big dry son-in-law

Chapter 313: Every one killed counts as one!

Chapter 313: Kill each one for one count!
"You can give me less money. If you want to pick someone up, just give me a little more time!"

"Uncle Wang, didn't you say it would take two days? It's already the second day and you haven't found out the real murderer yet?" Li Yue asked.

"Hey, it's hard to determine the real culprit. It's quite difficult anyway!" Li Cungong sighed, "But, aren't there still a few hours until the next day?"

"Prince Cheng, your old man is Li Qingtian, and he will definitely be able to handle the case fairly!" Liu Rujian cupped his hands and said.

"Uncle Li, if you don't let us in, we two brothers will beat him once if we see how brave he is!" Cheng Xiaobao said naively.


Cheng Dabao slapped his younger brother on the back of the head, "Are you stupid? Can you beat me in front of him? He's so brave that he doesn't hate us to death. Of course he has to hit him with a sap, put a sack on him, and run away after the beating!"

"Yes, yes, that's it!" Dou Yiai nodded repeatedly, looking at Li Yongmeng with an unkind look.

Li Yongmeng suddenly smiled bitterly, "Dad, you don't betray your relatives like me, do you?"

Li Cungong blew his beard and glared, "Okay, okay, you bastards, just wait for me. I'll talk to your father soon and say, I can't beat you to death!"

Qin Mo rolled his eyes and suddenly understood Li Cungong's intention, "Hey, actually, I have been secretly investigating these days since I was taken away, and I also found out something!"

"Oh, what did you find out?" Li Cungong narrowed his eyes.

"The person who designed me this time is related to Hou!"

"Hello, what are you waiting for?"

"Monkey Sailei!"

Qin Mo whispered: "Uncle Li, I will tell you one person. Li Yue and the others asked me, but I didn't say anything. I still have some evidence in my hand. Anyway, just say it's Hou Sai Lei.

Think about it, Hou Sai Lei has been bullying my father-in-law and his family, and he is the biggest suspect. Moreover, I still have some evidence in my hand, which I cannot provide to you at the moment. Anyway, just listen to me! "

"You brat, do you think handling the case is child's play? This is going to be made public to the world!"

"Uncle Li, I have a new business. If you are interested, I will reserve a share for you. We are all our own people, so it is easy to negotiate!" Qin Mo said, "I will reserve a share for you, and you will earn a profit." No compensation!”

Li Cungong's eyes lit up, "You brat, are you bribing me?"

"Uncle Li, I don't like hearing what you are saying. Can a scholar be called a bribe? This is called filial piety!"

Li Cungong's eyes widened. This kid was telling lies with open eyes, and what he said was so damn comforting. "Hey, you can do it. I have an idea about the case. You can take the person to the palace first. I'll wait for a while." Just come here with evidence!" Li Cungong said to Li Yongmeng: "Yongmeng, Cheng Dabao, Cheng Xiaobao, Liu Rujian, Dou Yiai, you guys help me escort Chai Shao's family into the palace.

King Yue, please help me take care of it. I will consolidate the evidence in my hand and come over later! "

"Thank you, Uncle Wang!" Li Yue cupped his hand.

Li Cungong stood up, and several people came over to move the stools a few shorter.

Qin Mo smiled and walked in. As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Laotou knelt down and said, "Captain Prince Consort, you are really alive!"

"Lao Zhang, where are my father-in-law's family?"

Qin Mo smiled and helped Zhang Laotou up.

"It's inside, in your previous room. Don't worry, I know it's your relative, and I will be taking good care of you!"

Qin Mo calmly took out a small yellow croaker from his sleeve and stuffed it into Zhang Laotou's hand, "Old Zhang, I'm ready. It's cold and the Chinese New Year is about to come. I want to buy a new set of clothes for my sister-in-law and my child!" "

Zhang Laotou did not dare to refuse, for fear of being seen by others. He glanced at Qin Mo gratefully, turned around and accepted the little yellow croaker, and then enthusiastically led Qin Mo the way.

"Father-in-law, Xiao Chai, and my wife!" Qin Mo saw the three of them locked inside, "Old Zhang, open the door!" "Yes, Prince Consort!" Prison head Zhang quickly took out the key and opened the cell doors on both sides. .

"Brother Qin!" Chai Sitian flew into Qin Mo's arms, and then hugged him tightly. To hell with all the worldly views and the lack of intimacy between men and women!

"Good girl, I miss you so much!" Qin Mo held Chai Sitian's tender face in his hands and said, "Bop, bam," "Just a few mouthfuls!"
Everyone in the prison laughed in unison!

This moment made Chai Sitian extremely embarrassed, but she felt more joy in her heart. Her father was still there, so she simply buried her head in Qin Mo's arms.

Qin Mo came back from the dead, but Chai Sitian couldn't hold it back and started crying again.

Qin Mo patted her back gently to comfort him.

Chai Rong said with red eyes: "Brother Qin, just be fine!"

"Xiao Chai, I'm wronged, let's go, follow me!"

Chai Rong nodded and looked at his father in the prison, "Dad, it's time to go!"

Although Chai Shao was very happy, he still didn't forget about it, "It's not good. Going out without His Majesty's will is a big sin!"

"It's okay, father-in-law. Prince Cheng has found out the truth. Let's go to the palace now to explain and see what those bullies have to say. They can't kill my relatives if they bully them!" Qin Mo said through gritted teeth.

"That's it!"

Chai Shao thought for a while, but walked out, and then handed over to Li Yue and others, "King Yue, everyone, thank you for everything you have done for our family, Chai Shao, I can't thank you enough!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Chai Guo. Qin Mo's matter is our matter. We will never allow Xiaoxiao to bully his relatives!" Li Yue said.

Chai Shao smiled and nodded. This Li Yue is really becoming more and more famous.

Especially these days when Qin Mo was missing, everything he did was very responsible and handled very well!

Thinking of this, Chai Shao also made a decision in his heart!

"Let's go then!"

"and many more!"

Qin Mo said, "Xiao Liuzi, bring me my clothes!"

Then, Xiao Liuzi took out Qin Mo's 'beggar uniform', and everyone was stunned.

Qin Mo took off his clothes, put on the tattered clothes, and then rolled around in the prison, making his hair a mess and his face was dark!
"Let's go, you can go now!"

Qin Mo smiled. This time, if he can kill someone, that counts as one!
Soon, the group entered the palace.

Qin Mo entered the palace, and the news was passed from layer to layer. Soon, everyone in Taiji Palace knew about it.

Li Shilong was also a little anxious. He sat on the dragon chair and kept looking away.

Soon, from far away, a cry could be heard, "Uuu~Father, Father!"

The cry was as miserable as it could be, and it was heart-wrenching.

Everyone looked at the sound and saw a beggar covered in rags running in from outside and rushing in quickly. He looked like a big black mouse and exuded an unpleasant smell.

"Father, I am miserable, I am really miserable."

(End of this chapter)

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