big dry son-in-law

Chapter 360 The mystery in the mouse hole

Chapter 360 The mystery in the mouse hole

He lay down and looked carefully at the entrance of the mouse hole, and found a group of ant soldiers.

Then he reached out and broke off a piece of concrete made of glutinous rice juice and lime at the entrance of the hole.

This is the Daqian version of 'cement'.

Don't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. The cost of this kind of concrete is too high, and its hardness is not much weaker than cement.

"Idiot, I know you're sad, but you can't eat dirt!" Li Yue was frightened and quickly stopped Qin Mo's actions.

"Get away!" Qin Mo pushed Li Yue away and put the clod of soil into his mouth.

It's over, it's over, the fool was stimulated and started to eat dirt!

Li Yue was about to call someone in to stop Qin Mo, but at this moment, Qin Mo knelt down and grabbed a piece of soil and stuffed it into Li Yue's mouth.

"Don't vomit, taste what it tastes like!" Qin Mo pinched Li Yue's mouth.

Li Yue almost vomited.

Then, he was stunned and asked, "Why are these clods of soil sweet?"

Qin Mo spat out the clods of soil in his mouth, then broke them into pieces. It was also mixed with candied dates and other things, "It's made of glutinous rice juice. It's hard for grenades to explode. The wall is more than a foot thick, and I added Zhuangzi inside." The iron bars produced here are very hard, and they have only been built for a few days, how could they be penetrated by rats?"

Qin Mo felt something strange, so he searched the warehouses one by one.

"You mean, someone tampered with this?"

"Yes, when the warehouse was being built, someone tampered with it, and that's why there was a mouse hole. You see, I can break open clods of soil with my bare hands!" Qin Mo snorted, "Who was the one who supervised the production here? Who participated in it? Whoever builds and whoever guards, don’t let anyone go!”

Just as he was talking, there was a noise outside.

Li Shilong arrived.

Also coming with him were the prince, Gongsun Chong, Dou Xuanling, Du Jingming and others.

When they came to Qin Mo, Qin Mo was stunned. Why are these people here?

Li Shilong brought it?

Shit, Li Shilong is not that heartless!
Someone must have spread the news, and these people came here after hearing the news.

There are no generals!

"Baby, what's going on? I only allowed you to recruit 5000 people the day before yesterday, and today, eight people died. Is this the answer you gave me?"

He looked at the corpses of the eight people. They were all blown to bits and were bloody and bloody.

Li Yue didn't say anything nonsense and knelt on the ground, "Father, my son is guilty, but there is another inside story to this matter!"

"Father, this grenade is too powerful and is an unknown object. It should be kept properly. I think the Ministry of War should be involved!"

After Hou Gennian's death, the position of Minister of the Ministry of War was temporarily vacant.

"The prince is right, Your Majesty, these are eight living people. They did not die on the battlefield, but were blown up by grenades from their own people. If their families ask about it, how should the court respond?" Gongsun Wu Ji cupped his hands and said: "Moreover, grenades are dangerous. If this thing is not checked or restricted, it is a hidden danger. Please invite a high-ranking and respected minister to take charge of the new army!"

Dai Wei, Liang Zheng, Du Jingming, and Hu Qingyuan all seconded the proposal.

Li Shilong put his hands behind his back. He didn't want anyone to interfere in this matter, but he was disappointed when something like this happened suddenly.

After all, it was eight lives. "A knife is a murder weapon? Then why do you still carry it with you?" Qin Mo was not happy to hear this, "You eat vegetables and meat, but they are not cut with a knife? Knives can kill people, protect people, and make you eat Fragrant food, do you have to report it every time you chop vegetables?
Stop riding a horse. You can even fall off the horse while riding a horse. How dangerous it is. You have to get used to it. Let me tell you, this matter is not a simple matter. It was someone who inserted his hand into the new horse from the beginning. The troops are coming.

I'll check it now, don't let me find out who it is from, otherwise I will make it impossible for his family to live in four rooms in this life! "

"Qin Mo, are you saying that someone lit the explosives?"

"No one set it on fire, but someone put their hand in from the beginning!"

"Qin Mo, you said one moment it wasn't someone who set it on fire, and the next moment you said someone lit it on fire. You said it was who it was. You can't tell. You're just confusing the situation!" Hu Qingyuan said.

"Old Bi, it's none of your business. You called Qin Mo, do you want to fight? Come on, let's go out and fight. We can't beat you to death!"

This Hu Qingyuan was also a duke. He was a subordinate of one of the Eighteen Routes of rebels against the king. He killed the rebel king at night and offered his head to Li Shilong.

However, he is not a military commander, but a civil servant.

He was fined for being greedy for money before, but it has only been two months since he returned to the court.

Qin Mo has been working in Da Da for so long and has some experience.

All high-ranking officials have something wrong with them.

He is greedy for money, prostitutes, roams the countryside, and marries a little wife every three to five days.

Of course it was to get the handle to Li Shilong.

Which emperor would dare to use a person who has perfect moral character, high moral prestige, and great achievements?

As for Qin Mo's father, there was nothing he could do. He was just a 'silly son' without a clan. It was hard for Li Shilong not to worry about him.

"Just fight, whoever is afraid of whom!" Hu Qingyuan also rolled up his sleeves, "Your Majesty, this fool Qin is bullying people too much. Others are afraid of him, but I am not afraid!"

Li Shilong's face turned dark, "Why are we fighting? We have something to talk about. Qin Mo, please be honest with me. If we fight again, I will cut you off!"

Qin Mo was delighted, "Father, one level will be reduced after each fight. My second-grade title is enough to be reduced sixteen times. After being reduced sixteen times, I still have the title of Duke of Qin. How about you take my father's title?" Even if you cut it, he is still a hussar general, and he can cut it dozens of times!"

Li Shilong had already put his hands on his belt. This fool was so angry. Fortunately, he was only his son-in-law. If he had been his son, his life would have been shortened by two years!

"Shut up, old man, and tell me what's going on!"

Li Yue cupped his hands and said, "We found a mouse hole in the warehouse. This mouse hole is very strange."

Before he finished speaking, Li Xin said: "Eighth brother, you don't want to say that the person who detonated the grenade was a rat, right? There are rats in the palace and in the warehouse. Isn't that normal?"

Everyone looked sarcastic, and Li Shilong also frowned.

Li Yue smiled bitterly and didn't know how to explain it for a while. After all, he didn't know what the hell Qin Mo was talking about as 'static electricity'.

"Okay, let me explain!"

Qin Mo said: "Come, father, come with me and have a look, then you will know where the problem lies!"

Li Shilong nodded and was about to walk in when Gongsun Wuji quickly said: "Your Majesty, wait a minute, this warehouse is too unsafe."

"Yes, there is a problem with this warehouse, and there is a problem with the grenades. You must not enter it!"

Qin Mo snorted, "Be brave, Dabao, Xiaobao. You and your men, please move all the grenades out of the warehouse for me now!"

(End of this chapter)

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