big dry son-in-law

Chapter 352 Grown up!

Chapter 352 Grown up!
Nineteen, rain is a good time to get married and offer sacrifices to heaven!

On this day, it didn't rain and the sun was just right.

Qin Mo got up early in the morning, and the hall of the Duke of Qin's mansion was cleaned and decorated with lanterns and decorations.

Everyone was beaming.

Qin Mo also put on the round-neck robe sent by Empress Gongsun.

Li Shilong also sent 'Jin De Guan'.

This kind of imperial crown is not something that ordinary people can wear. It is mostly worn by important officials of the imperial court, and it must be a reward from the emperor.

The frame is made of gilt copper leaf, which is made of leather. On top of the leather, there is a very thin layer of leather with hollow arabesque decoration.

There are three gilt copper beams on the top of the crown, and three pairs of hollow gilt flower embroideries on each side, which are exquisitely crafted.

Wear a hat when you reach your crown, and you will be a highlight wherever you go.

However, Qin Mo thought it was too heavy. He already had a lot of hair, and then he put a hat on it, which made him feel bad.

It's not enough if he doesn't wear it. His father always has a whip in his hand.

Qin Mo also went to the Qin family's ancestral hall to be crowned in front of his ancestors.

He was a prince and aristocrat, so he was crowned four times in total, and he kowtowed to the point where he was numb.

Chai Shao, Li Cungong, Cheng Sanxu, Dou Xuanling, and Du Jingming also came here.

Xu Shichang came uninvited.

Not to mention the gourd brothers and the Xu family, who were busy helping Qin Mo early in the morning.

Li Zhi even came and presented a pair of jade Ruyi.

But there were so many people giving gifts that Qin Mo even stopped laughing.

The people of the old and new Qin Village were even more happy. After all, the future of the two Zhuangzis lay with Qin Mo.

Li Yuan is the host and namer who crowned Qin Mo in this episode.

Who wouldn’t be jealous of this treatment?

Anyway, Li Zhi is so jealous!
Li Yuan even tied Qin Mo's hair himself, and no one else could be found in the entire Daqian.

Everyone who came to attend the crowning ceremony saw this scene in their eyes.

Then comes the 'Jiao' ceremony and the 'naming ceremony'!
"Jingyun, I hope you will be Daqian's cloud, and I also hope you will be Daqian's light!" Li Yuan looked at Qin Mo. This is the fate between grandson and grandson. Although Qin Mo is not his grandson, he is his grandson-in-law.

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!"

On this occasion, Qin Mo didn't call him "old man". Li Yuan became confused when he heard this address.

After the naming ceremony, the last item is to "tell it to the temple", and then the elders from all walks of life have to give advice and words.

Although Qin Mo felt tired, he felt that it was particularly meaningful, entertaining and educating, and preaching through his own life.

From today on, anyone who calls him Qin Mo is disrespecting him. Only parents, relatives, brothers and sisters can call him by his name.

Others can only call him by his first name, otherwise it will be contempt, and at the slightest, they will fall out and fight each other at every turn!

Li Yuan took Qin Mo's hand and said with a smile: "From now on, you will be an adult. You need to think twice before doing anything. However, you must not be afraid of trouble. That blind thing will bully you. I'll help you." Do you know?"

"Thank you, old man!" Qin Mo smiled.

Then Li Yue and others swarmed over, "Da Qian Yun, congratulations, you have finally grown up!"

"Good job, keep up the good work in the future!"

"Guangyun, from now on, be less stupid, tell more stories, and cook more!"

"Go, my brother's name is Jingyun, do you have any culture?" Qin Mo said with a smile, these are living treasures.

Even the two thugs from the Xu family made fun of him, and Qin Mo just kicked them to the ground.

Xu Shichang felt distressed, but he didn't dare to fart, so he could only laugh along.

At this time, Gao Shilian arrived with the imperial edict.

After paying homage to the Supreme Emperor, Gao Shilian said with a smile: "Your Majesty has an edict, Qin Mo, accept it!"

"My son-in-law accepts the order!" Qin Mo bowed slightly, while the nobles stood, and everyone else bowed down in unison.

"There is a son of the Qin family, named Mo, whose courtesy name is Jingyun. Today he will be crowned and promoted to the title of Duke of Dingyuan County. He will be rewarded with a reward of one million for eight hundred households in the city. A gold-inlaid jade belt and purple gold bag can be inherited by the legitimate son!" Everyone's eyes rolled. Everyone stared.


The founding county official.

The second grade of nobility.

At the top, there are the Duke, the Duke, the Prince, and the King.

Generally, only royal family members and feudal lords will be granted the title of the last two.

Qin Mo grinned. This sixth man was finally generous for a while. Although he was still one level behind the Duke he mentioned last time, he was still pretty good!
"My lord, it's time to take the order!"

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty!" Qin Mo accepted the order with a smile.

After Gao Shilian finished reading the imperial edict, Feng Jin arrived with the Queen's edict, "The Prince Consort takes the edict!"

Qin Mo quickly bowed and bowed!

"The reward is 3 taels of silver, two imperial mansions, [-] acres of prime farmland, hundreds of oxen and horses, and he can drive three people. His wife, the Qin Chai family, is granted the title of a third-class lady, and is given lotuses and hibiscus, all of which are gilded with gold. axis!"

Qin Mo was delighted. He actually had no idea about the title. Anyway, no matter how bad he was, he was still the Duke of the country.

It is not as practical as appreciating fields and land.

Queen Gongsun still understands him.

With these fields, they can be given to the people in Zhuangzi. No matter what age they are, with these fields, they will not go hungry.

As for the number of the emperors, he didn't care. The emperor drove six, the princes drove four, and he drove three. He agreed with the regulations.

Chai Sitian, on the other hand, was very grateful for being granted the title of third-class lady.

Moreover, the two copies of 'jade seal' and 'liu leaf seal' are used, which means that Qin Mo is a civil and military minister, not just a separate military commander or civil servant.

This hint is very obvious. Li Shilong must know that Yizhi can come here.

"Thank you, Queen Mother!" Qin Mo happily accepted the decree.

But soon, both the imperial edict and the imperial edict were taken away by Qin Xianggui and enshrined in the ancestral hall.

Everyone in Qinzhuang was excited.

Chai Shao also nodded secretly, his daughter was not at a loss, she was a third-class lady, and her legitimate son could also inherit the county title, regardless of hereditary succession.

One family has two masters, and there is no difference between the left and the right.

"Lao Gao, Lao Feng, thank you for your hard work, please finish your drink before leaving!"

Qin Mo, wearing a Jin De crown, greeted everyone with Qin Xiangru.

There are no less than five hundred tables in Xin Qin Village.

The crowd was full of people.

The Calabash brothers followed Qin Mo with their idiots, going to toast tables one by one. There was no one left on the table.

There is a cake on every table, one pound, three bowls, and one pound of roasted knives.

Qin Mo also spent a lot of money.

However, there were too many people here. Qin Xiangru sent Li Yuan home first because he was afraid of being unsafe.

Qin Mo was also drunk.

When I woke up, it was already dark.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Li Yulan holding his chin with both hands and looking at him without blinking.

"Eh? Third sister, why are you here?"

Li Yulan blushed, "Why do you still call me Third Sister?"

"Hey, it's easy to say. How about I call you sister-in-law?"

"You!" Li Yulan bit her lip, "You know how to tease me. I've been keeping you here all afternoon!"

Looking at the shy look of the person in front of him, Qin Mo licked his chapped lips, "Then, shall I call you sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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