big dry son-in-law

Chapter 419 Terrifying!

Chapter 419 Terrifying!
Everyone remained silent, waiting quietly for Li Shilong to think.

Tubo's dominance was intolerable to Daqian.

Li Shilong still had more than 200 million taels in his internal funds.

But this money has too many uses, and the war against Tubo cannot be ended overnight.

Tubo is not a small country like Jiaozhi, which can be destroyed with a wave of hands.

As Yu Boshi said, this is a battle that affects the fate of the country.

Besides, it was already obvious that the Tibetan envoys came together when other vassal states were paying tribute.

It was obvious that Liwei was here.

Although you are angry, you cannot be hasty.

If they were to fight Tibet at this time, the Xiongnu would not stand idly by.

By then, it will definitely be one-on-two.

Da Gan is not ready for this battle yet.

"How many days until the Tibetan envoy arrives?"

"Two days!"

Li Shilong said: "Let's see what they want to do first, quit the court!"

After everyone retreated, Cheng Sanxu said unconvinced: "Lao Yu, you said that you can't beat me with three sticks on weekdays. What are you talking about at this time?"

"I only speak when it's time to speak!" Yu Boshi said lightly, turning around and leaving without getting involved with other civil servants.

He does not support civil servants or generals, nor is he a so-called neutralist, but a real royalist.

Even though he was such a stickler, Cheng Sanaxe didn't dare to spray too much.

There is no way, His Majesty really likes him.

In Daqian, it is considered a strange flower.

"Tang Honglu, this time the vassal country came to congratulate us, we must not let our great power fall, otherwise Tubo will face death.

Damn it, you gave him face, you still dare to claim to be emperor, kill him! "

There were quite a few generals similar to Cheng Sanaxe, and they were all clamoring for a fight.

But Wen Chen was much calmer.

"Brother Qin, why don't you say anything?" Liu Chenghu asked.

"It's not the right time!" Qin Xiangru shook his head and said, "But it's difficult. If Tubo is allowed to successfully become emperor, I'm afraid those vassals will have their own evil intentions."

"It's not that it will move, it will definitely move!" Liu Chenghu said: "Small countries such as Zhenla and Siam don't have to worry, but that's not necessarily the case with Goguryeo. What I'm most worried about is that Goguryeo will take the opportunity to cause trouble."

"They dare!" Cheng Sanxu snorted: "I have long wanted to attack Goguryeo."

"What are you going to fight with? Emperor Zhou conquered Goguryeo three times, and the last one was conducted by his imperial commander, which cost hundreds of thousands of troops. As a result, he dragged Zhou into the abyss. How could he defeat it so easily?" Liu Chenghu glared at Cheng San. , "If a war starts at this time, the Huns with their Sanhu will definitely act like monsters. Goguryeo's wolfish ambitions are always ready to move.

Have you ever thought about how much pressure there will be when war begins on three sides: east, southwest, and north?All the wealth saved over the past ten years will be wiped out! "

"Anyway, there is nothing to be afraid of after one battle. If we wait any longer, I will be old and unable to lift the ax. Should I leave it to the next generation?" Cheng Sanaxe said unconvinced.

"What's wrong with leaving it to the next generation? The next generation of your family is worse than you, but my family is not that bad." Li Cungong also said: "It's better to be calmer at this time. Of course, you still have to have the toughness you should have. However, if Tubo is really Dare to proclaim himself emperor, this battle is inevitable.

We are not without confidence in our efforts. Don't forget, the thunder army in the hands of King Yue and the cannons in Jing Yun's hands are things the enemy has never had. With these two things in the defense of the city, they will never be able to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

Several people looked at Qin Xiangru in unison.

Qin Xiangru's heart tightened, and he quickly cupped his hands and said, "I still have something to do at home, so I'll leave first!"

After that, run away!
Several people looked at each other and said immediately: "My big and little babies are also in the Thunder Army."

"What a coincidence, my family is also brave!" At the same time, Qin Mo was listening to a book in the mahjong parlor.

He had nothing to do in the past two days and had finished telling the story of Da Gan's Journey to the West.

Xiao Gao copied and revised everything.

At this moment, sitting on the stage was a masked man with an old voice and a folding fan in his hand. This man was called 'Bai Xiaosheng' and his storyteller was quite interesting.

"Today, Da Gan's Journey to the West has officially come to an end. This is the last chapter for me.

Chapter 100, Return to the East and the Five Saints come true. "

The audience was full of people, no less than 200 people, which was called a card show.

Everyone was holding their breath and concentrating.

"By the way, there are five of us, Master Chen and his apprentice."

When the last word was spoken, Bai Xiaosheng announced that Da Qian's Journey to the West was officially over.

There was a trace of reluctance in everyone's hearts.

This story is so good, four chapters a day, and they have been listening to it for almost a month.

The five of them accompanied Master Chen and saw too much.

"Bai Xiaosheng, can you ask Duke Qin to continue some stories?"

"This story is so good, I feel so empty inside!"

Bai Xiaosheng collected the folding fan and was very satisfied with the effect of his storytelling. "Don't worry, everyone, Qin County Duke has prepared a sequel to Da Qian's Journey to the West. The new story is called Da Qian's Journey to the West. It tells the story of Master Chen." Please stay tuned for the story of a group of people becoming the true immortals of Youdao!"

"Okay, great, I knew there would be a follow-up!"

"Rewards must be rewarded. Come on, reward three taels and serve tea to Mr. Bai Xiaosheng!"

"Mr. Chengbei Ding rewards you with three taels of silver!" The waiter took the silver and shouted at the top of his lungs.

Under the storytelling table, there was a huge blackboard. Someone quickly wrote the name of the rewarder, and there was a title on the back: "Mr. Chengbei Ding, promoted from Foundation Establishment Book Club to Golden Pill Book Club!"

Good guy, if you want to get the title of Jindan Book Friend, the reward must exceed one hundred taels of silver!

At this moment, one person curled his lips disdainfully, "You are a gifted and talented book friend!"

"He took out an ingot of gold, and I rewarded him with ten taels of gold!"

"Hey, Lord Guan in the west of the city has a bounty of ten taels!"

At that moment everyone looked over.

Trench, really trench!
"Master Guanxi of Chengxi has been promoted from Yuanying Book Club to Distraction Book Club!"

Distracted book lover, reward more than a thousand taels!
There is no humanity at all!

Feeling the attention of the people around him, Guan Ye was very happy. He just liked the atmosphere of the teahouse. Maybe many people were richer than him and had a higher status than him, but here, he was the boss in the distracted period.

"I really like the County Lord's Journey to the West. I hope the County Lord can continue his efforts and bring us better works!"

There was a roar, and the crowd burst into applause.

At this moment, a person said, "The distracted book friends are all rubbish in my eyes. I, today, will achieve immortality in one step!"

As he said that, he asked his servants to take out a small box and push it over, "There are 1000 taels of silver here, all of them will be rewarded!"

"Captain Liu Consort from the south of the city has rewarded a total of 1 taels. From a Mahayana book friend, he ascended to the immortal world, overcame tribulations and became an immortal. He became the first true immortal book friend in Da Qian Journey to the West. Everyone applauds!" The waiter in the library! , shouted hysterically.

Someone even took out a medal and handed it to Liu Huima's hand, "Congratulations to Liu Huama, this is the True Immortal Book Friends badge. You can enjoy [-]% off when you come to our store in the future!
There are also birthday celebrations and horse-drawn carriage pick-up and drop-off services. All Qin’s properties can enjoy this discount! "

(End of this chapter)

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