big dry son-in-law

Chapter 429 Weah is tired of logging!

Chapter 429 Weah is tired of logging!
Qin Mo's obsession and even flattery when he was with her gave her the illusion that she was gradually mastering him.

She was also confident that neither the emperor nor the prince could escape from her grasp. Could Qin Mo escape?
But the reality is that Qin Mo taught her a hard lesson.

Fortunately, she came back early, otherwise the consequences would have been difficult to predict.

She felt a little regretful in her heart, "Little Slippery, you are really thoughtful, so from the beginning, you were on guard against me.

No wonder you have been testing me and trying to flatter me!
But little slippery man, don’t be too surprised when we meet again next time! "

Xiao Yurou has decided to adjust her plan. After she enters the palace, it is almost impossible for her to get out of the palace.

However, there is also one thing that gives her a headache. So far, she has not contacted Zhao Manyun.

"Could it be that she feels that her wings have hardened and she can escape my control?"

Xiao Yurou took out a pen and paper and wrote, "Kill Zhao Manyun!"

But in the end, she still tore up what she had written into pieces.

After all, after all these years, even a dog should have feelings.

You shouldn't be a white-eyed wolf, right?

Xiao Yurou thought a little uncertainly, and finally wrote on the paper: "Tubo proclaims itself emperor, and the vassal state comes to Beijing. We can take this opportunity to cause cholera in Kyoto!"

Stuff the note into a small bamboo tube, tie it to the pigeon's foot, and immediately throw it into the sky!
At this time, in the imperial dining room, Qin Mo was sitting on a chair, with Li Yulan sitting on his left leg and Xiao Jiu sitting on his right leg.

"Brother-in-law, open your mouth!" Xiaojiu took the cakes and kept feeding them to Qin Mo.

Li Yulan didn't dare to speak the whole time. People coming and going around him were busy, but the three of them were lazy here.

"How about we go and help too?" Li Yulan begged softly.

"How can I help? I am the chef. You and Xiaojiu will be the little cooks and just follow my arrangements."

Qin Mo commanded while eating: "Fourth uncle, you are eating secretly. Oops, have you washed your hands? Can you be more hygienic? Who wants to eat your saliva?"

"Brother-in-law, I'm not telling you that you are clumsy. Hey, you can't do any small things well. Managing a big country is like cooking small dishes. If you can't even do this small thing well, what big things can you do?"

"Sixteen, why are you snickering? You didn't say you were, right? You're laughing so hard, bring the tea!"

Li Xuan was still laughing a second ago, but when he heard Qin Mo's words, he was immediately unconvinced, "Qin Mo, I am the prince, what qualifications do you have to order me around? You are treasonous!"

"Okay, it's not your place to listen to stories from now on!" Qin Mo said lightly.

Li Xuan immediately became anxious, "You, you are being unreasonable, aren't you just pouring tea? If you can't say something nice, I'll pour it for you!"

"Well, what you said makes sense. You need to have an attitude when ordering people!" Qin Mo said, "Then please roll over and pour me some tea!"

"Hey, okay, tea will be served right away!"

"Sixth brother, give me a pat on the back for brother-in-law. I'm tired of sitting here!" Qin Mo said something. Li Xuan came over with tea and smiled like a fool, "Brother-in-law, can you tell me a new story tonight? I want to hear from Chen The story of a master who became an immortal!”

"It depends on your performance!" Qin Mo snorted. Li Yushu took the tea cup and gently blew the tea to cool it down. He took another sip and then handed it to Qin Mo's mouth after it was no longer hot. "It's just right!"

"Wow, the tea blown by the third sister is particularly fragrant!" Qin Mo took a sip and was extremely satisfied. But seeing Li Lizhen being too shy to come up, he immediately said: "Sixth, where are you paddling?" Well, hurry up and give your brother-in-law a slap on the back. Day by day, there is nothing to worry about."

"Sixth sister, don't listen to him!" Li Liyao took Li Lizhen's hand and said angrily: "My sister-in-law is giving her brother-in-law a back slap, is this decent!"

"Yes, Sixth Sister, this idiot Qin just needs a beating. We must find an opportunity to give him a good beating!" Li Chuanyu was also very angry. "Hey, forget it, you see the prince brother listens to him!" Li Lizhen also walked over half-reluctantly.

Li Liyao and Li Lizhen stamped their feet angrily.

Li Zhi said with a dark face: "Qin Mo, aren't you the chef? We have made everything, so what are you doing?"

Seeing their unconvinced looks, Qin Mo also got angry, "Tell me, you guys, who live in the palace every day, have you ever thought about cooking a meal for your father and mother?
I'm commanding you now, even though I'm done talking, why?
Isn’t it just for you to learn how to cook?

Fourth brother-in-law, you said that you will be a vassal in the future and you will not be able to see your father and mother all year round. As your son, don’t you need to express yourself properly?Do your best to fulfill your filial piety?
And you guys, Lao Ten and Lao Thirteen, you will get married in the future. My brother-in-law is teaching you how to be a good wife and mother. Is this hurting you?
Fool, I love you, but you can’t understand my brother-in-law’s hard work? "

"Bah, who wants your love? It's not enough to love the third sister. You also have to tease sister Qinghe. It's shameless!"

Several princesses were extremely embarrassed by Qin Mo. This Qin fool was really not ashamed.

This kind of words can be said.

"Lao Liu, you must not imitate them. There is no future for them. Yes, right here, a little stronger!" Qin Mo narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Let Lao Liu bully him every day, and he will bully his son and daughter every day.

This female sixth child is quite good. She is pleasing to the eye and well-behaved. She can be trained well.

Li Xin looked at Qin Mo and was furious, thinking that if God wants to destroy people, he must first make them crazy.

The more this happens, the more you want to praise him.

"Jing Yun is right. As children, what can we do if we cook a meal for our parents? And today my cousins ​​are coming from Tubo. We might as well cook a dish each so that our cousins ​​can feel our importance. !”

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Li Yushu stood there, her head in a mess. Qin Mo didn't care about her, she was paddling wherever she wanted.

Qin Mo just glanced at her and didn't care about her.

The more this happened, the more unconvinced she became.

She picked up the kitchen knife, struck it on the chopping board, and chopped the vegetables into pieces.

I thought Qin Mo would stop her, but he heard Qin Mo say: "Look, the seventh princess has learned how to chop vegetables, don't you feel ashamed? Come on, work harder, you will be the new generation of cooking gods." "

"Qin Mo, don't go too far. Is it appropriate for a foreign minister to order the prince and princess like this? Are you not afraid of being impeached by someone with intentions?" Li Yushu bit her lip and said.

"What foreign minister? We're a woodcutter! We're a family. It's too foreign to say something like this!"

Qin Mo is not afraid of Li Yushu now, "By the way, Seventh Princess, you are so strong, I have a task for you!"

Li Yushu frowned, "What mission?"

He thought Qin Mo would ask her to hit her legs or back, and then use this to retaliate against her. She had thought about it, and she admitted it.

As long as she can change her impression in the fool's mind, she is willing to do anything.

"See that big elbow over there? You're so strong, chop them all off!"

(End of this chapter)

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