big dry son-in-law

Chapter 372 Fighting the Autumn Wind?impossible!

Chapter 372 Fighting the Autumn Wind?impossible!
Qin Mo was not in the capital, so everyone stopped.

At this time in previous years, the spring rain would have come.

There is a poem that says: Spring rain is as precious as oil!
Yuan Tiangang made a Taoist speech: "Your Majesty, last year there was a severe drought in the northwest, but no heavy snowfall fell. This year it has been rainy, and the Waking of Insects is coming, but so far there has not been a single rain.

The weather is weird. There may be a drought in the capital this year! "

Hearing this, Li Shilong was a little upset.

The two things he was most afraid of hearing as emperor were drought and floods!

White disaster damage is smaller.

He hurriedly summoned the minister of civil and military affairs.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders for calling your ministers into the palace in such a hurry?"

"Are we going to fight again?" Cheng Sanxu was gearing up, "Your Majesty, this time I must let Cheng go into battle!"

There was no way, Cheng Sanfu had several sons. Although the bastard son was not as important as the legitimate son, he could not ignore them.

"You can fight the battle, but not now!"

Li Shilong waved his hand and said seriously: "Spring has started this year and it hasn't rained yet. Qin Tianjian said that we must prevent a severe drought.

Moreover, there was a severe drought in the northwest last year and no snowfall, which is very likely to trigger a locust plague! "

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Gongsun Wuji quickly said: "Yuan Jianzheng, are you accurate?"

To be honest, Qin Tian Jian is equivalent to the Astronomy Bureau and the Meteorological Bureau, and it is generally very accurate.

They have their own way of coping.

"I can't say for sure, but it's a good thing to prevent it as early as possible. The most important thing is in the northwest. There was no snowfall last year and the insect eggs were not frozen to death. This is the most important thing."

Don’t think the ancients were stupid, auspicious snow heralds a good harvest is not a catchy verse.

The ancients relied on the sky for food, and the 24 solar terms were clearly arranged for you.

It has been used for thousands of years and has not yet fed the country with the most population in the world.

“Father, last winter, the Minister of Work Relief for Children had already led people to dig wastelands and dig canals, and built two more reservoirs in the suburbs.

Together with other reservoirs, there are ten reservoirs.

If there is a severe drought this year, and we are on the Jinghuai River, we will be able to survive it as long as we save water. "Li Yue stepped out of the queue and cupped his hands.

Everyone looked at each other.

Li Shilong was even more delighted, "Okay, take precautions, Lao Ba, you did a great job!"

"This is just a fool to remind me that many things were discussed between the two of us!" When good things happen, brothers can't be left behind.

Li Xin's teeth were almost broken. Why didn't he think of this?

"People's affairs are no small matter. Mingtai, please do some statistics. We must ensure that the people of the capital will not be short of water when irrigating their fields this year.

The Waking of Insects is coming soon. When the spring thunder sounds, everything comes to life. This is the most important thing! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Dai Wei stepped out.

"As a reward, Lao Ba can ride into the palace. When you see me, you can wear a sword. You can reward a thousand households in the city with food!"

"Thank you, Father!"

Li Yue was excited in his heart, but his face remained calm, neither humble nor arrogant.

He is the king of Yue, and there are thousands of households in Yuezhou. The king of Yue is the king. Once he becomes a vassal, he will have all the civil and military officials.

To reward another thousand households would be arrogance.

Li Yue looked at Liu Chenghu and saw him shaking his head slightly and riding into the palace. This was the treatment only Su Lao had for his contribution to the founding of the country.

Li Yue is a good prince, but he has no military exploits.Moreover, even if you are rewarded for meritorious service and are rewarded with riding into the palace or carrying a sword, you still have to walk obediently.

The emperor can give it to you, but you can't be really obedient, otherwise it will lead to death.

Li Yue's thoughts changed, and he held his hand again and said: "But my father, my son and I just did something within our ability. This is the duty of the royal family. Therefore, if my father wants to reward me, I will not hesitate to give my son some money and charity." Today, the foundation is providing one-to-one assistance to widowed elderly people.

If the review is passed, a nursing home will be built, so that all the helpless and childless elders in the capital can enter the nursing home and receive the favor of the court and the favor of their father! "

"What a job!"

Li Shilong's face was overjoyed, and his original anxious mood was relieved a lot.

It seemed that Li Yue really listened to what he said.

"Your nursing home is very good!" Li Shilong affirmed, "But does the charity foundation still have money?"

"Father, these are all the ledgers of the Charity Foundation from last year to yesterday. They are all here!"

Gao Shilian handed over the account book.

Li Shilong's eyes widened when he saw it, "The balance is more than [-] taels, including [-] shi of grain, [-] pieces of silk, [-] pieces of coarse cloth, [-] shi of miscellaneous grains, and clothing for all seasons."

Everyone is stupid.

What kind of foundation is this that makes so much money?
Stretch out your hands and there is money in the treasury?
"My father is in control of the overall situation, and my sons are just doing things. This is all due to my father. Nowadays, the charity fund is running more smoothly.

Hanzi also told his son that under the leadership of his father, this charity foundation would definitely be able to take care of the people.

Now he suggests that Erchen should set up a nursing home, and in the future, Erchen will also set up an orphanage.

Establish Daqian Charity School to provide support for the elderly and support for the young. "

Liu Chenghu nodded with satisfaction.

Chai Shao also smiled. This eighth prince looked like the Supreme Emperor and had a good heart.

Li Shilong was even more satisfied, "It's good for the old to have someone to rely on and the young to have support. The words of the ancient sage king are grand wishes. Just do it. I will support you in everything."

If Li Yue can really do this, his reputation as the Eternal Ming King, oh no, the Eternal Sage King will never escape.

Behind this, we need to add Tian Khan.

"Yes, Father!"

"Allocate 10 taels of silver from internal funds to the charity foundation!"

"Thank you, father!" Li Yue thanked him and immediately returned to his seat.

All this happened so fast that Gongsun Wuji didn't even react.

He glanced at Li Xin. At this time, Li Xin's face was as dark as water, and he was terrifyingly gloomy.

At this time, Li Zhi saw this and stood up. He was assisting Li Yue, and Li Yue got all the benefits. What about him?
"Father, my son is willing to be my eighth brother's deputy. As the saying goes, if brothers work together, they are more powerful than gold. Let my eighth brother take charge of the nursing home affairs, and my son will take charge of the orphanage!"

Some old men die when they die, but children are different. If the orphanage is built, they will all be grateful to themselves.

As for Li Xin, screw him, let’s hug him first and talk about the benefits first!
Li Yue was angry.

Every time something good happens, this guy jumps out to get a share of the pie. It's so disgusting!

Li Shilong looked at Li Zhi and then remembered that he also had some merit in providing work for relief.

"Hey, your idea is good, but I still need Lao Ba to coordinate this matter, because there is also a plan in the account book that Lao Ba comes with.

Moreover, there seems to be a lot of money in the charity fund's account now. If the construction of the nursing home starts, the money will be unstoppable! "

The implication is that Li Yue is now in charge of the charity organization and wants to intervene and come up with plans. That's it, he may not pass it!

In fact, he didn't know what Li Zhi was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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