big dry son-in-law

Chapter 408 The guiding light!

Chapter 408 The guiding light!

Qin Wei was stunned.

At first, he thought he was the most useless. He could neither herd cattle and farm like Qin Kong nor work in iron like Qin Liao.

But I didn't expect that I was wrong.

He suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was very heavy.

"Remember, children are the hope, and you are the one who leads the hope. Society is progressing, why do scholars have a high status?

That's because they are good at writing and judging, are literate, speak in clear sentences, and understand the truth.

A scholar who can uphold justice and plead for the people is a true scholar.

If you read a book just to show off your status and think you are talented, you are a fool.

Ordinary people can still support themselves if they don't study, but if scholars don't study, is it okay to let them go to the fields?

Therefore, after the establishment of this school, they must be made aware of all kinds of grains, the 24 solar terms, and when and how to plant.

We need to invite craftsmen, farmers, lawyers, and businessmen to teach our children. "

Qin Wei felt that his original world view had been strongly impacted.

Craftsman, farmer, businessman?

Let them teach the children?
Are children taught in this way really talented?

He couldn't help but ask, "Uncle, if these people don't know a few Chinese characters, how can you teach them?"

"The knowledge of craftsmen is never in books, the knowledge of farmers is in the fields, and the knowledge of businessmen is experience, buying low and selling high, transferring goods from the south to the north, and the customs and customs of various places!"

Qin Wei nodded in understanding.

“When we teach children, we can’t just teach those who know how to do it, or those who can only read rote books. We must learn to think independently and learn to explore the truth on our own.

Practice is the only way to explore the truth. It is better to have no books than to believe in books! "

These words made Qin Wei enlightened!

He looked at Qin Mo. Usually, Qin Mo never showed off his talents and spoke in plain language.

He is obviously a drunk poet, but he does not rely on his talent and is arrogant.

Be able to understand the suffering of the people and have a compassionate heart.

At this moment, Qin Mo's image in his heart was infinitely magnified.

Like a guiding light.

Fortunately, he had thought about becoming an official and realizing his ambition before, but now it seems that he is too shallow.

His level is too low, not as good as his uncle.

"Uncle, I will definitely work hard!" Qin Wei was reluctant to teach before, but now, he feels that teaching is the only way out.

"Very good. You are very aware. I will give you a poem. I hope you can always alert yourself!"

Qin Wei quickly bowed and looked like he was listening.

"Hsinchu is higher than the old bamboo branches, all because of the support of old branches. Next year there will be new ones, and the ten-foot-long dragon grandson will come around Fengchi. The name of the poem is dedicated to Qin Wei!" Qin Mo said: "This poem is from a time I drank I made it drunk and gave it to you!"

Qin Wei's cheeks flushed with excitement. The meaning of this poem is that new bamboos are taller than old bamboos, and their growth is entirely supported by the old branches.

There will be new growth next year and it will grow taller.Plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, bamboo is a gentleman.

What high hopes and high expectations.

He lifted up his clothes, knelt down straight, and kowtowed three times to Qin Mo respectfully, "Uncle, I have high hopes. My grandnephew dare not forget them. I will definitely keep them in mind!"

With just this poem, Qin Wei will repay his uncle well in this life!

After receiving these three ringings, Qin Mosheng touched Qin Wei's head and said, "Remember, some people are brilliant not in front of the stage, but behind the stage."

"well said!"

Just then, a voice came from behind.

Qin Mo turned around and saw Li Yuan walking over.

"Old man, when did you come?"

"Oh, I've been here for a while. I couldn't think of any good stories. I wanted to find you, but you weren't at home, so I had to run over here."

"Didn't you hear everything I just said?"

"What are you afraid of? Just listen when you hear it. I know that you have a gap in your chest and you are just too lazy. I think this school you have built is very feasible. It is much better than the current Taixue and Hongwen Hall. "How could Li Yuan not know the benefits of doing this?

"Of course, but it's expensive to open this school. Here, not only are the tuition fees free, but we also provide them with paper and pens, invite their husbands to teach them, and provide them with lunch," Qin Mo said in tears.

"Not allowed to be repaired?" Li Yuan asked in surprise.

"Why do you need to be repaired? They are all your own children!" Qin Mo said.

"What I mean is that we can use your school as a model to implement this model across the country. Do you think it is feasible?" Li Yuan asked.

"It's feasible, but it costs money. I told my father last time and asked him to reward me with an official position. It's been a long time, but he hasn't given me a reply!"

"Hey, he has that kind of character. He plans everything beforehand. He doesn't dare to do anything if he's not sure. He doesn't have the courage I have. He can make people mad!" Li Yuan snorted, "Let's go, Jingyun, follow I am entering the palace, why should I delay such a big event? If he doesn’t give me an explanation, I will scold him to death!”

"Hey, old man, I'm still supervising the work here!"

"You don't work, why should you be monitored? I think you are just lazy and unwilling to move!" Li Yuan pulled Qin Mo and walked to the carriage, "I beg you, please work harder, I will pay you back." You have prepared a big gift, don’t you want it?”

"What a great gift, what if I don't like it? Old man, you're a bad example and you're starting to whet my appetite."

Li Yuan smiled mysteriously, "I guarantee you will like it!"

Qin Mo didn't ask, scratched his head, and followed Li Yuan to the palace.

"Li Er, do you still have time to read here? Such big things are happening outside, how can you be in the mood to sit here?" Li Yuan walked into the Tai Chi Palace in a hurry. Before anyone arrived, he Start cursing.

Li Shilong was stunned.

"Father, what's wrong with my son?" Did he realize that he was wrong when he read the book?

He looked at Qin Mo, who was looking at the ceiling with his head raised, as if it had nothing to do with him. He gritted his teeth and could only smile, "Father, did I do something wrong again and make you angry? You said that I must be quibbling, but no, it’s an explanation!”

"Huh, did Jingyun tell you about the reform and appointment last time? It's been a few days, have you made a decision?

I'm already old and I still have to worry about it every day. Can't you give me a little peace of mind? "

"That's it?" Li Shilong smiled bitterly, "Father, you can't rush this matter, you have to take your time!"

"Do you want to wait until I close my eyes before we talk?" Li Yuan was furious, "You are a person who wants to destroy the family and also wants a good reputation. How can there be such a good thing in the world?
The good people have done everything for you, but the bad people have done it for your children and grandchildren? "

(End of this chapter)

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