big dry son-in-law

Chapter 353 Talent!

Chapter 353 Talent!
"You're bullying me, I'm ignoring you!"

She is several years older than Qin Mo. How can she respond when he calls her sister?

Li Yulan is thin-skinned, so Qin Mo can't continue teasing her. As time goes by, one day, she will obediently call her that name!

"Third Sister, I'm thirsty!" Qin Mo still felt that it was easier to call him Third Sister. After all, he and Li Yue were brothers.

Li Yulan stopped the water and carefully fed her to drink, but Qin Mo 'accidentally' bit her finger, "Hey, what are you doing? Is it dirty?"

"It's not dirty, it's not dirty. Third sister smells very good!"

Li Yulan felt itchy in her heart and her body was numb, "Okay, good Qin Lang, stop teasing me, sir. If my father-in-law comes over soon, it will be bad if he sees me."

"Hey, are you calling me father-in-law now?"

Qin Mo smiled, grabbed the cattails, and gently circled his fingers in his palm.

The long eyelashes trembled, and there was a layer of mist in the eyes, "Sitian will be here soon, I saw it, I think you are embarrassed!"

Qin Mo could take care of so much, and his hands immediately smelled fragrant.

Logically speaking, Li Yulan was married for the second time, but why did she have this smell? It was similar to the smell on Chu Rui. Xia He and Qiu Yue used to have the same smell, but after the two sisters became women, the smell changed.

That's exactly weird.

Qin Mo thought about it and didn't pay much attention to it. Probably, girls and women all taste the same!
"Ah, third sister, please let me go, it's time to eat!" This is not the princess's mansion. In the princess's mansion, Qin Mo can do anything.

Seeing that Li Yulan was about to cry, Qin Mo let her go and said, "Third sister, are you still leaving tonight?"

"Of course I have to leave. I came here to give you a gift, but who knew you were drunk and bullied me as soon as you woke up!" Li Yulan quickly arranged her clothes and hair accessories.

As for the seal on the neck, you can only pull the collar up as much as possible.

As for what is under cover, there are countless.

"No, just stay here. Sister Sitian was still living here before. What did someone say? Besides, your father has issued an imperial edict, can he still regret it?"

"But, but, it's not good. If the news spreads and my father knows about it, I will lose face." Doesn't Li Yulan want to stay?

Of course I want to, but if she stays overnight at Qin's house before she gets married, others will definitely say that she doesn't understand etiquette.

As for the man who robbed Li Yushu, she didn't care, because if she didn't marry, her father would marry other princesses to Qin Mo, and no one could condemn her in this matter.

After arranging her clothes, Li Yulan didn't dare to look up, "Get up soon, my father-in-law should be up by now too!"

Qin Mo nodded, it's better for the third sister. She hasn't even entered the door yet, and she's just talking about her father-in-law.

The next day, Qin Mo came to the greenhouse.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, these vegetables can survive even without burning the fire.

Qin Mo calculated the time and found that his vegetables would be easy to sell in at most 20 days, so he made a decisive decision.

The person in charge of the greenhouse was called over. The person in charge of the greenhouse now was Tie Zhu. After being rescued by Qin Mo, this guy became Qin Mo's iron loyalist.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Pull out two-thirds of these vegetables, store the rest in cellars, and supply them in unlimited quantities. Plant all other watermelons and melons in other places, do you know?"

At this time of Daqian, there were already watermelons. Watermelons flowed in from the Western Regions, but there were still few people eating them.

The maturity period of watermelons should be about three months. Qin Mo should be able to make enough money by making a time difference to ensure the uniqueness of Haidilao.Of course, one watermelon cannot support Haidilao.

After Qin Mo ordered Tiezhu, he hurried to the breeding farm.

"Uncle!" Qin Kong saluted Qin Mo respectfully.

Qin Mo waved his hand and hurried to the seedling breeding room.

Tens of thousands of chickens are pecking happily, but these days, landlords don't have much food left, so it is obviously unrealistic to feed the chickens with food.

These chickens hatched before he entered the mountains.

Counting the time, almost a month has passed.

These chickens are quite strong. Qin Mo picked up one, each weighing less than a pound, usually seven or eight taels.

It is incomparable to the chickens of later generations. They can grow to one or two pounds in a month and be ready for slaughter in two months.

Moreover, these are all native chickens, and the largest ones are only three or four pounds, so if they can grow to two pounds, they should be ready for slaughter.

"How many chickens are there right now?"

"Back to uncle, the first batch of 2000 eggs only hatched [-] chicks. Because we were severely inexperienced, more than [-] chicks froze to death. Now there are only [-] here!" Qin Kong said with a look on his face! Guilt.

Eight thousand, not a loss!

Thirty thousand eggs, one egg is worth ten Daqian Tongbao, then 30 eggs, in time, 300 Daqian Tongbao, after calculation, it is only [-] taels.

But a chicken, if distributed to the market, is worth about seventy Daqian Tongbao.

Of course, this is raw chicken. If it is made into a dish, it would be hard to say.

And if you buy more eggs, you can lower the price, so the gross profit is about half, which is still one-third of the survival rate. If there is half the survival rate, the net profit is [-]%.

Two-thirds of the survival rate, after excluding feeding costs, the net profit is half!
Of course, compared with Qin Mo's other businesses, the profits are horribly low.

But what this farm carries is the great dream that everyone can eat meat and everyone can afford meat.

Qin Mo squatted down and grabbed a handful from the feed trough. There were rice bran, ground wheat husks, and chopped rotten leaves.

Rice bran is the food of the poor in Daqian.

"What is this powder?" Qin Mo pointed at the white powder inside.

"Uncle, this is bone meal ground into powder with a roller. It is collected from various families. You said that bones can supplement nutrition. I tried adding bone meal to chicken food, and the effect is indeed very good!"

Bone meal can supplement calcium. People who eat too much may get stones, but chickens are different from people.

"Yes, Xiao Kongkong, you did a good job, but I saw that you put a little too much bone meal. You need to choose the most appropriate ratio. This way, you can maximize the effect of the bone meal and raise the chicks better. young!"

"Thank you for the compliment, uncle!" In Qin Kong's eyes, Qin Mo was a scholar of heaven and earth. He was shocked on the first day he entered the breeding farm, and then spent all his sleep and food studying the ways inside.

"However, the growth rate of these chicks is still too slow. If you can try to breed a fast-growing chick, I will give you a heavy reward!"

Qin Mo said to Qin Kong and other people in the farm: "I will set a standard. Whoever breeds a better poultry breed will be rewarded with [-] taels. At the same time, you can get [-]% of the profit while breeding in large quantities. !”

(End of this chapter)

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