Chapter 414

Qin Xiangru looked at Li Anji hiding behind him and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Qin Mo ran in from outside angrily, "Where are the people? Where is that bastard?"

Qin Xiangru raised his hand and slapped him, "What bastard? That's His Highness King Qi!"

"Oh, where's that bastard King Qi?" Qin Mo looked around and saw Li Jingya, "Chai Huo Niu, have you seen that bastard King Qi?"

Li Jingya's pretty face turned red with anger, "Idiot, that's my dad, what a bastard!"

"Oh, I remembered, your father is King Qi!" Qin Mo smiled sheepishly.

Anji Li was angry and embarrassed. It wasn't that he was timid, he really wasn't. The main reason was that he was a fool, and most people couldn't stand it.

"Qin Xiangru, now Qin Fool is back, you, you must give me an explanation!" With his daughter by his side, he couldn't give in.

Qin Xiangru took out his belt and drew it toward Qin Mo without saying a word.

"Ouch, dad, why are you whipping me?"

Qin Mo was chased all over the yard, "Asshole dad, stupid dad, why don't you ask why I beat her? She bit me first!"

"I am the little bastard, and you are the old bastard!" Qin Mo quickly climbed up the tree!

"Get down!"

"I don't, come up!"

"Chai Huo Niu, you're quite insidious in your ways, you're good at it and love to play, okay, I thought you were pretty good at first, but we won't have to be friends anymore!

I, Qin Mo, don’t play with people who complain! "

Hearing this, Li Jingya became anxious, "I didn't complain, it was my father who came by himself. I came here to persuade him to go back!"

Anji Li:
"It's too late for what you said!" Qin Mo hugged the tree trunk and said angrily: "I, Qin Mo, don't want to lose face? If you do this, everyone in the capital will know that I spanked you!"

Li Jingya felt even more aggrieved, "Am I not the one who is embarrassed? How can I get married in the future if you are like this?"

Qin Mo said with a vigilant look: "Why, you want to rely on me? Wow, Chai Huo Niu, you actually came up with this idea!"

"Idiot, stop talking nonsense!" Qin Xiangru cursed angrily, and immediately said to Li Anji: "Your Highness, King Qi, my idiot is wrong about this matter. Otherwise, you go back first, and I will take the idiot with you tomorrow. Come to apologize, if he doesn’t apologize, I’ll break his legs, okay?”

Li Anji was also excited at this moment, "You stupid Qin fool, do you really think you are a piece of cake? Doesn't anyone want my daughter?"

With that said, he pulled Li Jingya away angrily.

As soon as the two of them walked away, Qin Xiuying ran out, "Damn old guy, what are you doing? You forced the child up the tree. It's so high. What's the big deal if he falls!"

"Hey, Xiuying, this brat is so shameless. He ruins people's reputation. He is shameless, and I still have more shame. He doesn't even think about it. Sitian and the third princess are still in the house at this moment. He is so angry. Got it!"

He tied his belt and said, "If you can, don't come down and spend the night in the tree. Hey, it's so embarrassing. I'll go apologize to the third princess right now!"

Back at Prince Qi's Mansion, Li Jingya was furious, "Dad, why are you so reckless? It's okay now, you fool, you won't play with me anymore!"

Anji Li felt that she had raised such a big daughter in vain, and turned her elbows outward.

"My dear daughter, it's dad's fault. Can you calm down? But you have to listen to dad. That idiot is not a good person. Stay away from him!"

"He is not a good person. Third sister will not marry him unless she is married? He is not a good person. How can Li Yongmeng and the others play with him so wholeheartedly?
He is not a good person, why do Your Majesty and Your Majesty love him so much?Dad, don’t treat me like a child, I have my own circle of friends too! "

"My dear, dad didn't say not to let you make friends, but Qin Hanzi is married, so don't get involved with him." Li Anji advised her earnestly.

Li Jingya pouted and said unhappily: "What's wrong with a married man? Aren't you also a married man? Aren't you raising a child outside your mother's back?"

"Oh, dear, don't say these nonsense." Anji Li quickly covered her mouth, "If your mother hears it, your father will be finished!"

"I want to tell my mother that you are finished!" Li Jingya grabbed Li Anji's beard.

"No, dear, are you really interested in Qin Hanzi when you defend him so much?" Li Anji's heart skipped a beat.

Li Jingya's eyes were flustered, "I don't have one, don't talk nonsense."

"Listen to dad. When the time comes, dad will introduce you to some heroes. I guarantee that they will be a hundred times better than Qin Hanzi!"

"Dad, stop bragging. Are those young heroes more talented in literature than Qin Hanzi, or better at cooking than Qin Hanzi? Or are they better storytellers and more interesting than him?"

Hearing this, Anji Li felt her hands and feet feel cold, "It's over, it's over, darling, you've fallen in love!"

"I didn't!" Li Jingya was so embarrassed!

Li Anji was confused, "I admit that Qin Hanzi is okay, but Qin Hanzi has three princesses and Chai Shao's daughter. You can go over and be an equal wife at most. An equal wife sounds nice, but isn't that a small thing?"

No, no, no matter what you say, it won’t work! "

Li Jingya had no choice but to run back to the room and bury her face in the quilt.

"Oh, it's so annoying!"

Li Jingya felt like she was going crazy. She should not have gone to the Qin Mansion if she had known earlier.

It's better now, Qin Mo ignores her.

"Hiss, it hurts, Third Sister, be gentle!"

(End of this chapter)

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