big dry son-in-law

Chapter 410: Father’s achievements are unparalleled!

Chapter 410: Father’s achievements are unparalleled!

"Father, please save some respect for me!" Li Shilong couldn't help but whisper.

Li Yuan snorted and didn't say anything evil.

Qin Mo felt happy and liked to see Lao Liu deflated.

"Okay, old man, I will continue." Qin Mo said: "We are the sect leader and father, which is good, but there is no need to pretend to be fat.

Wouldn't it be good for them to drive on the same track, write on the same page, travel in the same direction, land in the same region, weigh the same things, use the same currency, and bathe in the blessings of Heaven?
They can't handle these things well, so let's send people from Honglu Temple to station in their capital, so that they can communicate more easily if they need anything.

How good would it be to get more monks to go over and promote our Buddhist culture in Daqian?

As time went on, they became our own sons after losing their hair. "

The eyes of all three of them, father and son, were bright.

Li Yuan stood up even more excitedly, "It's like a car traveling on the same track, writing in the same text, walking in the same direction, geographically in the same region, weighing the same amount, and using the same currency. This is the true way of a holy king, and what a true suzerain should practice. The policy is to let the vassal country bathe in the grace of Daqian all the time!"

Li Shilong was also shocked by this sentence, even though some emperors completed this grand event thousands of years ago, and the current unification was achieved.

But the dynasties of the past dynasties have never used this trick on the vassal state.

This undoubtedly provided him with a new idea.

"Jingyun, keep talking!" Li Yuan said excitedly.

"When we establish Honglu Temple in their royal capital, we will encourage domestic businessmen to invest there. The products we make are so exquisite that they can't even make them.

We brought goods and brought back real gold and silver, but Honglu Temple alone was useless. The court had to come forward to open up trade routes, trade directly with the local king, and send soldiers to station along the only roads.

Establishing a post station can provide accommodation for caravans to stay and collect accommodation fees. The fees collected can be used to repair the post station or pay wages to the people at the post station.

At the same time, we have set up checkpoints at national borders, and caravans must be inspected, otherwise they are smuggling.

If the caravans want to trade, they need to pay one-fifth of the commercial tax. This money is national fiscal revenue. If it is run properly, it can earn millions of taels of silver for Daqian every year.

At the same time, these caravans can be mixed with our spies. Over time, we don’t need to send troops. As long as we withdraw the caravans and close the ports, they will come crying and beg us! "

Li Shilong was thinking about the feasibility of this matter in his mind, but when he heard about charging commercial tax, he frowned, "We need to collect commercial tax? Is this possible? This has never happened in thousands of years!"

"Why can't it work? Father, do you still remember what I said on the bus last time? Why was Cathay Pacific safe in the early and middle stages of the dynasty, but not in the later stages?
That is because the land is not enough, the reason for the increase in population, and the hidden population. The Lord does not have to pay taxes. If you look through historical records, in the later stages of any dynasty, the available land will decrease sharply.

So where did all this land go?

Of course it was embezzled.

Peasants dig in the soil for food, and it's okay if they encounter good years. But if they encounter bad years, there will be no harvest. It's good to be alive, and they still have to pay rent and taxes to the landlords.

If this were placed on us, could we not rebel?
Therefore, commercial tax must be established, and it is not a large-scale commercial tax, so what are you afraid of! "

Qin Mo understands very well. Behind these caravans are noble families and lords.Paying commercial taxes is like grabbing food from a tiger's mouth.

"But, hey, you are right, but the things involved here are very deep and cannot be changed overnight." Li Shilong was particularly moved. He could increase the court's income by millions of taels a year. What can be done? There are just too many things.

If the court has money, he can do anything. If he doesn't have money, he can only thrive.

"What are you afraid of? Let's hold our necks. They thought they could only go this way. If they don't go this way, it would be smuggling, a serious crime." Qin Mo snorted: "Why should the imperial court give them free access to the trade routes opened by the imperial court? use?
Besides, we are practicing the way of the Holy King, what can they say? "

"I think Jing Yun is right. Everyone in Honglu Temple is a prodigal, and a lot of money is sent out every year!" Li Yuan said: "With money, we can subsidize the country and build as many books as possible. pavilion.

Let Lao Ba make the plan for this matter! "

Li Yue smiled bitterly and said, "Grandpa Huang, my grandson is powerless. There are too many things on his hands now, and he can't do anything at all."

"It's okay. Jingyun is afraid of being tired. If you have any concerns, just ask him. If you do more, Jingyun will be less tired!" Li Yuan stroked his beard, "Okay, the library matter has been solved. , next, how to solve the school problem?"

Li Yue looked at Qin Mo with a grimace, and Li Shilong was speechless, "Father, do you want to discuss such a big matter with the courtiers?"

"After discussing it, what result can we come up with? Either we do it or we don't do it. Aren't these two results?" Li Yuan snorted: "You think I want to take care of it? It's because mahjong is not fun or the novel is not fun." Sounds good? Do I have to get involved?"

"Father, I have no intention of blaming you!" Li Shilong was happy in his heart. Li Yuan would try his best to help him, and it was obvious that he had let go of the past.

Isn't this what he expected?
"Anyway, you remember, Jing Yun's words are not exaggerated at all. We are both emperors, and the history books have been destroyed by us. Can you not understand these simple truths?
I admit that in order to win the world, I did promise to the aristocratic family, which is why we are now in a situation where we can't lose.

This is my sin, so I am here to make up for it today.

If you don't want to be a bad person, then let me be the bad person. Let future generations despise me, Li Yuan, and let you, Li Shilong, become the emperor forever! "


Only at this moment did Li Shilong truly understand Li Yuan's good intentions.

Behind the persecution, Li Yuan did it intentionally.

He looked at his father with red eyes. This was a father's love he had never felt before!

"Remember, we can't leave this kind of fatal problem to future generations. I made mistakes, so let me make up for it.

It doesn’t matter what future generations say about me. I’m living a very happy life now. I won’t care about the flood after I die!

Our ancestors, the highest ancestor, are just princes and kings. I am the emperor. He has no control over me. I am not afraid because I am bigger than him, hahahaha."

Those bold words made everyone present admire them!
Li Shilong knelt on his knees. Since he ascended the throne, his knees have never touched the ground again.

At this moment, he knelt on the ground from the bottom of his heart, kowtowed to Li Yuan respectfully, and said in a trembling voice: "Father's achievements are unparalleled!"

(End of this chapter)

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