big dry son-in-law

Chapter 415 Daqian’s Education

Chapter 415 Daqian’s Education

"Look what you said, if she is really big, there is no way I would bully her!" Qin Mo said.

"You just want to get a mark but not a beating!" Li Yulan stretched out her white and tender fingers and lightly tapped his forehead.

"Third sister, kiss!"

"Stop making trouble, you're still angry!"

"What about a stamp?"

"Not even more!"

"What about storytelling?"

"There's no story to tell today, Zou Sitian, let him reflect on it alone tonight!" Li Yulan quickly got out of bed.

Chai Sitian followed closely behind, Qin Mo stuck out his butt and said miserably: "Good sister, good sister, it's so miserable to be alone at night."

Early the next morning, Li Yue came.

"Fool, brother is here!"

Qin Mo said without interest: "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to see you. Hey, you are really like me. You already have my third sister. Why are you going to provoke sister Qinghe? I really like you and you can say that we brothers should figure out a solution together."

Although it’s a bit difficult, it’s not impossible! "Li Yue said.

"If you fart, just let it go!"


Li Yue said: "What's going on in the school?"

"Hey, why don't you just go to Qinzhuang and have a look, and you still want to ask me about such a trivial matter?" Qin Mo felt very unhappy when he stayed alone in the empty room last night.

"I know, the key point is that there are no teachers and no teaching materials. Should we continue to teach the Four Books and Five Classics?" Li Yue said: "Last time you told your father that you would be rewarded with an official position. I tried it, but it had no effect!"

"It can't be ineffective. Are civil servants so unattractive to them?" Qin Mo asked, "How did you do it? Tell me."

"In the name of Prince Yue's Mansion, let's issue a recruitment list!"

"Why not in the name of the imperial court?"

Li Yue smiled bitterly and said: "I think so too, but my father won't allow it!"

"I'm done with this old man!"

Qin Mo sat up straight, "Is there a recruitment list? Let me take a look!"

"I brought it!" Li Yue quickly handed it over.

Qin Mo took a closer look, "The annual salary is 8 taels, the salary is 30 shi, the working land is 80 acres, and the servant subsidy is 3 taels!
Damn it, is this the treatment?A ghost is coming to your door, can't you be more generous? "

"This is already a relatively high salary among the officials, enough to support dozens of people!"

The teacher is definitely not an official, but at the official level.

"Teacher, which one of the six departments have you decided to assign responsibility for?"

"Imperial Imperial College!" Li Yue said.

"Why not the Ministry of Rites?" Qin Mo frowned, "Let me tell you, the treatment you gave me is not bad at first glance among the officials, but what time is it now, with such little treatment, no ghost will come.

A person with a little bit of knowledge would be better off being a hanger-on in other people's homes than you are! "

The problem now is that it is difficult to hire a teacher.

The status of the teacher must be elevated. Of course, the king of heaven and earth is the master, and the position of the teacher is inherently high.

But I have to give something practical. Secondly, Qin Mo thought more deeply, because the status of the teacher is too high. If people from aristocratic families enter the system, various factions will develop over time.Then a more terrifying party struggle will develop. Qin Mo cannot leave this hidden danger behind.

"In this way, to upgrade the teacher's treatment to that of a ninth-grade official, in addition to annual leave, funeral and wedding leave, the time for rest and bathing must also be changed.

There are five days of classes, two days of vacation, summer and winter, and three months of vacation. In this way, teachers spend half of the year resting.

Not only that, the Ministry of Etiquette must also issue formal employment documents, with teacher titles ranging from junior, intermediate, senior, doctorate, and professor.

Every time a professional title evaluation is completed, the salary will be doubled. It can be seen that if you don't want to be an official, you can be transferred from the education system to the other five departments.

In addition, as long as you join now, I can give you a new-style carriage. Secondly, knowledgeable people from other places are welcome to come. Once you pass the recruitment exam, you will be given a house directly! "

"Idiot, are you crazy? Do you know how much a house in Beijing costs?"

"I know, just give it to them, isn't it just one acre of homestead land!" As the capital of Daqian, the land price in the capital is extremely expensive. For the so-called upper house, a month's rent is about [-] Daqian Tongbao.

Let's put it this way, officials below the seventh rank are not worthy of renting a house.

This is also related to Daqian's policy. A family of three can only own one acre of homestead land.

Some Beijing officials, who have been working as officials for more than ten years, can only buy houses in Gui County, a town-connected area in the suburbs.

The daily commute takes three hours, which is very hard.

"This requires you to complain to the court about your poverty. You can get some homestead land. When the time comes, I will ensure you make money." Qin Mo said.

"You want to resell the homestead?"

"How much money can be made from reselling the homestead, I don't care about it. What I want to do is to make a lot of money." Qin Mo said: "Anyway, you will know when the time comes. Also, you must follow the rules of the Ministry of Rites or the Father. To publish this talent recruitment list in the name of others, it also needs to be spread throughout the world.

This matter cannot be accomplished overnight. Besides, repairing a house doesn’t take time. Let’s spend two or three months on this matter! "

For people who own houses in the capital, this is not an attractive thing.

But for outsiders, it's very attractive.

Just like the later generations in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, they scolded the high housing prices while struggling to settle down.

To attract talents, you have to show courage!
After leaving Qin's palace, Li Yue went back to the palace to digest what Qin Mo said, and then made a detailed plan.

This time he entered the palace without stopping.

Li Shilong read Li Yue's plan and tapped his fingers on the table.

"Father, the fool said that these conditions cannot be lowered at all."

"Hey, this brat will really cause trouble for me!" In terms of salary alone, the salary of a junior teacher is comparable to that of an eighth-grade official.

He also gave away a house and a carriage, which even a sixth-grade official might not be able to afford.

If this were to be published, wouldn't those people collectively fight against me? "

"But Idiot said that this treatment must be carried out, and it must be sent out in the name of the Ministry of Rites or the father, and spread throughout the world, so that all the learned scholars in the world can come to the capital!" Li Yue said with cupped hands.

Li Shilong thought carefully and finally made up his mind, "Let Dou Xuanling and Du Jingming come over!"

Soon, the two came.

"Xuanling, Jingming, take a look at this plan and see if it's feasible!" Li Shilong handed it over.

The two of them took a look and said quickly: "Your Majesty, no, this treatment is too good. If you send it out, everyone will be dissatisfied.

Also, is Your Majesty going to change state schools and county schools?
The Ministry of Rites has direct jurisdiction, but where does it go to the Imperial College?Is Your Majesty planning to overthrow the Sixth Academy of the Imperial Academy? "

Du Jingming cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, please think twice. For such a big matter, it is better to discuss and compare prices with everyone. Education is the foundation of the country and cannot be changed easily.

Otherwise, it will attract the condemnation of people all over the world!
I dare to ask, who wrote the plan? This is going to ruin Daqian’s education! "

(End of this chapter)

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