big dry son-in-law

Chapter 373 The Abnormal Prince

Chapter 373 The Abnormal Prince

But Li Zhi refused, "Father, I will go back and make a detailed plan right now."

Li Xin also stood up and said, "Donggong Charity Foundation is willing to help Lao Ba!"

As soon as these words came out, Gongsun Wuji stroked his beard and smiled.


Li Yue also looked stunned. What's going on?
The prince has changed his gender?

Li Shilong frowned at first, then relaxed, "Cheng Qian, tell me your opinion!"

"Yes, Father!"

Li Xin smiled and went out, "Badi's idea is very good. Although I haven't seen Badi's plan yet, the old people have support and the young have support. This is the great wish of the ancient sage kings.

Even after hearing this plan, I was shocked. The eighth brother had a reputation as a virtuous man, and Jing Yun had always been filial and kind-hearted.

Therefore, I am willing to participate in this project and contribute a small amount without asking for any credit. I hope that after it is completed, the widowed elderly can enjoy a blessing and the helpless children can have a safe place to live! "

Li Shilong stared at Li Xin, regardless of whether he said these words sincerely or falsely.

They all spoke to Li Shilong's heart.

What he envisioned was for brothers to work together to do a good job in national affairs. Li Xin is the eldest brother after all, and he must have the mind and spirit of the eldest brother.

Even if he is mediocre or mediocre, this throne belongs to him.

After all, it is your own child. If you take the wrong path for a while, it is good if you can correct it.

"Lao Ba, this matter will be done according to what Cheng Qian said. You will be the leader, he will be the deputy, and your two brothers will work hard to get this matter done.

Fourth child, you also join in, remember, don’t do anything without permission, everything is led by the eighth child! "

"Yes, Father!"

The three brothers responded in unison.

Alarm bells rang in Li Yue's heart. Li Zhi looked smiling, but he was very angry in his heart.

The gloomy look on Li Xin's face disappeared, and he smiled at the corner of his mouth. "Man, what is benevolence? It is tolerance!"
"Okay, let's put aside the drought in the capital for now. Let's talk about the locust plague in the northwest. This matter must be taken seriously. A highly respected person needs to be sent to take charge. If a disaster does occur, we must find a solution in time!"

Li Shilong's eyes scanned the crowd, everyone shrank their heads and looked at their toes.

Whoever likes to do this kind of nonsense will do it!

It’s a thankless job. They are dozens of years old. Who has never seen a locust plague?
The overwhelming locusts eat all the way, scaring people to death, and there is almost no way to contain them.

"Youda, please take a trip!"

Everyone was a little surprised.

Chai Shao cupped his hands and said, "I am a humble minister, I obey the order!"

Li Shilong nodded, "I will have three hundred Royal Forest Army escort you there. When you arrive in the northwest, you must appease the local people and focus on disaster relief!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Chai Shao knew clearly that this was a test and a step for him to officially enter the core of power.

After the dynasty was over, Li Yue and Liu Chenghu walked together, "Father-in-law, tell me, why does the prince want to help me if he is a good person?"

Liu Chenghu shook his head: "Anyway, just be careful!"

He also knew what the prince had done during the past few days since he returned to the capital.

He actually didn't want to get involved in this matter, but he couldn't watch Li Yue being bullied.

You must be able to help Li Yue without being feared by the one above.

so difficult!

Li Yue sighed, if only Hanzi was here, he would definitely have a way!
"Auntie, lie down, yes, look more charming, eh, yes!"

It's still that attic.

Qin Mo took the brush and kept sketching Xiao Miaozhen.Xiao Mo looked excited.

Xiao Miaozhen also blushed a little, just because this posture was really embarrassing.

Xiao Wu and Xi'er were driven downstairs.

Since the first day he came here, Qin Mo touched Xiao Miaozhen's hands and cheeks from time to time.

Then he painted, wrote poems, and praised Emperor Zhou by the way, and the effect was particularly good.

It works wonders every time.

Xiao Miaozhen felt ashamed and angry. If it weren't for the purpose of recruiting Qin Mo and getting what he wanted, he would have wanted to stab him to the core with a sword.

After a while, Qin Mo put away his pen and said, "Okay, aunt, let's see how the painting goes!"

Xiao Miaozhen walked over and looked at herself in Qin Mo's painting, "It's pretty good."

"If it's ten out of ten, how would you rate it?"

"Nine points!" Xiao Miaozhen said.

To be honest, Qin Mo is really talented, and this painting can be passed down through the ages.

Not to mention, the poetry.

"It's only nine points, so there's still room for improvement!" Qin Mo touched his chin and rolled his eyes, "Auntie, I know where the difference is!"

"Where's the difference?"

Qin Mo smiled, stretched out his finger, and touched Xiao Miaozhen's lips.

At that moment, Xiao Miaozhen's anger rose. This scoundrel usually took advantage of her and she tolerated it, but now he actually touched her lips.

Qin Mo tapped lightly, and his fingers were instantly stained red by rouge.

Move your fingers on the drawing paper, with a touch of rouge, the person on the drawing paper seems to have a soul, lifelike.

Xiao Miaozhen was stunned, looking at Qin Mo, with ripples in her heart, "You don't draw pictures for other girls less, right?"

"Conscience of heaven and earth, aunt, I'll give you four. Apart from you, I have never painted for any other woman!" Qin Mo said with a serious face: "I'll give you four!"

"Okay, I believe you do!" Xiao Miaozhen calmed down, "Are you married?"

Qin Mo was overjoyed, "Auntie is gone!"

"Really or falsely?" Xiao Miaozhen looked directly at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's heart was pounding, and he kept thinking whether he should tell her his true identity.

But the senior sister said that when traveling in the world, one would not tell others his real name. If he did not tell him his real name, he obviously did not regard him as one of his own.

"No, I'll serve four!" Qin Mo said.

This little slippery man doesn't say a word of truth!
"Then what kind of woman do you like?"

"As long as aunt is like this!" Qin Mo blurted out.

"It's not serious!" Xiao Miaozhen said, "It's good that I betrothed Xi'er to you. We are poor in the mountains, and it was wasted time for her to follow me. You are a talented person, and you will definitely do something great in the future. !”

Qin Mo shuddered when he thought of that little girl with all her teeth and claws, "Goodbye, Sister Xi'er is not my type!"

"Xi'er is a bit aggressive, but she is kind-hearted!"

"I like my aunt like this!"

"Don't mention it again. I'm much older than you, and I can be your mother!" Xiao Miaozhen was right. Many women of his grade might become grandmothers!
To be honest, she felt so tired. She was with this little guy, testing each other all the time, but this guy pretended to be honest.

After coming down the mountain, Xiao Wu said irritably: "Miss, why don't we catch him and torture him. If this continues, when will it end?"

(End of this chapter)

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