big dry son-in-law

Chapter 418 Tubo proclaims himself emperor

Chapter 418 Tubo proclaims himself emperor
That night, the story of the prince slapping Gongsun Chong spread.

The small court meeting the next day attracted many people to impeach.

Li Shilong frowned, "Chengqian, why did you slap Gongsun Chong?"

Li Xin cupped his hands and said what he had thought of, "A few days ago, my eighth brother built a nursing home, and I have a message to give my full support.

Gongsun Chong repeatedly tried to stop him because the treasury of the Eastern Palace did not have enough money, and his ministers were so angry that they could not control their temper! "

These words actually made the people present feel much more relaxed.

It turned out to be the case.

"Even so, you shouldn't hit someone. He also thinks about Dong Palace. If you do this, who will dare to give you advice in the future?"

"My son is at fault, but he should not insult him in front of everyone to save face. It is a great good thing to support the elderly. I work hard and govern the country with filial piety. Even if my son really wants to save face, he is willing to empty the treasury! "Li Xin quickly knelt down on his knees.

This operation can't help but impress people.

Ji Zhisheng stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is extremely affectionate and sincere, and is willing to use the Eastern Palace as a tail wing to be with the Eighth Prince. Even if there are any minor faults, the faults will not be covered up.

On the contrary, the Eighth Prince has taken charge of so many things but has not made any achievements. This is really not the case.

Furthermore, the Eighth Prince has already come of age. Last year, His Majesty gave him a royal title and a vassal land. Princess Yue also has a son, so it is time for him to become a vassal.

For the sake of Daqian's country, please make an early decision! "

Ji Zhisheng said it very bluntly. This was also the first knife he drew when he returned to the capital.

As soon as these words came out, everyone agreed.

"Ji Jijiu's words make sense. Your Majesty, please put the country and the country of Daqian first!"

Li Shilong said calmly: "Lao Ba has dispersed all the Yuezhou fiefdoms and given them to the people in the fiefdoms to pay taxes for the country. There is only one place left to settle down. It will be a matter of time to establish the vassal state, but the palace is still under construction." , when the construction is completed, it will not be too late to become a feudal lord!
I don’t know what you are talking about, but the treasury is empty, and there are only six or seven princes suitable for joining the vassal. If we let them go, the treasury will be unsustainable!
Let’s talk about it another day! "

"What your Majesty said is true!" The sect ordered Li Daoyuan to stand up and say: "There are six princes who are suitable for the vassal. This year, seven princesses are getting married. The bride price is fake, and the vassal will reward them, no less than a million yuan!"

"Xiangru, how much money does the treasury have?"

Qin Xiangru, who is now the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the national treasury has less than 30 taels of silver!"

"Did you hear that, for such a small amount of money, you can get a feudal clan for anything?" Li Shilong waved his hand.

"You can become a vassal if you don't have money, just keep everything simple. When the ministers come to the capital, they will know that the eighth prince is quite famous, so he will not care about this.

Your Majesty, it’s better not to make such a bad start, lest others learn from it later! Ji Zhisheng said with cupped hands.

"This matter will be discussed later!" Li Shilong said: "Let's talk about the tribute paid by the vassal state."

Honglu Qing Tang Jian came out and said, "Your Majesty, Honglu Temple has received envoys from Huihe, Mohe, Tiele, Shiwei, Khitan, Siam, Zhenla, Sulu, and the Japanese country. Moreover, there are also There are envoys from Tibet!”


This time everyone was surprised.

The Tibetans were ambitious and had always been unable to deal with Daqian. Emperor Zhou also wanted to destroy the Tibetans, but the terrain of the Tibetans was too high, and their soldiers would be exhausted if they climbed up.

More than ten years ago, the Daqian Dynasty destroyed the Zhou Dynasty. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Tubo became an accomplice of the Xiongnu.

He persuaded Tubo to retreat with his marriage, thus retaining national power for Daqian.The two have been at peace with each other for more than ten years, with little communication, but Daqian has always been on guard.

"An envoy from Tibet also came?"

"Your Majesty, Tubo Zampu and Luobuzhadui (meaning lion of the grassland) proclaimed themselves emperor in Tubo Luoche, and specially sent envoys to exchange documents!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was furious, "What, they dare to call themselves emperors, who gave them the courage?"

Li Cunqiu came out first and said, "Your Majesty, Tubo is ambitious. Today it is proclaimed emperor, but tomorrow it will dare to knock off the throne.

When the Qian Dynasty was first established, the country was in a weak state, the Xiongnu invaded, and the Tibetans threatened, Princess Jing'an's marriage was a disgrace to the Qian Dynasty! "

Cheng Sanaxe was even more furious, "Your Majesty, I, Old Cheng, can't bear it anymore. Please give me tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, so I can kill the generals and destroy Tubo!"

They hated Tibet more than the Huns.

Xu Shichang also stood up and roared: "Your Majesty, you have been working hard for decades, it is time to take revenge."

Liu Chenghu and Qin Xiangru looked at each other and also came out together, "We are willing to lead the troops to destroy Tubo!"

Yuchi Nobuxiong originally did not go to court, but Li Shilong issued a decree two days ago to let him assist the Thunder Army, so he had to come.

At this moment, he stood out calmly. For the general, that battle was a shame!

For Li Shilong, it is also a shame!
But at this time, Ji Zhisheng came out and said: "Your Majesty, the matter of sending troops needs to be discussed again. Luo Bu is proclaiming the emperor this time. It is obvious that he is testing Da Gan. If he sends troops rashly, he may fall into the opponent's plan.

Moreover, the national treasury is now empty, drought has appeared in the capital, and the northwest is waiting for relief from the court. By then, the people in the country may not be able to survive! "

Ji Zhisheng drank a basin of water and dashed the general's passion.

Cheng Sanxu said angrily: "How can we allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed? I, old Cheng, have no education and know all this. You are the descendant of a saint and you don't understand this?"

If you don't say anything today, these bastards will dare to come and bully you tomorrow. By then, you will be making plans and it will be too late! "

"Then what's the point of fighting? Your Majesty can't even get out the reward from the feudal lord!" Ji Zhisheng responded to Cheng Sanaxe with Li Shilong's exact words, and directly struck Cheng Sanaxe speechless.

Li Shilong was even more angry.

Du Jingming also said: "It is not allowed for Tubo to proclaim itself emperor. It can be a vassal state and establish a king, but it cannot be proclaimed emperor!
However, Your Majesty, Ji Jijiu's words are also prudent. Natural disasters have already occurred in the country, and it will take hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Tubo.

It was a huge pressure on the court and the world.

If you count the corvee for a minor official, it would be at least a hundred thousand.

After this corvee, how many people can go home? "

Yu Boshi, the Secretary Supervisor at the time, also came out and said: "Your Majesty, the best way is to first clarify the purpose of your visit, strengthen the border defense, and delay it as long as possible until I have eliminated the internal problems and can free my hands. Come, otherwise it will be the end of the line.

If it cannot be conquered for a long time, it will be a waste of the country's strength. This is a battle that affects the destiny of the country and should not be taken lightly! "

Yu Boshi was a low-key person and spoke little, but Li Shilong would listen carefully to what he said.

He is similar to Liang Zheng, a person who dares to give advice, but this person is more interesting. He only speaks on big things and almost never says anything on small things.

Therefore, Li Shilong valued him particularly, and did not hate him for talking too much. Instead, he felt that such people were truly capable and loyal ministers!

(End of this chapter)

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