big dry son-in-law

Chapter 430 Cultural War

Chapter 430 Cultural War
Li Yushu's eyes widened, "You want me to chop off the elbow?"

"Too few?" Qin Mo frowned, "You chop it first. After you chop it, there are still chickens, ducks and geese over there. There are dozens of them, enough for you to chop!"

"Qin Mo, you!" Li Yushu was so wronged that he almost burst into tears.

Li Yulan could sit on her lap to eat and rest, but she could only chop off her elbows.

"Don't want to chop? It doesn't matter. Let's change people. You can wash your hands and go out!" Qin Mo said while eating the melon seeds peeled by Li Yulan.

"Okay, I'll chop it, isn't it okay if I chop it?" Li Yushu took a deep breath, held back his tears, looked at the big elbows in front of him, and thought of them as Qin Mo, who felt particularly smooth and relieved when he chopped them.

Soon, the side dishes and other dishes were ready, and Qin Mo had had enough rest. He asked Li Yulan to look at Xiaojiu, and then turned on his fire.

It is expected that these princes and princesses will not be able to eat until tomorrow.

Finally, with the help of a group of royal chefs, more than 40 dishes were finally cooked before dark, each dish filling a large pot, enough for two to three hundred people.

Qin Mo was also fished out of the water, which made Li Yulan feel very distressed.

"Idiot, follow me back to Annan Hall to change clothes!" Li Yue also knew that cooking so many dishes was indeed tiring.

Qin Mo went to Annan Hall with the support of Li Yulan.

Although he left the palace to live, the Annan Palace was still reserved for him.

Li Yue was speechless. He could just change his clothes and let Xiao Gao go. Why did the third sister also go in?

He had no choice but to stand outside and guard, not daring to urge him.

This fool, let him take a simple bath and play in the water.

After a while, Qin Mo came out refreshed.

Li Yulan looked at Li Yue, blushed, and quickly walked out with her head lowered.

When I arrived at the Li Zheng Hall, there was a huge crowd.

Li Cungong, Li Daoyuan, and Li Anji are all here.

Everyone who can come here is named Li.

Qin Mo didn't recognize most of the men and women.

Everyone is ranked according to their status and relationship.

Qin Mo was directly pulled over by the old man and sat at his table with Li Shilong.

Then there are the Queen and Prince, Li Zhi, Li Yushu, Li Yue, and Liu Ruyu!

Daqian originally had a separate meal system, but since Qin Mo made a big round table, it has become popular in the palace, and eating like this is lively.

Li Yuan was still in a good mood. He learned from his two grandsons that Jing'an was doing well, and he felt less guilty.

"Now that you have entered Daqian, don't call yourself by the Tubo name. Your mother named you Li Shuang'an. This name is very good. I allow you to be named Li!"
And you, just call me Li Xue. Snow is pure and flawless. Grandpa hopes that you will always be carefree! "

The two brothers and sister were very happy and knelt down quickly, "Thank you, grandpa!"

"Get up!"

Li Yuan helped the two brothers and sister up, "Come, let me introduce to you the people in our Li family!"

Immediately, Li Yuan began to introduce them one by one.

The two brothers and sisters also listened very carefully.

They felt more passionate and sincere emotions than Tubo.

Li Shuangan secretly vowed to make both countries safe as his mother expected!
It took half an hour of introduction before everyone was introduced.

Then the banquet started.During this period, the old man kept bringing them food and said, "After you leave the palace, don't go to Honglu Temple. Just stay at Jingyun's house!"

Qin Mo was talking about his elbow. Li Yushu's chopped elbow was a bit big, so it was a bit difficult to talk about it. When he heard this, he almost choked, "Old man, is this inappropriate?"

That's right, although they are the children of Princess Jing'an, they represent Tubo.

Staying at his house is not looking for trouble.

Those people still didn't impeach him the next day. Although he wasn't afraid, it was annoying!

"There is nothing inappropriate. I have already thought about it. When the time comes, the brothers and sisters will stay in the capital!" Li Yuan said.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Li Shuang'an knelt down quickly and said: "Grandpa, we have caused too much trouble when we came here, so we won't live at my brother-in-law's house. Besides, I still have to find my uncle.

You are my relatives, but they are also my relatives over there. I will be of greater use returning to Tubo than staying in the capital. Grandpa, please tell me! "

He will eventually return to Tubo.

Li Yuan was also stunned, and then he sighed, "Yes, you are always called Mangluo Mangzan!"

Li Shuangan lowered his head. Although Daqian was good, it was not his country.

The atmosphere was a little cold for a while.

"Old man, you are so narrow-minded!" Qin Mo said: "What's wrong with Mangluo Mangzan? After all, he was born and raised in Tubo since he was a child, and he also received the cultural influence of Tubo.

If a more powerful country asked you to stay, would you be willing to do so?You definitely don’t want to! "

"Jingyun, this is not a cultural thing!" Li Cungong couldn't help but remind him.

"Uncle Li, this is a matter of culture. Let's put it this way, if Tubo agrees with the culture of Daqian, then is there any difference between Tubo and Daqian?

There is no difference. After a few generations, they learn to wear Gan clothes, speak Gan language, and eat the same food as the Da Gan people, and Tubo will exist in name only.

My father is actually quite right. Sometimes war is not about me sending troops to defeat you. There is also an invisible and intangible war. That is a cultural war.

Why do the surrounding vassal countries recognize us as the father of the suzerain?

That's because we have a strong cultural heritage and we never take the initiative to invade others. We will help them become better.

Being militaristic and warlike will lead to death, but if people from the same country say the same words to you, write the same words, and everything is exactly the same, and they think they are from the same country from the bottom of their hearts, is it useful if they don’t recognize it on the surface? "

Li Cungong was silent. He heard the meaning of Qin Mo's words.

In this way, it is indeed more meaningful for Li Shuangan to go back than to stay.

Li Shilong didn't say anything either. He also agreed with what Qin Mo said.

Li Yuan is not an old fool, he just feels uncomfortable.

Although Li Shuang'an was smart, he had not understood the deep meaning of Qin Mo's words. He only thought that Qin Mo stood up to save him, and he was secretly grateful.

He felt that among so many people, only his brother-in-law understood him best!
"Tibet is now on the wrong path, but this mistake is not fatal yet, and we cannot correct it at this time.

Only when Tubo's mistakes are completely exposed will we have to find ways to cure this problem.

Who told us to worry about this?
Old man, when we make Tubo one of our own, it doesn't matter whether we are in Tubo or not, whether his surname is Li or not. The most important thing is that he is still your grandson. This is enough, right? "

Li Yuan nodded, "Yes, yes, what Jing Yun said makes sense, but I'm old, I don't know if I can wait until someday."

Qin Mo patted Li Yuan's hand: "You have to believe Father, this day will not be too far away, right Father?"

Qin Mo turned to look at Li Shilong!
(End of this chapter)

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