big dry son-in-law

Chapter 409 He just deserves to be scolded

Chapter 409 He just deserves to be scolded

Li Shilong's face was burning.

Li Yuan had lifted the lid, leaving no face for him.

He was also extremely aggrieved. If the old man hadn't made an agreement with the family to share the world, why would the old man not lose his tail and cause him such a big trouble?
"Father, I don't have this intention. Naturally, I want my descendants to live on their merits. The bad guys will let my son do it, and the good guys will let that son and grandson do it!" Li Shilong said with a helpless smile.

"Shit, don't give me such a slap in the face. What are you thinking? I don't know what's going on in my heart?" Li Yuandao said, "Jingyun said last time that he asked you to change the state school or the county school. Have you changed it?
Nowadays, the cost of making paper is so cheap and printing books is so fast. Have you completed the Royal Library that I asked you to build?

Let me tell you, there is no better time than now. If you don’t seize this opportunity and wait for these guys to join the team to keep warm, can you still be so smooth? "

"Lao Ba has been working on the Royal Library. I will call Lao Ba here. Come on, Father, don't be angry. Jing Yun, please persuade me!" Li Shilong gave Qin Mo a wink, but Qin Mo didn't bother to tease him.

Who allows this old man to cause trouble for himself every day?

Let him have a taste of this too.

"Don't drag Jing Yun into this. The child has provided you with so many solutions, but you, the emperor, just don't care.

Be courageous but not bold, be decisive but not arbitrary. I think you should retire early and come play mahjong with me. "Li Yuan sat on the dragon chair and couldn't stop cursing.

Li Shilong gritted his teeth angrily when he saw Qin Mo hanging up his sleeve as it had nothing to do with him, but he had no choice but to stand aside and listen to advice.

The living man nodded, and with a stroke of his pen, he wrote in the living note: "In the spring of the eighth year of Jinglong, the Supreme Emperor urged Emperor Li Shilong to be kind to his father and filial to his son."

Soon, Li Yue came, "My grandson, see the emperor, see the emperor!"

Seeing Li Yue, Li Yuan stopped talking. Looking at this grandson who was [-]% to [-]% similar to himself when he was young, the wrinkles on his face relaxed. "Get up, I want to ask you, what happened to your royal library?" Are you ready?"

"Back to Grandpa Huang, the site selection has been completed. I have given you the drawings of the library. An eight-story library will be built in Nancheng with tens of thousands of books. Currently, various rare books have been collected. There are more than 3000 copies, each printed no less than [-] times, and will be able to accommodate [-] people reading together!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Shilong and Li Yuan were shocked.

"Eight floors? So high, attic? The attic can accommodate 3000 people, are you kidding me?" Li Shilong asked.

"Father, this is not an attic, but a new-style building. The foundation is two feet deep. It is watered with glutinous rice juice and limestone, tamped with thousands of kilograms of boulders, and made of steel as the bones. Each floor is 80 meters long and 60 meters wide! Each floor is 5000 meters long and 5 meters wide! The floor is five meters high!" Li Yue said loudly: "At present, in addition to the allocation from the imperial court, Erchen has also raised more than [-] taels of charity. At the same time, Hanzi, Li Yongmeng, brothers Cheng Dabao, and Liu Rujian also donated [-] taels, totaling more than [-] taels.

1 people start the construction, lunch is included, and the labor cost is 800 taels per person per day. Including lunch, the total is 400 taels.

Steel, glutinous rice juice limestone, bricks, cost materials, no less than 20 taels!

Estimated completion date is three months! "

Li Yue made it very clear, and only then did Li Shilong understand what a huge project this was.

The material cost alone is more than 20 taels. Including labor, it is another 10,000+ taels.

The construction of a library actually cost several hundred thousand taels.Li Shilong said with a headache: "Building a library is already so expensive. If libraries are built in every state and every county, the national finances will simply not be able to bear it."

“Father, because the capital city built the first royal library in Daqian, it uses the best in every aspect.

Although it is expensive, I think it is very necessary.

If it were decentralized to prefectures and prefectures (prefectures and prefectures are all at the same level, but prefectures are a bit more special, so they are placed in front) and counties, there would be no need for us to build such a large building, and the cost would be greatly reduced.

Secondly, the Royal Library can also sell books, paper and pens, borrow books, etc., which can subsidize the finances.

The most important thing is that with these libraries, the family's local influence will be further reduced. "

"Listen, your son has more foresight than you. Why waste some money? Jing Yun has a saying that money is a bastard. If you spend it, you can still make money. If you don't spend it, you will still occupy a position!"

Li Shilong smiled bitterly, he couldn't use it all at once, he had to be prepared for natural disasters or something.

There are thirty or forty thousand people in the palace, he must be able to support them.

"Jingyun, do you have any good opinions?" Li Yuan asked.

"Well, Li Yue has basically said it in place, but there are a few points. We can build this library in important prefectures first. We will do ten things in a big way, and we can do it in batches. Important prefectures have developed economies. You can inspect the state capital first.

If we can't afford to build so much at once, we will spread it out over three to five years. When all major state capitals have libraries, will the aristocratic families still be able to do it?

It’s easy to do things without money, let’s trade. We don’t have many vassal countries. Doing business with them will make a profit without losing money.

Let them settle with our Daqian Tongbao, or gold and silver. Over time, they can make a lot of money. "

"Trading with the vassal country? This is indeed a way!"

However, Li Shilong still had doubts, "But if the court takes action, will it compete with the people?"

"Of course not!" Qin Mo said: "There are many small countries around us. They regard us as their suzerain country. They worship us every year, give them some local specialties, flatter them, and give them real gold and silver. Are you stupid?
As long as we are strong, they have to call us dad (this title can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms period, don't worry).

If we are not strong enough, won’t Jiaozhi jump out?Either we give a lot of gifts, or they belong to the sect leader’s father!
Father, I have to criticize you on this point. Previously, those two hundred and fifty from Honglu Temple were rushing to give gifts to people, but you happily approved it.

Have you forgotten that the treasury was empty before? "

"You brat, my father asked you to give me advice, not to step on me here!" Li Shilong's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and his hand was already on the gold belt.

"Old man, look, I'm not happy to give my opinion. Okay, then I won't say it. It's boring!" Qin Mo said directly, "If you don't love this country, who would be willing to say such a thing? Isn’t that just looking for trouble!”

"I asked you to speak? Shut up. Jingyun said something wrong. Is it painful to step on your foot? Keep talking, Jingyun, he just deserves to be scolded!"

(End of this chapter)

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