big dry son-in-law

Chapter 326 Showdown!

Chapter 326 Showdown!

"Don't want to marry the princess? That's not possible. You must marry the princess. If you don't marry the princess, the one above you who is worried will listen to daddy. Dad will not cheat you!"

Qin Mo gritted his teeth and said, "I have no objection to marrying a princess, but don't worry about what kind of princess you marry!"

"It's not me who is marrying her, so why should I dislike her?"

Qin Xiangru threw a peanut into his mouth, "As long as the cubs can be born and they run into the house when it rains, even if you choose to be a silly princess, dad will let you do it!"

"This is what you said. If I marry you back and you are not satisfied, we will cut off our robes and sever the relationship between father and son!"

Hearing this, Qin Xiangru's hands were itchy again, and the servants of the Qin family also covered their mouths and snickered.

Gao Yao suppressed his laughter, this fool was not doing his job right.

However, Qin Xiangru considered that today was the New Year's Eve, so it was not easy to hit anyone. Anyway, he had already had a good time in the morning.

In addition, Qin Mo also agreed, and he was in a good mood. He snorted and drank the wine in the glass with a slurp.

After eating, Qin Mo sat on the attic.


Fireworks explode!

The gorgeous fireworks made countless people in the capital stop.

On this day, there is no curfew in Beijing!
Looking at the fireworks in the sky, I look forward to the coming year.

In the palace, Li Yuan also walked out of Da'an Palace for the first time and had the New Year's Eve dinner with everyone.

After eating, Li Yue and Li Zhi were called to play mahjong.

Not only Li Yuan, but also the harem was brightly lit and the sound of mahjong was everywhere.

Playing mahjong and keeping vigil is much more interesting than chatting in the past.

The princesses were looking into the distance from the attic, watching the non-stop fireworks, feeling indescribable joy in their hearts.

"Seventh sister, the fireworks were set off by my brother-in-law's house!"

Xiaojiu's face was filled with longing, "It would be great if I could see fireworks every day from now on!"

"What brother-in-law? I'm not your brother-in-law now!" Li Yushu corrected!
Xiaojiu was extremely aggrieved, "Seventh sister, just admit your mistake to your brother-in-law. Maybe my brother-in-law is soft-hearted and will forgive you!"

Seeing that Li Yushu's eyes were red, Li Yulan quickly pulled her over, "You are still young, you don't understand adult matters!"

"Who says I don't understand? After my brother-in-law disappeared, the seventh sister cried every day, and her eyes were swollen from crying. The queen mother said that the seventh sister is proud and stubborn. If she had lowered her head a little, she wouldn't be like this!" Xiaojiu hummed. : "Just be proud. Anyway, the queen mother said that she will summon the ladies of the royal family into the palace tomorrow and let her brother-in-law choose!"

As she spoke, she held her head high, "I also want to let my brother-in-law choose. My brother-in-law likes me the most. When I grow up, I will marry my brother-in-law!"

After saying that, her delicate little face turned red, and the little girl covered her face shyly, "That way, my brother-in-law can make delicious food every day, and give me the fun ones!"

Tong Yan Wuji.

Li Yulan was also very helpless.

But those unmarried princesses in Yunying are very active.

They are all likely to be selected.

Qin Mohan is a bit naive, but he is rich, interesting, and good at telling stories.

The emperor's grandfather, his father, and his mother all liked him very much.

The people around him are all the legitimate sons of top nobles, and everyone follows his lead.

If you get married, you will definitely be happy. "Xiaojiu, you are still young, but your brother-in-law told the queen mother that he likes older ones!" Sixth Princess Li Lizhen said with a smile: "You, let's talk about it after you have grown up for ten years!"

She is 17 years old this year and had hair extensions last year. It was originally planned to marry her last year, but Li Lizhen was unwilling and delayed the marriage for a year.

The main reason is that she doesn't like the lord's legitimate son in the whole dynasty very much.

It's okay now. Qimei and Qin Mo have broken off their engagement.

Xiaojiu looked at Li Lizhen and then at herself, with a look of frustration on her face.

Li Yushu couldn't listen anymore and left with red eyes.

Returning to Fengyang Pavilion, she locked herself in it and couldn't hold it back for a moment, crying into tears!

His mind was filled with Xiao Jiu's words.

Tomorrow, he will be choosing a wife, are you just going to watch?
Li Yushu felt extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Li Yushu quickly stopped crying and quickly wiped away his tears.

"Seven sisters!"

"Third sister, I'm tired and need to rest. If you have anything else, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Li Yulan bit her lip. She really wanted to tell Li Yushu, but seeing Li Yushu's sad look, she really couldn't tell her!

However, what should come will always come.

She said she would never be cowardly again!
"Seventh sister, there is something I want to tell you. I should have told you a long time ago!"

She walked to Li Yushu and said, "This matter has something to do with Qin Mo. I. Earlier, Qin Mo and I corresponded with each other and had a secret love. At that time, he didn't know that I was a princess and only thought that I was an ordinary person. The widow.

Now that he knew my identity, I made up my mind not to associate with him, and I did. But later, he disappeared, and I realized that I couldn't live without him!
Qimei, I'm sorry, I'm not a good sister, I stole your man, I'm shameful, hit me, scold me! "

Li Yushu looked at Li Yulan in disbelief, her heart broken, "Third Sister, what did you say?"

"Yushu, please help me and Qin Mo!" Li Yulan knelt down straight, crying!
Li Yushu opened her mouth, heartbroken to the point of losing her voice, and covered her heart. After a while, she trembled: "Why you, why you?"

If it were other sisters, she would still be sad, but after all, it was the mother's order, and they had broken off their engagement. If nothing else, she would get married soon!
She also knelt on the ground and cried: "So, you have been acting all this time, right?"

"Yes, but I never wanted to break you up!"

"I understand, my father has contacted us about our marriage, and your chance has come!"

Li Yushu laughed at himself, "It doesn't matter. If he doesn't marry you, he will marry someone else. Anyway, as long as she is a woman from the royal family, any one will do.

Right, my good sister? ! "

Li Yulan was ashamed, but her feelings were all selfish.

She raised her head and looked at Li Yushu, "The Queen Mother is right, you are just too proud, you think that everyone will be in awe of your identity as the eldest princess, but Qin Mo is not an ordinary person, he is free and uninhibited.

You can shed at most two tears for Qin Mo, but I can risk my life for him!
I don’t have to give up the identity of this eldest princess, even if it means eating glutinous rice with him, I am willing to do so!

You have never understood Qin Mo. I know his ideals. His father wants to use his consort and use his power and wealth to kidnap him.

Everyone coveted what he had in his hands, and he knew it.

He is silly, but not stupid!
Whoever treats him well and whoever treats him badly, he has a balance in his heart!

If you didn't firmly choose him, how could he respect you and love you? "

Li Yulan wiped her tears and stood up, "I just picked up what you don't want, Qin Mo, he is not a plaything, you can have it if you want it, and throw it away if you don't want it!
To me, he is the most precious treasure in the world. Even if he dies, I will burn myself and mix my ashes with his! "

(End of this chapter)

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