big dry son-in-law

Chapter 312 Play them to death!

Chapter 312 Play them to death!

Everyone smiled bitterly.

The mansion collapsed, only some money was lost, and Hou Gennian's son died!
Family reunion?

Going to an underground reunion?

Hou Gennian knelt down straight and burst into tears, "Your Majesty! Qin Mo blew up Wei Chen's mansion, killing dozens of his servants. Wei Chen also lost two of his sons. I beg Your Majesty to take care of Wei Chen." Over the years, for the sake of hard work and no credit, I will severely punish Qin Mo, tooth for tooth, blood for blood!"

"What, Qin Mo is back?" Li Shilong looked surprised, "Why didn't anyone tell me? Are all the people searching outside dead?"

Surprise turned to anger, and soon his brows widened again, "Did Qin Mo make the noise outside just now? I was also woken up by the noise just now. Quick, go and call Qin Mo. This brat is making trouble when he comes back. Don’t live in peace!”

At this time, Li Shilong's mood changed again, and his brows furrowed into a frown, "Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

Hou Gennian cried and knelt, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Immediately afterwards, others also knelt down, "Your Majesty, Qin Mo, it's a disaster. The mansions of the ministers and others were all blown up by Qin Mo. If he hadn't received the news in advance and escaped with his whole family, I'm afraid, We will also follow in the footsteps of the Duke of Lu!"

"Qin Mo must be severely punished. Qin Mo must not let Qin Mo use that grenade again. What if one day, an idiot commits suicide and blows up the palace?"

"Your Majesty, we have nowhere to go this year. The whole family is freezing in the snow!"

There was a sudden burst of crying!
Li Shilong looked angry and heartbroken, "Ah, this idiot is really going to piss me off to death. Wuyu, hurry up and catch Qin Mo. This brat, let him come over and talk about it." , why do you want to blow up everyone’s mansion!”

"According to the order!" Wuyu responded in the dark, turned around and left.

"Wuji, your house was also bombed?"

"Your Majesty, there is only one door left standing!" Gongsun Wuji said bitterly.

"This brat, how dare he!"

Li Shilong felt very happy. He should be punished like this, punished to death, and punished to the point where they would be frightened.

But, these aristocratic families are not so easy to mess with. It would still be very troublesome to push them into a hurry.

At this time, Gao Shilian found Qin Mo. Seeing that Qin Mo was well, he was filled with joy, "Prince-in-law, you scared this old slave to death!"

"Old Gao!"

Qin Mo held Gao Shilian's hand excitedly, "I made you worry!"

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay!" Gao Shilian patted Qin Mo's hand and quietly wiped the crystal from the corner of his eyes. Only then did he notice that Li Yue and others were standing next to Qin Mo. Then meet them one by one!

To be honest, Qin Mo is back and everyone's backbone is back.

They didn't even have time to reminisce before they were pulled by Qin Mo to throw a grenade.

They were worried at first. Qin Mo said, "Just take it. Isn't it normal for your hands to slip?"

Then, their hands slipped at least a hundred times!
That feeling is really exciting.

No, everyone is feeling refreshed and happy!
"By the way, His Majesty is looking for you!" Gao Shilian said: "Those people are waiting at Tai Chi Palace now. Your Majesty is probably seeing them now, but don't be afraid, Your Majesty is very happy!"

He suppressed his voice and reminded Qin Mo.

Seeing that Qin Mo's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he felt distressed and whispered: "Little ancestor, how did you end up like this? You must have suffered a lot these days!"

"It's okay, Uncle Gao, I'm fine, just a little bruise!" Qin Mo smiled naively and scratched his head!

"It'll be good if you come back. Uncle will feel at ease. Come on, come back to the palace with us, otherwise, it's time for Wu Tongue to come!" Gao Shilian said.

"Okay, but Uncle Gao, I have to go to Dali Temple first to pick up my father-in-law, brothers, and daughter-in-law!"

"Don't dare. Listen to my uncle. When we enter the palace, His Majesty will issue an order to fetch Duke Chai out. Be obedient!" Gao Shilian said.

"That won't work. My father-in-law has been living at home for 20 years. He doesn't leave the door every day, and he never steps forward. He is framed and unjustly accused. How aggrieved do you feel?
I am old and my reputation has been ruined. My brother-in-law is my brother and my brother has been wronged. How can I stand watching?

And my daughter-in-law, if she is a rebel, then who am I?Am I not the big boss? "

"Oh, little ancestor, you can't talk nonsense like this!" Gao Shilian was numb, "Hey, you kid, you are a real person, you just don't want to see the people around you being wronged, hey. Forget it, you are suffering like this. I’m so wronged, I won’t stop you anymore, go quickly, I’ll go back to the palace first to help you block it!!!”

With that said, Gao Shilian said something to Li Yue and others and left.

"Idiot, what are you whispering to Mr. Gao?" Li Yue asked.

"You said it was a whisper, how can you tell others casually?" Qin Mo snorted and waved his hand, "Let's go to Dali Temple and pick him up!"

Li Yue gritted his teeth, "Idiot, you heartless man, you disappeared. My friend traveled from the capital to Jingzhao Mansion day and night just to find you. I can't eat well or sleep well every day, and you still have this attitude. !”

Hearing this, everyone else nodded, "Idiot, the one you should thank the most is the King of Yue!"

"Yes, the day of your accident, the King of Yue was staying at your house. Uncle Qin hadn't come back yet at that time. I don't know how much he did for you!"

Seeing Li Yue's aggrieved look, Qin Mo sighed, "There's really nothing I can do against you. Let's go and pick up my father-in-law first. Then my brother will cook and cook you a delicious meal!"

"That's pretty much it!" Li Yue wasn't really angry. This was how the two brothers got along, just hurting each other.

Soon, the group of people came to Dali Temple. Unexpectedly, Li Cungong was sitting at the door of Dali Temple with a golden sword and was impartial.

There is a small table next to it, and there is a kettle on the stove, which is smoking!
Seeing Li Cungong, several people were stunned.

"Uncle Li, you're guarding the door. Wear more clothes on a cold day. I'll go in first to see my father-in-law!" Qin Mo was about to go in when he was stopped by Li Cungong.

"You can go in, but you can't take him out!" Li Cungong had long expected that Qin Mo would come here.

"Uncle Li, my father-in-law was unjustly accused. Now that I am back, it means that my matter has nothing to do with them!" Qin Mo said.

"Hey, your father-in-law's matter is not only related to you, it is quite troublesome anyway!"

"Hey, what's the trouble? Uncle Li has a sharp eye. You handled my case very well before. This small case is definitely not a problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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