big dry son-in-law

Chapter 416: Breaking up the East Palace!

Chapter 416: Breaking up the East Palace!

Li Shilong was also troubled.

To be honest, this plan is good, but it is too far-fetched.

If you send it out, it will really be like what Du Jingming said.

"Who else could it be, besides Qin Jingyun, with such a deviant plan?" Dou Xuanling glanced at Li Yue and knew it in her heart.

Li Shilong nodded, "Yes, it's Jingyun's plan!"

"This fool, isn't this nonsense? He can talk nonsense about such a big thing?" Du Jingming frowned.

Li Yue couldn't listen anymore and said with his hands raised: "Du Shangshu, I don't dare to compliment you. More than 1000 years ago, the world was divided into hundreds of countries. At that time, there was no so-called Six Studies.

Today, more than 1000 years later, the country has been unified, and now we have cars on the same track and books on the same page.

In every dynasty, if there is no ambition to make progress, how can there be any progress?

Don't say far, just say near.

Is it feasible to use the policies of the Zhou Dynasty to manage Daqian?Our cadres gathered the best of hundreds of schools of thought, and in just a few decades, we were able to turn the world into pieces that had been shattered by the Eighteenth Route rebels and make the world prosperous. What did we rely on?
It’s not just various policies that benefit the people. These policies are not the policies of those who came before us! "

"What His Royal Highness the King of Yue said makes sense, but Wei Chen just said the simplest thing: Don't worry about few but worry about inequality, don't worry about poverty but worry about insecurity!

This is an injustice to the courtiers.

Similarly, there is huge pressure on the imperial court. Last year, the national treasury still needed His Majesty's internal funds to support it.

At the beginning of this year, drought has already begun in the capital, and there is even a locust plague in the northwest.

Without money, no matter how good the policy is, it will be like a moon in the water or a flower in the mirror! "Dou Xuanling said.

"What Dou Zhongshu said is reasonable. Learning to reform is a good thing, but if we can't make a clear distinction, the current situation will be to encourage others.

It’s not weak. Let’s wait for a few years to wait until the national treasury is fuller? "Du Jingming used the dragging technique.

Li Yue knew that this matter could not be delayed, and the longer it was delayed, the more trouble it would become.

"Father, carriage, fool, come out.

The son and the fool will build the house. The son only needs the land, and we will take care of the rest ourselves.

As long as the father issues a document, we can pilot it in the capital city first. If it works, then promote it to the whole country. If it doesn't work, there won't be much loss. We can also accumulate experience and prepare for future innovations! "Li Yue cupped his hands and said.

Li Shilong thought about it for a long time, and then said: "That's right, Xuanling, you draft the imperial edict, be respectful, and the officials must also cooperate. The five professional titles of teachers must be recognized.

Teachers who have made great contributions can change their positions. "

"Your Majesty, for such a big event, it's time to ascend to the imperial court."

"This is just a pilot, and it is not to be promoted to the whole world. Do you have any interest in it? I gave it to Jingyun of the carriage, and gave it to Laoba and Jingyun of the house. Am I still stingy with my salary?
Do you know what it will mean to Daqian once this is done? "

Dou Xuanling and the two looked at each other, and of course they understood that it meant that Daqian would be an official from now on and could avoid the aristocratic family.

The status of the aristocratic family will also fall again and again.

"Yes, I obey the order!"

The two left worriedly, and His Majesty acted more and more casually.

This is not a good thing for the world.

If Liang Zheng were here, he would have died by now.such a pity!
In the East Palace, Gongsun Chong was scolded by Li Xin, and then he threw away his sleeves angrily.

Everyone was stunned.

Gongsun Chong was the most respected by the prince, so he didn't care if he was scolded, but he actually got a slap in the face.

"Go away. If you leave, don't come back. I'm so disappointed in you!"

Li Xin threw things angrily, and everyone hurriedly went up to admonish him. Li Xin didn't listen, but said angrily: "Remove Gongsun Chong from all positions, Youwei, you are here to take over temporarily. I have said that I will do my best to help Lao Ba, no matter who it is." , can't hold back Gu.

Otherwise, you will never be hired! "

Although Du Youwei was shocked, he did not dare to say anything. He had never seen the prince so angry before.

"Yes, I obey the order!"

After everyone dispersed, Queen Gongsun called Li Xin over.

"My son sees my mother!"

"Cheng Qian, my mother asked you, today in the East Palace, did you slap Chong'er?" Empress Gongsun's belly is getting bigger. In addition, she eats well and sleeps well every day. She exercises according to the exercises designed by Qin Mo every day. She is becoming more and more plump and looks very kind, but at this moment, she frowns, with scrutiny in her eyes, "I don't want to slap someone in the face, don't say he is your cousin, even if he is an ordinary minister, you will not He should be slapped in public!”

Li Xindao: "Mother, my father wanted to build a nursing home before, and I promised to give my full support, but Gongsun Chong repeatedly opposed it, and I couldn't bear it, so I took action!"

Queen Gongsun had heard of this, "Then you can't hit him, he is protecting you after all."

"Mother, Gongsun Chong has a narrow vision. I will never use him again. I did some wrong things and said some stupid things before, but now I understand my responsibilities and burdens.

Therefore, I will stay close to virtuous ministers and stay away from villains! "

"Chong'er is not a villain. Your uncle has just returned to Longyou, and you belittled Chong'er. What do you want outsiders to think?" Although Empress Gongsun was towards Li Shilong in her heart, her mother's family should not be too harsh.

Gongsun Wuji was demoted, and it was his own fault, but His Majesty will bring him back soon.

But demoting Gongsun Chong at this time would be suspected of adding insult to injury.

"Emotionally, I'm wrong, but legally, I'm right!" Li Xin said.

Queen Gongsun also had a headache. She was happy with Li Xin's change, but she didn't want Li Xin to be too harsh on Gongsun Chong.

She could only remind: "Although your uncle has returned to his hometown, it is only a matter of time before he can be used again. You must be close to Jingyun, and you must also respect Chong'er. You must learn to control the prince, the treacherous minister, the loyal minister, the villain, and the lucky minister." , the way of the king of position.

These words, the Queen Mother should not have said, but being a prince is destined to learn more, see more, and go through more hardships than others! "

Li Xin knelt down and said, "My mother's teachings must be kept in mind by my sons and ministers."

"Well, go down. You and Lao Qi have become estranged recently. Go and see her. She values ​​you as her eldest brother very much.

She told me this more than once, you only have one biological sister, so you should take good care of her.

After breaking off her engagement with Jingyun, she has not been very happy. The queen mother hopes that you can enlighten her more.

An elder brother is like a father, national affairs are important, and family ties should not be forgotten!
"Yes, it was Erchen who was wrong before. Erchen now goes to Lao Qi and explains to her!"

After leaving the Lizheng Hall, Li Xin came to Fengyang Pavilion.

Li Yushu was also very surprised when he saw Li Xin, "Brother Prince, why are you here?"

Looking at Li Yushu who had lost a lot of weight, Li Xin also sighed secretly in his heart, "Seventh sister, it's been a long time since I came to see you. Do you welcome me?"

(End of this chapter)

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