big dry son-in-law

Chapter 315 The first son-in-law is gone!

Chapter 315 The first son-in-law is gone!

"You're farting. Since when did I escort a prostitute?"

"You idiot Qin, I'm not done with you!"

Everyone yelled and cursed, completely forgetting about Chai Shao.

"Shut up!"

Li Shilong was extremely angry, "Chai Shao, who asked you to come out?"

"Father, Uncle Wang has found out the real culprit and is currently integrating the evidence. Let me escort Chai Guogong and his family over first!" Li Yue said with his hands in hand.

"Did you hear that, Old Dog Dai, Old Dog Liang, fellow old dogs, the evidence has been found, it has nothing to do with my father-in-law, I'm beeping, I'll beat you to death!" Qin Mo waved his fist, with two sticks hanging on his nose. There was a nosebleed, looking like that made Chai Sitian feel distressed.

Everyone who was clamoring just now was silent now.

Even my heart was lifted.

Did Li Cungong find out the real murderer?

Li Shilong frowned, "Has it been found out?"

"Yes, father, Uncle Wang will be here later!" Li Yue said respectfully.

Li Shilong nodded and looked at Qin Mo, "If you have something to say, you have to fight if you can't talk it over properly? If I give you two more years, are you going to fight me? One day, I will be pissed off by you!"

"It's okay, Father, don't you still have my uncle? I've been waiting for so long and I'm probably tired of waiting!" Qin Mo said naively.

The moment the words fell, everyone felt a chill running down their spines.

Li Xin, who had never said a word, said angrily: "Qin Hanzi, stop talking nonsense here!"

"Hey, uncle, you're here too!" Qin Mo scratched his head, "Does it matter? A son inherits his father's inheritance. My father is gone, so I can't inherit his position as Duke of the country?"

Of course Li Xin wants to be the emperor and wishes he could sit on the throne now, but can he say this?
He hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Father, I definitely don't mean this. I am still young and feel that I can't bear the heavy responsibility. My father is in his prime years. Father should be a king and father for a day, and I should be a father for a day." Prince!"

Qin Mo thought to himself, this little plum has a strong desire to survive.

But it's disgusting enough.

Li Shilong nodded without saying anything, but he was secretly wary in his heart. Then he slapped Qin Mo on the head, "Next time you talk nonsense, I will beat you to death!"

With that said, he returned to the dragon throne. Everyone was stunned. Is this the end?

It was clearly Qin Mo who made the move first, but he just cursed a few words, slapped him, and then it was over?

Li Xin is so angry, this idiot will cause trouble to others when he comes back!

He must be killed and let him live for one more moment, one hour, one day, and it feels uncomfortable.

Li Shilong sat in his seat and said: "Qin Mo took the lead and went to Dali Temple to reflect on it. When he went in after the year, he knew when he was wrong and when he came out.

In addition, Qin Tianjian re-observed the horoscopes of Qin Mo and Jingyang, and there were slight discrepancies. Therefore, after careful consideration, I decided to contact the two of them for a marriage contract, and select a virtuous girl from the palace or the royal family to marry Qin Mo. ink! "

Everyone was dissatisfied with being imprisoned in Dali Temple. Isn't that Qin Mo's second home?

I went to Dali Temple for a few days last time, and when I came out, I had gained two pounds!
But when the engagement was broken off, everyone was shocked.

It really did!

This Qin fool is really seeking death. He actually took away the position of the eldest princess's consort.

The eldest princess’s son-in-law is also called the first son-in-law!Well now, the position of the first son-in-law is gone.

There were satisfied smiles on everyone's faces.

But they don't know that Qin Mo is more satisfied than them!
He ran up in a few steps and put his hands on the imperial case, "Father, oh no, Your Majesty, are you serious?"

The look of surprise made Li Shilong's fists itch. Why is this idiot so happy?
You're so heartless, are you changing your tune now?

"Who told you to make mistakes again and again? Why don't you just get out of here?" Li Shilong said through gritted teeth.

"Good good!"

Qin Mo shrugged his shoulders and quickly covered his mouth with his hands. He was even a little excited. It was great, but he finally got rid of Princess Diaoman.

Li Yongmeng and others were speechless, and Li Yue even sighed, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Chai Shao frowned, and Chai Rong whispered: "Dad, can't the third sister be the first wife?"

"Is it possible? Didn't you listen to what the above said, choose another person from the royal family to marry!"

What kind of favor and trust is this? Even if you make a mistake, you still have to choose your daughter to marry.

However, the position of the prince-in-law is a carrot and a pit. Their identities are different, and their status and rights are also very different.

The position of the first son-in-law is indeed more important.

Qin Mo is so happy. From now on, he can spend the night with whomever he wants, and marry as many wives as he wants.

Li Shilong was furious when he saw Qin Mo snickering, but he couldn't take back the water he had thrown out.

It just so happens that this opportunity can be used to reduce the impact of breaking off the engagement.

"Qin Mo, you said you know who kidnapped you, then tell me who it was!" Li Shilong asked seriously.

The smile on Qin Mo's face disappeared. He took a deep breath and looked around the crowd.

No one dared to look at Qin Mo at all, for fear of being targeted by Qin Mo and affecting the situation.

Finally, Qin Mo's eyes rested on Hou Gennian. He pointed at Hou Gennian and said, "That's him, Hou Sai Lei. This Hou Sai Lei is not only the real culprit behind my kidnapping, but he also harbors evil intentions." , trying to overthrow Daqian, Your Majesty, if I had not been clever enough to escape this time, some people would have put on yellow robes and replaced them!"

There was an uproar.

Everyone looked at Qin Mo and Hou Gennian with disbelief.

Hou Gennian's face also turned from white to red, and then to livid, and he couldn't help but tremble, "You are so slanderous, I am loyal to Daqian, and my heart for Your Majesty can be seen from the sun and the moon!"

"Yes, apart from me and you, only the sun and the moon know your ambition!" Qin Mo said angrily: "Hou Sai Lei, Hou Sai Lei, you are such an ambitious man. No wonder you have been bullying every day for more than 20 years. My father-in-law, it turns out that you are the biggest mastermind behind this.

My father-in-law's family is so honest. They never leave the house or step outside the door every day. It's better for you to bully me to death every day. It turns out that this is just a show for others to watch.

Do you think you are doing everything right by secretly accumulating power?

Let me tell you, God is watching what you do. If you hadn't caught me, why would I be the first to blow up your house? Not to mention killing your son, I would even dare to kill you.

Catch me just for the grenade formula and the secret of growing vegetables in winter, because in this way, you can make it, and then find an opportunity to blow up the palace. Once your majesty is dead, you can launch the White Tiger Gate Incident, make the mercenaries independent, and force me My eldest brother-in-law, abdicated the throne in favor of someone worthy of his honour.

Hou Sai Lei, today, your ambition has been exposed by me, and you haven't even called me out! "

(End of this chapter)

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