big dry son-in-law

Chapter 438 Thoughtful

Chapter 438 Thoughtful

"Oh, what if there was no deception?"

Just at this time, Hu Sanjin came over pulling a cart of cans. Qin Mo said with a smile: "Then eat this cart of cans!"


"What am I? You still call me Li Gan. I don't think you should call me Li Gan anymore. Just call me Li Ping!"

"Don't provoke me here. I don't know if you made these cans in the past few days." Li Gan said.

"I guessed a few days ago that Father and the others were coming over? Then let them make canned food, wait here for Father to come, and then claim the credit?" Qin Mo clicked his tongue and said, "Are you missing your brain stem? Moreover, every day There is a production date on a can. Check the date. It was made 20 days before the Jingzhe, which is almost forty days!"

Li Zhi winked at Li Gan and asked Li Gan to gamble with Qin Mo.

He now understood that Qin Mo was not familiar with him at all, and it was impossible to recruit him. .

If you can't recruit it, you'll find a way to destroy it.

Li Gan hesitated a little, but still said: "Okay, if your cans are not broken, I will eat all the cans in this cart!"

"Father, old man, you two have heard it. He promised it himself. Don't say that I bullied him for a while!"

Li Shilong frowned. To be honest, he didn't believe it. He picked up a bamboo can. It was really heavy, weighing two or three kilograms!
"Jingyun, can this so-called can really keep food for such a long time?" Li Shilong said doubtfully.

When they were marching, the dry biscuits they ate only lasted for two or three months before they went bad.

Not to mention meat?

And you can’t hide anything in summer unless you put it in an ice cellar.

“Theoretically, as long as it is stored properly, it can be stored for more than a year or even longer.

This is my first time trying to make this canned meat. There is broth in it. You can pour it out directly and eat it without heating it.

There is also a kind of dry canned food here that can be stored for a long time. It is estimated that it will not go bad for two or three years. When eating, you only need to add hot water and wait for half a stick of incense, and that’s it! "

Everyone was shocked again, stored for two or three years?
is it possible!
If such meat existed, it would be much more convenient when marching and fighting.

Li Xin squinted his eyes and said, "Jing Yun is really thoughtful. He even considered the march. He is worthy of being a general!"

Now he not only praises Qin Mo, but also praises him.

While praising Qin Mo, and at the same time flattering him, it would be great if he could win him over.

It doesn't matter if you can't win him over, at least you can paralyze the other party a little.

With his father's suspicious temperament, he would definitely be wary of Qin Mo.

When an emperor starts to guard against his ministers, that person is not far from death.

Qin Mo smiled sheepishly, "My father says that I am stupid every day. I am not half as good as he was when he was young. I can't march and fight, but I am good at cooking. I just think about how to feed more people. Just eat, don’t think too much about it!”

"If you think like this, you are much better than your father!" Li Yuan said: "Although our Jingyun family is easy to make mistakes, he is pure and kind and has a compassionate heart. He is just too lazy and not interested in being an official. !”

Li Shilong also nodded in agreement and asked him to be the governor of the six sects because of his various calculations.

This brat really doesn't like being an official!It was also the first time for Li Yue to look at this can, "Idiot, how do you open this?"

Qin Mo picked up a bamboo can and unscrewed it hard, using thread technology.

It relies on a human-powered machine tool, which uses a special steel head for polishing. Qin Mo proposed an idea, and the craftsmen of Qinzhuang found a solution.

It took them five or six days to make a bamboo can that was qualified and could be screwed tightly.

This bamboo tube is air-dried and wrapped with oil paper. There is food, chicken and duck, fried in one pot, heavy oil and salt, compacted, and then poured with a layer of oil.

When the weather is cold, the oil paper condenses quickly. Finally, a layer of oil paper is placed on the condensed oil hole to seal it. Although it is not as perfect as the vacuum machine of later generations, it is still possible to extend the shelf life of the food.

"Isn't this one that can be pulled open instead of unscrewed? This bamboo tube is very good. It can be used as a cup. It's better than a water bag!" Li Yue said.

"Yes, this bamboo tube can indeed be used as a cup. It is easier to carry than a water bag and more resistant to falling than porcelain!"

"What's the use of talking more? Look, the food here is all white. Can it be eaten?" Li Gan said with a hint of joy in his eyes, pointing to the bamboo tube.

"Are you stupid? This is oil jelly!" Qin Mo shouted, took the plate handed over by Hu Sanjin, turned the bamboo tube upside down, and immediately, all the contents of the can were displayed in front of everyone.

They craned their necks and looked over. Li Xuan made an expression as if he was about to vomit, "Why is it so disgusting? Can this be eaten?"

Qin Mo didn't waste any time. He mixed the food with chopsticks. There was even rice in it. Then he took a spoon and took a big mouthful. "Not bad, not bad. It tastes pretty good. Father and old man, do you want to try it?" One bite?"

"Father, Grandpa Huang, this food has been stored for so long. She must be pregnant. You must not eat it!" Li said with certainty.

Li Zhi also said: "The fourteenth brother is right, it is better not to eat!"

Li Yue frowned, took a spoon, and took a big spoonful. If he didn't support his brother at this time, who would?

"I'll try it too!"

After taking a bite, Li Yue's brows widened, "It's delicious, Father, Grandpa Huang, the meat in this can is not bad. Although it's not as delicious as the fool's, it's not bad.

If the soldiers are marching and fighting outside, they will definitely be full of fighting spirit after eating such a portion of meat! "

"Eighth brother, there's no need to be so exaggerated, right?"

Li Yue didn't want to talk nonsense, so he took a big spoonful and stuffed it into his mouth, "Fourth brother is an old glutton, he should taste it and tell whether this food is bad or not!"

Li Zhi was annoyed at first, but after chewing carefully, the expression on his face became complicated.

Li Gan's heart skipped a beat, "Fourth brother, tell me, is this food good or bad?"

Li Zhi chewed and swallowed the rice, "Even if this one is good, there are one or two hundred others in this cart. Can you guarantee that they are all good?"

"Fourth brother-in-law, you are just being stubborn. If something is good, it is good, and if it is not good, it is good. Just say it directly, whether it is good or bad. If it doesn't work, I will open them all. Of course, I can't guarantee it. Every portion is good, but I can guarantee that there won't be more than one bad portion.

But if you open it, you have to eat them all, because if they are opened on the lid, they will go bad in a few days! "

"Fourth brother, tell me, is it good or bad?" Li Gan was extremely anxious.

Li Zhi looked at everyone and said awkwardly: "Okay, okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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