big dry son-in-law

Chapter 316: Your Majesty, he is rebellious!

Chapter 316: Your Majesty, he is rebellious!
Of course Hou Gennian had this idea. He was extremely shocked. How did Qin Mo know?
When was it discovered?
By the way, that arrow!
Damn fool, what a deep scheming!

Missing him like lightning, Hou Gennian looked at the emperor on the dragon throne.

Li Shilong narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He looked like he was smiling, but he was trembling in his heart.

He had been with Li Shilong for decades and knew very well what it looked like when Li Shilong was angry.

This is the look of murder!

"Your Majesty, Qin Mo is a slanderous person. He is missing, and I have spent all my sleep and food searching for him."

"I'm slanderous, and you obviously have a grudge against me, because the monkey boy was kicked in my house and his descendants were cut off. Your legitimate son is a cripple, and you are a cripple. You went to find me regardless of the past grievances.

Who believes it?When you say this yourself, do you believe it?

The monkey kid bullies me and goes against me every day. My son's virtue is not much better than mine. Stop pretending to be a good person here, bah! "

A mouthful of thick phlegm was spit out from Qin Mo's mouth, hitting Hou Gennian's face impartially.

At that moment, Hou Gennian's eyes were full of murderous intent, but if he took action at this time, he would really be dead.

Because many people have taken a step back.

They were afraid of having anything to do with it, and no one even said a word for him.

He is a military commander, a member of the previous dynasty, and he has changed his master three times.

Military generals looked down upon him, and so did literati.

He resisted forcibly and did not wipe the thick phlegm. Instead, he cried and said to Li Shilong: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen is willing to enter Dali Temple and accept investigation. If it is true what Qin Mo said, Your Majesty Qin will kill Wei Chen." Nine tribes!
As for the official's legitimate son, he did something wrong and had nothing to do with Qin Mo. Wei Chen hated him and had no intention of blaming Qin Mo.

The treacherous son was against Qin Mo, and the ministers also warned him, and taught him a lesson at home again and again. Everyone has their youth, and doesn't Qin Mo fight fiercely in the capital every day? "

"Can it be the same? A fight is a fight. Even if I fight all over the capital, it will still be a fight. You are a traitor. You want to wear a yellow robe and make people miserable for your own selfish desires.

You three-surnamed family slave, a rebellious lackey! "

Qin Mo cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, when I was captured, his people tortured me every day, and I didn't say a word until I died. Not only that, I also learned a shocking secret!
According to legend, on the eve of the fall of the previous Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Zhou Yang found seven children and tattooed a map on each of them. When the maps were pieced together, they were where the dragon veins of the Great Zhou Dynasty were located.

In the dragon's veins, there is hidden treasure that the Great Zhou Dynasty collected and conquered for hundreds of years. As long as this treasure can be obtained, one can recruit troops and recover the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Moreover, Emperor Zhou Yang is said to have said: "If you want his treasure, you must inherit the will of the Zhou Dynasty!"

This monkey Sai Lei was a high official from the previous week. He wanted to have grenades and treasures in one hand, and then asked an expert to cut off Da Gan's dragon veins, and then the mercenaries could stand on their own feet and wear yellow robes! "

Everyone was stunned by Qin Mo's words.

Maps, dragon veins, treasures!

This is indeed possible!
During the uprising of the previous Zhou Dynasty, graves were dug on a large scale. It was in this way that the Great Zhou Dynasty could dominate the world.

As for Zhou Taizong and Zhou Gaozong, these two emperors were secretly buried, and no one knew where their tombs were.

When the Eighteenth Route Army rebelled against the king, someone dug up the tombs of two emperors, and there were actually tombs inside.

Only then did they realize that the two emperors were hiding secretly.

Perhaps, there are a lot of treasures hidden in the tombs of those two emperors.

In the Tai Chi Palace, some people were doubtful and some were doubtful.Even Li Shilong was confused. Is this really happening?
He thought about it carefully and found out that when he conquered the royal capital, he did not find much gold and silver.

But what Qin Mo said was more like a story!

But even it’s a story.

Li Shilong was also a little afraid of Hou Gennian.

"You, you are talking nonsense, there is nothing at all!"

Hou Gennian was furious when he saw what Qin Mo said so vividly, "Your Majesty, Qin Hanzi is deliberately framed!"

"Then why don't I frame other people? Does Dai Laogou have a deep hatred for me? Liang Laogou is not much better, then why don't I frame them, just frame you?" Qin Mo gritted his teeth, "Sitian , close your eyes!”

Chai Sitian didn't know what Qin Mo was going to do, but she still closed her eyes obediently.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Mo pulled up his pants, and the scabbed buttocks and the wounds on his thighs that were shot by arrows. Although the poison was removed with medicine, the edges of the wounds were still blue and purple. "Look, this is Hou Geng." Ejaculated by a young man."

Immediately afterwards, Qin Mo pulled off his clothes again. They were all covered with bruises, here and there!

Everyone watching was silent.

Little did he know that Qin Mo threw it himself.

"Crazy!" Li Shilong gritted his teeth. No matter what, the injury was real and shocking!

"I was lucky enough to survive. It's a pity that my Uncle Liugen and all my uncles are all dead. They were all killed by this thief!"

As he talked, Qin Mo started to cry, "That's the uncle who watched me grow up, he's my relative."

Li Yue clenched his fists, and he vowed to work hard to make himself strong and protect the people around him.

Li Yongmeng and others looked at Hou Gennian with evil eyes. If Liu Rujian hadn't pulled him, Dou Yiai would have rushed over by now.

Cheng Xiaobao was also gearing up, his teeth clenched loudly!

Chai Sitian secretly opened her eyes, looked at the wound, and cried with distress!
"Qin Mo, no matter how much you say without evidence, it's just a trap!" Hou Gennian told himself that he must be calm and not lose his sense of proportion. It would be very detrimental to him now.

If there is no evidence, even if Qin Mo claims to break the sky, nothing can be done to him!
"Qin Mo, catch the thief and seize the stolen goods. You have no evidence, but you can't just say that Duke Lu is a traitor. This is not a small thing!" Gongsun Wuji said.

"Do I have to let him kill me in front of everyone?" Qin Mo replied!

"Are you fooling around? Hou Gennian is not only the Duke of the Kingdom, but also the Minister of the Sixth Ministry. If you can provide evidence, you can say anything. If you can't provide evidence, it will make people think that you are fooling around!"

Hey, this old Gongsun dog!

Qin Mo was so angry that he waited and dealt with Hou Gennian first, and then thought of a way to deal with you!

Qin Mo said: "Just wait until Uncle Li comes. You will know then!"

Gongsun Wuji's expression changed. Could it be that Li Cungong found something?
He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

At this moment, a voice came from outside, "Prince Cheng has an audience!"

Li Shilong said: "Quick, let Li Cungong come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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