big dry son-in-law

Chapter 361 Everyone eats, you’re welcome!

Chapter 361 Everyone eats, you’re welcome!
Li Yongmeng took hundreds of people with him and transported all the grenades to another warehouse in less than two quarters of an hour.

Qin Mo said: "Is it safe now?"

Li Shilong raised his feet and said, "Let's go in and take a look!"

The warehouse is now empty, with nothing on the ground except some scattered gunpowder debris.

But some hidden things are also exposed to their sight.

"Father, the walls of this warehouse are more than a foot thick. Iron rods are poured inside, and glutinous rice juice is mixed with lime. Not to mention rats, even with a giant hammer, they can't break it!"

As soon as Qin Mo waved, someone handed over an iron hammer. This hammer weighed ten kilograms!

A hammer hit the wall, causing sparks to fly but leaving only a mark.

Qin Mo hit him twenty or thirty times in a row, his face turned red, but he didn't break the wall.

"With a wall like this, how could mice dig it out in such a short period of time?" Qin Mo pointed to the seven or eight mouse holes at the joints between the ground and the wall.

As soon as the hammer went down, there was a big hole, and termites were even found in the cave.

Qin Mo took out a piece of soil and said, "Father, try it!"

"Your Majesty, let your servant come!" Gao Shilian stepped forward quickly!

Li Shilong waved his hand and looked at the soil handed over by Qin Mo.

Liang Zheng scolded angrily: "Qin Mo, you let His Majesty eat dirt, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Qin Mo, you are too courageous!" Li Xin said coldly: "Can such a thing enter the mouth of my father?"

"How about you come and try it, uncle?" Qin Mo picked up another fist-sized stone and handed it over, "You're welcome, try it, it tastes pretty good!"

Li Xin said with a dark face, "Qin Mo, I don't have time to play house with you!"

"You don't want it. Then Uncle Gongsun, you can try it. Liang Laogou, Hu Laobi, etc., if you want to try it, you can pick it up on the ground yourself!" Qin Mo said.

Li Shilong's face was as dark as water. He took the clod of soil in Qin Mo's hand and put it into his mouth. At first, he was a little disgusted, but after the clod of soil entered his mouth, the expression on his face suddenly became wonderful.

Gao Shilian wiped his sweat. Why is this child getting more and more bad as he gets older? He is so scary. Can this thing be eaten?

What should I do if I eat something bad?

"Your Majesty, spit it out, spit it out quickly!" Gao Shilian was extremely anxious.

"Lao Gao, you should try it too!"

Qin Mo stuffed a piece of dirt the size of a small fingernail into his mouth.

"Hmm~eh?" Gao Shilian was filled with confusion, "This clod of soil is sweet and salty, but why does it still smell of honey and candied dates?"

Li Shilong spit out the stones in his mouth, and Li Yue quickly handed over the water, "Father, rinse your mouth."

After rinsing his mouth, Li Shilong said with a stern expression: "There is something wrong with this clod of soil!"

Hearing this, Gongsun Wuji and others were also stunned. He bent down to pick up a piece of soil and put it into his mouth, his expression also changed.

Then everyone followed suit.

Qin Mo scanned their faces, trying to get some clues, but these old silver coins were all drama queens, and they were all shocked.

Nothing can be seen. "Your Majesty, this clod of soil seems to be mixed with something!" Gao Shilian spit out the clod of soil, "Add salt and sugar to the glutinous rice slurry, and some nuts such as candied dates. This wall will definitely not be strong. Who is it? , The mind is so vicious!”

"Even so, it doesn't seem to prove anything, right?" Hu Qingyuan said: "Since no one has entered the warehouse, it is impossible to ignite the grenade. Could it be that the rat ignited the grenade with a fire stick?"

As soon as these words came out, many people laughed.

"You're right, it's really the rat's fault!"

Qin Mo said: "If someone catches a mouse, ties a fire stick to the mouse, waits for the mouse to return to the hole, and lights it on fire, isn't it normal?"

"What about the mouse holes? There can't be only those inside, but not outside, right?" Hu Qingyuan sneered: "Could it be that your patrols can't find such obvious mouse holes, so you have to waste them as much as you can?"

"Well said, this is the cleverness of the person behind me. The warehouse drawings are from my own hand. The exterior walls of the warehouse are all made of iron plates. Let's put it this way, even if you blow it up with a grenade, it won't necessarily explode!

However, it is not completely impossible. There are water diversion canals around each warehouse. The water diversion canals are empty. Qin Mo asked people to open up the surrounding stones, and sure enough, many mouse holes were found inside, and there were also Lots of rats scurrying around inside!
Qin Mo took a deep breath, "It's impossible for three days or even more than ten days to cause problems, but as time goes by, problems will definitely occur.

When salt is added to lime, it will return to alkaline, weakening the adhesion between lime and glutinous rice juice. Secondly, sugar and other nuts are added to it. Bugs like ants like it the most. They cannot get in from the outside, so they can only enter from the outside. The mouse hole has entered.

There are ants and mice working together to make the hole big, and it can be opened in a month, but I think that person's purpose is not purely to set the warehouse on fire and cause trouble! "

Qin Mo originally thought that it was one of these people who set the warehouse on fire and inserted his hand into it.

The probability is there, but not high.

Because after the incident, he will definitely check other warehouses and there is a risk of exposure.

Of course, this may also be the case. After all, Li Yue didn't pay much attention to these mouse holes when he saw them, and they were even sparse and ordinary.

After all, there are rats in the palace's granary!
No mouse will stay still without food.

Therefore, a barn full of mice is actually a symbol of blessing and represents a good harvest of food at home.

"Nonsense, the rats set the warehouse on fire, why didn't you say it was your own fault?" Liang Zheng said: "Don't make excuses for yourself, Your Majesty, this is too far-fetched. This new army must be controlled by important ministers.

After all, the King of Yue does not know how to fight, and still needs help! "

Li Yue clenched his fists. This old man Liang was so annoying.

Just because he didn't know how to fight, he was labeled as a loser!
Moreover, as the top official of the new force, he had all the responsibilities.

This was to attack his weak point, and it would most likely destroy the reputation he had worked so hard to accumulate these days.

Without a virtuous reputation, he has nothing to fight for!
"Your Majesty, I also thought what Qin Mo said was ridiculous. He was trying to justify the crimes he had committed!"

Dai Wei cupped his hands and said, this is an excellent opportunity to join the new army and join the grenades. If you miss it, you don't know how long it will take.

Everyone agreed, Qin Mo rolled up his sleeves and walked to Dai Wei.

"Qin Hanzi, what do you want to do!" Dai Wei was startled and subconsciously took two steps back.

"Idiot, don't be impulsive!" Li Yue was also surprised.

Li Shilong gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Mo, what are you going to do?"

Qin Mo ignored them, stretched out his hand, and pulled off Dai Wei's head!
Dai Wei let out an 'ah' sound, squatted down quickly, put his head in his hands, "Your Majesty, he hit me!"

(End of this chapter)

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