father crying like this. However, he never liked tears and emotions. He handed over the half-eaten pork chops and said, "Well, I just ate you." My favorite hoof, as for crying, hey, I just went out for a walk, and you said, really, you are so old, and you don’t know how to sleep and eat on time.

It’s really worrying. Do you really want to pass on the title of Duke to me?How about I go to the palace later and apply? "

Looking at the half-gnawed hoof, Qin Mo's imagination of being chased by chickens and flying dogs running all over the yard did not appear.

Qin Xiangru took the hoof and bit it, "It's delicious, haha!"

There were tears in the laughter, and everyone in the Qin family cried again. Although the father-in-law chased and beat the young master every day, no one loved the young master more than the father-in-law.

Qin Xiangru didn't ask Qin Mo how he escaped. He just ate the hooves, and the murderous intent and wrinkles between his eyebrows disappeared in an instant.

Qin Mo looked at his father's hair, which was mostly white, and sighed, "Why haven't I seen my father for a few days? His hair has turned completely white and he has turned into a little old man!"

"You brat, dad is already old!"

The two father and son devoured it as if they were competing to see who could eat more.

This familiar scene is common in the Qin family.

After a while, Qin Mo's belly became round after eating, he burped, and sat comfortably on the chair, "Uncle Liu Gen, go to the money bank, move all the boxes out, and then call the master to follow me!"

However, the originally lively atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

Qin Mo frowned, "Where's Uncle Liu Gen? He's not back yet?"

"Young master, six roots, six roots him"

"What's wrong with Uncle Liugen?" Qin Mo's heart was full of bad premonitions.

"Six of his bones are gone!" the housekeeper said with red eyes.

Qin Mo was stunned for a long time, with tears in his eyes, but soon they disappeared again.

"Xiao Liuzi, come with the young master!"

Xiao Liuzi came out crying, and Qin Mo discovered that he had a filial piety on his arm.

Yang Liugen had no children, so Qin Xiangru asked Xiao Liuzi to wear sackcloth and mourn for him.

"Don't cry, the young master will take you to take revenge, Uncle Sanjin!"

"I'm here, young master!" Hu Sanjin took a step forward. He and Yang Liugen were brothers whose lives were intertwined. Yang Liugen's death made him suffer.

"Follow up!"

Qin Mo said!

"Yes, Master!"

Qin Xiangru sat there, drinking in silence, "Dad, I won't go. I'm sleepy. I haven't slept for a few days. It's not as good as before. When I was your age, I would be fine even if I didn't sleep for seven days and seven nights. Now, After four days and four nights, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was getting old, really getting old!

Oh, by the way, get your father-in-law out by the way. They have been in there for a day and have suffered a lot! "

(End of this chapter)

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