big dry son-in-law

Chapter 417 For him, I can do anything!

Chapter 417 For him, I can do anything!

"Welcome, of course you are welcome!" Li Yushu quickly invited Li Xin in, "Zhuzhu, prepare tea and cakes quickly!"

After Li Xin sat down, he sighed: "Qimei, why have you lost so much weight?"

Li Yushu smiled and shook his head, "The weather is getting warmer and I don't have much appetite!"

"Is it because of Gongsun Chong's incident?" Li Xin asked tentatively.

"No, the matter between Cousin Chong and I has long been over." Li Yushu said, "Let's not talk about the past!"

"Is it because of Qin Jingyun?" Li Xin asked again.

Li Yushu opened his mouth, and finally smiled bitterly, and Li Xin understood.

A cold glint flashed in his eyes and disappeared quickly.

"Seventh sister, if you still have him in your heart, big brother can help you!" Li Xin said.

There was a light in Li Yushu's eyes, but soon the light disappeared again, "No need, brother, I don't like him!"

"Silly sister, how can I not understand your thoughts? Although I had some misunderstandings with Jingyun before, I have already thought about it clearly. It is also my fault that I didn't persuade you properly, so that the marriage between you two took a turn for the worse. dead end."

Li Xin said seriously: "Marriage is a lifelong matter, especially for women. If you marry someone you don't like, will you be happy?

Just like your eldest brother and I, if we get married, in short, even if she enters the wrong profession, a girl is afraid of marrying the wrong man. Qin Jingyun is talented. Although he suffers from Lean Soul Syndrome and seems to be deviant, he is quite interesting.

If you marry him, you won't be bored. The Qin family has a lot of property. If you marry into the Qin family, you will definitely be rich and powerful.

His father relied on him, his mother doted on him, and his grandfather personally took him with him. Looking at the whole Daqian, there was no other person.

Although the third sister is also a younger sister, she is not from the same mother after all. Do you understand what the elder brother means? "

"Brother, the marriage is certain, how can we change it again?" Li Yushu gradually felt relieved.

Although Li Xin was smiling, he was furious in his heart. What's so good about Qin Hanzi? You've already broken off the engagement and you still miss him.

I can’t have this sister anymore.

But it doesn’t matter, you can still make good use of it.

If Lao Wu's side can't help, Li Yushu can come in handy.

"Brother, I heard that before you and Jing Yun got married, your third sister was already obsessed with Jing Yun. Is this true?" Li Xin asked tentatively.

Li Yushu clenched her fists immediately, lowered her head and said with red eyes: "Yes!"

"I knew that the third child had deep thoughts. When her father married her to Chai Jin, she was not willing to do so, but she did not dare to disobey her father's order.

Chai Jin was weak, so the third child tried to sleep, and let the two dowry girls pester Chai Jin all night. That night, Chai Jin was completely depleted.

So within two years, Chai Jin passed away!If you really think that the third child has a simple mind, then you are too stupid.

We have grown up in the palace, so don’t we see enough of these things? "Li Xin provoked.

Li Yushu already had a knot in his heart, but this time, he felt even more hateful.

"Do you really think that the third child will be honest after observing mourning outside the palace for three years? Well, I can't even say. Why do you think she did not observe mourning in the Chai Mansion, but in the Princess Mansion?
I am afraid that the threshold of the back door of the Princess Mansion will be broken through in front of the capital! "She, why is she so shameless!" "

"She can rob her sister's husband, what else can't she do? Let me tell you, Jingyun is probably bewitched by her too!" Li Xindao: "You also know what kind of temper Jingyun is, if Knowing that the third child is doing these things behind his back, I’m afraid he’ll do something stupid again.”

Li Yushu also frowned, "But, but who am I to care about him now? He hates me to the core and is disgusted with me!"

"Big brother, help you. If you can't fight, please ask your father for permission to marry Jingyun. With your position as the eldest princess, you will definitely be able to squeeze out her position as the head wife.

Otherwise, if you let Qin Jingyun see clearly the true face of the third child, he will naturally know who is really good to him! "

Li Yushu was in a state of confusion, "Brother Prince, haven't you always hated Qin Mo? Why?"

"Hey, I slapped Gongsun Chong today and drove him out of the East Palace. Now Lao Ba is gaining momentum. Father gave him military power and real power. Lao Si and I are also in danger.

Many people went for Lao Ba.

I have to win Jingyun over, Qimei, I know you and Lao Ba are on good terms, but we are real brothers and sisters. Think about it, if Lao Ba takes over, will Lao Si and I still have a chance to survive?
Think about our uncle, third uncle, and the whole family, not even a dog survived! "What Li Xin said was sincere and genuine. Only in this way can it withstand scrutiny and let Li Yushu take the bait.

Li Yushu was also very surprised, "You, you slapped him?"

"Well, we have a disagreement. He is too short-sighted. But just now my mother called me over and scolded me, saying that I was too harsh. Hey, let him calm down for a few months. Then we will see how he reflects. How about, reuse it!" Li Xin sighed.

Li Yushu thought carefully about what Li Xin said. Indeed, although the eighth brother was good, he was not of the same blood.

"But, brother Prince, what can I do for you?"

"You don't have to do anything, you just need to tell eldest brother whether you are willing to marry Qin Mo. If you are willing, eldest brother will help you get your man back!"

"However, this matter is not easy to handle, and the courtiers will not agree." Li Yushu was not stupid.

"Have you forgotten how Lao Ba snatched Liu Ruyu from Gongsun Chong?" Li Xin looked at Li Yushu with burning eyes.

Li Yushu said quickly: "Impossible, I am the eldest princess of the Great Qian Dynasty. How could I do such a mean thing? I will not only embarrass my father's face, but also my own face!"

No matter how Li Xin tried to persuade him, Li Yushu refused to listen and left him speechless. He didn't expect that she would be so difficult to deal with.

The pride was so deep in his bones.

"Then just watch the third child get married to Qin Mo. I have no other solution." Li Xin took retreat as a way to advance: "For the sake of your lover, you can't even make any sacrifices. No matter what you like, the process is not important. As long as the outcome is good.”

Li Yushu was stunned. She thought of what Li Yulan said when he knelt in front of her that day.

She said that she could give up her life for Qin Mo, but she could only shed two tears for Qin Mo and was not worthy of Qin Mo at all.

Li Xin's words once again stung her heart.

"That's not the case. Who says I'm not willing to make sacrifices? Whatever she can do, I can do too!

As long as the fool changes his mind, I can do anything! "Li Yushu said with red eyes, she would not lose to Li Yulan.

The corners of Li Xin's mouth raised slightly, "Okay, then you listen to big brother, you are right!"

(End of this chapter)

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