big dry son-in-law

Chapter 327: 1 post makes me laugh!

Chapter 327: Laugh at the first post!
Those decisive words made Li Yushu lose his mind for a while.

Is this my slightly timid third sister?

"Li Yulan, you are shameless!" Compared with Li Yulan snatching Qin Mo away, what made her even more uncomfortable was the confrontation between brother and sister.

"I don't even want my life, let alone my face?"

Li Yulan looked at Li Yushu, "I didn't have to come here to find you, because everything will be settled tomorrow, and I don't want you to resent me or Qin Mo again by then.

The road you chose is yours, and Qin Mo is the one you don’t want. Your emperor will also choose your son-in-law again.

I know you very well, and I have warned you several times, but you were stubborn and refused to listen. Now, you can find a way to get together with Gongsun Chong.

If you are truly in love, I will do whatever it takes to help you! "

Looking at Li Yulan's back, Li Yushu's heart hurt, "Li Yulan, from today on, you are no longer my third sister, I hate you!"

She lay on the bedside and cried until she burst into tears.

Until I fell asleep, there were still tears in the corners of my eyes.

The next day.

New Year's Day, New Year's Day!
Qin Mo was woken up early in the morning, carrying large and small bags of things.

Last night, I had a lot of fun playing and unlocked a new map with my sisters.

With two panda eyes on his face, he arrived at the palace.

"Hey, are you all here?"

Qin Mo got off the carriage and looked at the civil and military ministers standing outside. From the prince of the county to the ninth-rank sesame official, on this day, they could enter the palace to pay New Year's greetings to their father.

Don't think that the emperor can accept gifts openly. After receiving gifts, he will give more.

It’s okay to have money, but to shed tears if you don’t have money.

"Uncle Li, Uncle Cheng, here we come!"

"Why, are you here alone?" Cheng Sanxu stepped forward, "Where is your father?"

"You don't have the face to come!" Qin Mo said.

Everyone was stunned and looked over in this direction. Xu Shichang couldn't help but ask: "Why is your father so shameless?"

"Old man, who are you? I think you are very cool!"

"This is the British father-in-law, who has the same relationship with your father!" Cheng Sanxu said in a suppressed voice.

Hearing this, Qin Mo understood instantly, "Oh, it turns out he is the British Duke. This junior has met the British Duke!"

Xu Shichang took Qin Mo's hand and said, "Nephew Qin Xian, our families are family friends, but I retired early and rarely come to the court. I have three sons and two daughters, all of whom are in the same grade as you. If you have the opportunity, come to my house. Let me introduce you to him!"

"It's easy to talk about!" Qin Mo said haha, not interested in this familiar old man.

"Haha, it's better to choose a day than to hit it. How about going to my house today?" Xu Shichang couldn't see that Qin Mo was perfunctory with him?
"Well, it depends on the wishes of my mother and the Supreme Emperor. I estimate that if I go in today, I won't be able to come out until night!"

Xu Shichang sighed secretly in his heart. Listen, they were blocked outside and couldn't get in, but Qin Mo bluntly said that they could only come out at night after they went in.

What are you doing in there?It must be for fun!

No wonder they all said that when Qin Hanzi entered the palace, he seemed to follow his own family.

Except that you can't enter the harem, the other place is your own back garden!
When he thought that his three sons were still guarding the city gate, he became extremely angry.

I also felt sad in my heart, having to shamelessly invite a junior to my home, a junior from the Qin family who I didn’t deal with very well!
Li Cungong called Qin Mo over, "Tell me, why is your father so embarrassed to come?" Qin Mo scratched his head, "Hey, my father said that he regretted that he had taught me so well that his majesty canceled the relationship with the princess. I am ashamed of my marriage, I have no face to meet your father, and I am ashamed of my father’s cultivation!”

"You idiot, you just talk when you say it, how can you put your own face on it? Are you too successful? Your father is too embarrassed to enter the palace?" Cheng Sanxu didn't expect Qin Mo to be so shameless and hooked Qin Mo's shoulder , whispered: "I'm telling you, have less contact with the children of the Xu family. He was a lot of trouble for your father when he was young, do you hear me?"


Qin Mo nodded, thinking, "By the way, where are Dabao and the others?"

"Hey, I'm on duty today. I won't come until I get off duty soon!"

"Okay, I'll go in first. Uncle Cheng, Uncle Li, and Uncle Xu will leave first!" Qin Mo cupped his hands, led the horse and walked inside.

The civil and military ministers looked at this with sneers.

Gongsun Chong sneered: "We can't get in, why should he get in?"

"That's right, is he more stupid than us?" Dou Jianming snorted.

Du Youwei was standing next to his father. Before he could speak, Du Jingming told him in advance: "Stop mocking Qin Mo in the future. You are a fool every day. You are worse than a fool!"

Du Youwei's face was full of embarrassment and unconvinced, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that he was not as good at writing as Qin Mo, and he couldn't beat him.

It really can’t be compared!

Everyone looked at Qin Mo. At this moment, the palace door vibrated and someone opened it from inside.

Gao Shilian ran out from inside, "Oh, Prince Consort, why did you bring so many gifts!"

"Lao Gao, happy new year, you are one year younger again!"

Gao Shilian smiled brightly. This child really knows how to talk. He took Qin Mo's hand and said, "Come on, come with us. You have brought so many gifts. His Majesty will be happy to see them!"

"Gao Gong, can we go in?" Gongsun Wuji quickly stepped forward and asked with his hands in hand.

"Uncle, Your Majesty said that you have already wished me a happy new year. Your Majesty likes the gift very much. In addition, you have all received a fine of salary and your mansion has not been destroyed by bombing. Life is very tight, so I will not accept you this year. It’s a gift. Let’s go home. It’s cold, so don’t wait here!”

Gao Shilian flicked the whisk and pulled Qin Mo into the palace.

Gongsun Wuji was terribly embarrassed.

Gongsun Chong and Dou Jianming felt their faces burning.

Du Youwei was secretly lucky. Fortunately, he listened to his father and didn't ridicule him!
Gongsun Wuji also had a look of helplessness on his face. That person had not calmed down yet and was arguing with them here.

"Everyone, put all the posts and gifts and let the palace people take them in." Gongsun Wuji sighed.

Everyone looked at each other and sighed in unison, "This is the best we can do!"

At this time, in the palace, Qin Mo moved a large box of things from the carriage, "Uncle, good things, a gift for you!"

"Silver? Nephew, you have given me enough, and my uncle has nowhere to spend money in the palace, so I don't need this silver!" Gao Shilian looked at the box and thought to himself, there must be thousands of taels in it?

Qin Mo took care of his three meals a day, was filial and considerate, and was so greedy that it hurt his feelings!

"It's vulgar to talk about money. The things here are most suitable for uncle to use!" Qin Mo chuckled.

"What?" Gao Shilian was also curious.

Qin Mo said with a smile: "The thing inside is called a comfortable patch. It makes you laugh when you put it on!"

(End of this chapter)

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