big dry son-in-law

Chapter 428: Door 6 arrives, everyone is killed!

Chapter 428 Six doors are coming and everyone is killed!

The person he owed the most in his life was this sister.

She is what I miss the most.

This time Qin Mo read the letter, which also gave Li Shilong some peace of mind.

Many princesses wiped away tears. Aunt Jing'an is so good.

Qin Mo continued to read the letter.

The day I wrote the letter was the old man's birthday, and every letter was soaked with tears.

Qin Mo also felt particularly uncomfortable.

In the past, marriage was only in books.

Now, the marriage is just around the corner.

These eighteen family letters cannot express how much Princess Jing'an misses her hometown and her father and brother.

There is no mention of Daqian, but every sentence mentions Daqian.

She would say in her letters that she had learned the Tubo language today, and she would also say that she had built a temple in Tubo and helped many people learn Daqian's clothes.
She is such a good princess.

Perhaps these eighteen family letters are Princess Jing'an's last thoughts for the old man.

This was the first time Qin Mo saw the old man so broken, and the first time he cried in front of so many juniors.

He was the founding emperor and a father.

Qin Mo knew that he was in great pain.

As an emperor, he could not protect his most beloved daughter.

The last sentence in the last letter particularly moved Qin Mo, "Master, I have left my heart in my hometown. Every night of the full moon, I will look at the east and dance for my hometown.

I think, maybe I can never go back in this life, but the wind will take my thoughts away, and the moon can understand my thoughts.

Grandpa, have you forgotten your daughter? Why didn’t you bring me a letter? "

The grievance overflowed the envelope.

Li Yuan covered his face and choked with sobs: "Jing'an, my Jing'an, it's not that my father is cruel, my father never wants to take you home!"

Li Shilong clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth.

Li Xin stepped forward with red eyes, "Father, please fight and bring Aunt Jing'an back to Daqian!"

Li Zhi also moved his fat body and knelt down, "My son, please fight!"

Li Yue also knelt down.


At that moment, even Xiaojiu knelt down.

"My son, please fight!"

Mangluo Mangzan was a little embarrassed, while Luo Xue was a little scared!
At this time, Li Yuan wiped his tears and said, "Okay, don't scare the two children. Today is just a reunion of relatives, not a fight!"

He pulled Manluo Mangzan and Luo Xue and asked, "Have you eaten? Grandpa brought you delicious food. It must be something you have never eaten in Tubo."

"Grandpa, when we came here just now, my brother-in-law had already taken us to eat a lot of delicious food." Munromanzan said.

"That cake was so delicious!" Luo Xue thought about it now, and she felt endless aftertaste.

Li Yuan looked at Qin Mo and was very satisfied, "Okay, since your brother-in-law entertained you, let's go to Da'an Palace. Grandpa still has many things to ask you.

Hey, your mother is so cruel, she doesn’t know how to ask someone to draw a picture and send it to her, and she doesn’t know what she is like now! "

Li Yuan took the two brothers and sisters and walked towards Da'an Palace.

After the three people left, Li Xin said: "Father, no matter what, we must find a way to bring Aunt Jing'an back!"

Why doesn't Li Shilong think about it?
He was pleased that everyone dared to stand up, but this matter was not something that could be decided on a whim.

"Go down first. Everyone will have dinner in the palace tonight. All the princesses and royal family members who have married outside are called back to meet your aunt's children."

Li Shilong looked at Qin Mo, who was flirting with the third child, and became very angry, "Jingyun, you will be in charge tonight. It is estimated that 300 people will eat together. Do it with all your heart." "What, father, you asked me to entertain you." Forget foreign visitors, but let me take care of the food for two or three hundred people, won't your conscience hurt?" Qin Mo said with a bitter face.

"Stop talking nonsense, this position of chef belongs to you. Lao Ba, you should also help him!"

"Yes, father!" Li Yue said with cupped hands.

"Jingyun, let me help you too!" Li Xin said with a smile.

"Me, I'm coming too!" Li Zhi was not to be outdone.

Even Li Xuan scrambled to help.

"Okay, you guys can figure it out!" Li Shilong had to go back to Ganlu Hall to regain his mood.

Li Yue looked at several people and became more and more nervous.

He knew very well what each of them had planned.

"Yu Shu, come and help too!" Li Xin said with a smile.

Li Yushu was a little hesitant, but still nodded, "Well, my cousins ​​are coming to Beijing for the first time, and I want to make a dish for them!"

Li Yulan was about to go to the Li Zheng Palace. When she heard something was wrong, she quickly stopped and said, "I'll stay and help too."

"Brother-in-law, I want to help you too!" Xiaojiu stood on tiptoes and opened his hands for a hug.

Qin Mo picked her up and pinched her little nose, "Okay, little ancestor, can I take you with me!"

He turned to the others and said, "Okay, you can help me if you want, but you must all obey my instructions. If you don't obey my instructions, please get out and stay out of the way."

With that said, he walked up to Li Yulan with Xiao Jiu in his arms, grabbed her beautiful hand, "Let's go, Third Sister!"

This time, everyone was stunned.

"Ah, so many people are looking at you, you, what are you doing?" Li Yulan was so embarrassed.

"My husband holds my wife's hand (this term began in the Tang Dynasty and was not popular in modern times). It is only natural!" Qin Mo didn't care about other people's eyes, "Li Yue, let's go!"

It's too late now. If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to make it in time for dinner.

Although I was reluctant, I had no choice but to cook the food as it was necessary, just for the sake of Aunt Jing'an's face.

"Oh, here we come!" Li Yue glanced at Li Yushu and found that she was biting her lip with a complicated expression.

Li Xin sighed deliberately, "Seventh sister, look at it, let's not fight for a while!"

Li Yushu nodded and left quickly.

Li Zhi chased after him, panting, "Brother, Seventh Sister, wait for me!"

The news of Princess Jing'an's children entering the palace has been spread in the capital.

All the royal children outside the palace received the news and rushed towards the palace.

The Tibetan envoys came to Beijing and brought Princess Jing'an's children with them. This news was also known to the people.

The originally peaceful capital suddenly exploded.

Many old people recalled that decades ago, Tubo led troops to attack outside the capital and forced a marriage. It was an absolute national humiliation.

Moreover, it was also a critical time point before and after the founding of Daqian.

More than ten years have passed, and many people are gone, but today, more than ten years later, it still hurts to be mentioned again.

The atmosphere in the capital suddenly became tense.

And Fuliu lives inside.

Xiao Yurou felt flustered when she looked at the letter sent back by Shang Wu. The content was very short, with only eight words: When people from six doors arrive, everyone will be killed!

Xiao Yurou regretted a little. She didn't expect that Qin Mo would suspect her so quickly.

In the end, which link went wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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