big dry son-in-law

Chapter 439 Duke Dingyuan!

Chapter 439 Duke Dingyuan!

"Fourteenth Prince, I leave this cart of bamboo cans to you!" Qin Mo said with a smile: "I have never seen anyone eat so much in one go. If you can really finish it, you must Make a name for yourself in history!”

Li Zhi couldn't help but said: "Jingyun, forget it, Shi Shi doesn't understand, so it's normal to be suspicious!"

"My fourth brother-in-law should understand that he is willing to admit defeat, right?" Qin Mo said with a smile, "How about you help him eat some too?"

Li Zhi's face turned green. There was so much food that he couldn't even finish it.

Li Shilong looked at Li Gan who turned pale, "In the future, if you don't know clearly, don't speak easily and bet with others casually. Where did you get the courage?

Why don't you retreat quickly? "

After saying that, he said to Qin Mo: "Jingyun, forget it, you, the brother-in-law, don't argue with him."

Qin Mo hummed but didn't say anything.

Li Yuan took the spoon and took a bite of the rice, "It's amazing. It's been stored for forty days and it's not bad. It still tastes like new. The rice is soft and glutinous. The aroma of these dishes has completely penetrated into it.

If you are on the run, bring one or two cans with you. You don’t need to burn the fire to cook, just twist the lid and use it.

It greatly reduces the possibility of being discovered by the enemy. Moreover, no matter how good the bread is, there is still no rice or meat to keep hungry.

After eating, the bamboo tube can also be used as a kettle, which is better than a water bladder! "

Li Shilong nodded. He immediately saw the benefits of bamboo cans, "Is it expensive?"

"It's okay, the cost is only six Daqian Tongbao, and one piece of ten Daqian Tongbao is sold.

A portion of the meal is enough, so you will definitely be full.

If an army has 1 people, then one meal only requires 100 Daqian Tongbao, which is 300 taels of silver, and three meals a day only cost [-] taels.

After one year, it is only about 12 taels.

Of course, it’s definitely not possible to eat canned food every day, but you can keep this on hand during wartime. It’s easy to carry, tastes good, keeps you hungry, and is nutritious!

Secondly, we also have air-dried cans here, which are only one-third the weight of soup cans and can be cooked in boiling water.

Perfect for long marches! "

Li Shilong said: "Okay, let's get 20 cans of each of air-dried cans and soup cans and send them to the border so that the soldiers can have a try."

"Yes, Father, but you need to pay half of the deposit before we can make it, and we don't guarantee delivery for large quantities of goods!"

"You brat, do I still need to pay a deposit?"

“First of all, the breeding farm is a private factory, not a state-owned enterprise. It operates on a small scale and does not accept credit.

If everyone doesn't give money when they come to place an order, how can this place be run? "

"Okay, give me the money!" Li Shilong said.

Qin Mogong cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Father, for your support!"

The main reason is that the glass has not been produced yet.

Otherwise, using glass for canning would be more marketable.

There are also iron boxes. The current stamping technology still needs to be overcome!
The group of people walked around the farm and smelled like chicken shit, but Li Shilong and Li Yuanxiao never stopped.

"Father, I have only seen the galloping cows, sheep and horses when shepherds herd their horses on the grassland, but I never thought that chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep can also gather together in this small breeding farm!" Li Shilong now believes that Qin Mo's words of letting everyone in the world eat meat are not lies.

Indeed, it has been half a year, and the breeding farm has not made any money. It has been paying outside.

Compared with other industries developed by Qin Mo, it is just a money-losing thing.However, this breeding farm has a far-reaching impact and is related to the future lives of the people.

"Jingyun, a few months ago, you told me that you want everyone in the world to have meat to eat, and everyone in the world can eat meat.

At first, I didn’t really believe it, but now, you have told me with your practical actions that this grand long-cherished wish can be realized!
You are my lucky star and the lucky star of Daqian. Today, I will reward you well! "

Li Shilong smiled and said: "From today on, you are the Duke of Dingyuan County. However, hereditary inheritance can be ignored. You can let Ping's legitimate son inherit and be rewarded with two imperial mansions in Jingzhao Mansion."

Qin Mo scratched his head. To be honest, at his position, he has almost run out of rewards. He is now the governor of the Six Gates. This is a powerful official with the third rank and eight classics. Basically, he is on the same level as the six ministers. of.

Although he has not succeeded his cheap father's duke, he has a second-grade duke who is hereditary and can be succeeded by his legitimate son.

His family was born as a first-class Duke, and it was hereditary. In other words, their family was a family with two Dukes!
There is no one in the whole Daqian who is more arrogant than his family.

Good guy, the first grade, the second grade, and the third grade are all alive!
"Father, forget it, don't reward me with an official, I'm not interested in this!" Qin Mo said: "After I finish the military parade, can you give me a year off? If anything happens within this year, you can't do it." Come to me.

I really don’t want to move! "

Everyone's eyes widened.

Damn it, you can’t even ask for it, why don’t you want it?

Li Yue hurriedly said: "Idiot, you have two masters from the same family. What an honor. Thank you!"

Gao Shilian couldn't help but wink at Qin Mo. Your Majesty is very happy. Even if you don't want it, don't say it at this juncture.

"What I have promised you must of course be fulfilled. You have to have it if you want it, and you have to have it if you don't want it!" Li Shilong said domineeringly: "There is no official that I cannot reward!"

Qin Mo raised his head and said, "Father, you are bragging. If you have the ability, now reward yourself as the Supreme Emperor!"

Li Yue covered his face, this fool dared to say anything.

When my father was in his prime, he proclaimed himself the Supreme Emperor, and was he as good as the Emperor?

Or should we abdicate now?
The others also had a look of astonishment on their faces.

Only Li Yuan laughed loudly, "Jing Yun is right, if you have the ability, you can try to proclaim yourself the Supreme Emperor now!"

Li Shilong was angry and funny, "Father, please stop making fun of this brat!"

Li Yuan curled his lips, pulled Qin Mo and said: "Let's go, Jingyun, he's just a prince, you must be stingy, I thought he was a prince.

You accept such a small title. You don’t want it. He can’t bear to lose face. Give him some face. Do you hear me? "

Qin Mo reluctantly said: "Okay, then give me some food for your father! Father, please don't reward me with a title next time. I don't want it."

Li Shilong's hand was already on his belt. If Li Yuan hadn't been there, he would have taken it out long ago.

Li Yuan patted Qin Mo's hand, "There are many women in the family. If you don't think about yourself, you also have to think about your children, you know?"

"I know, old man!" Qin Mo nodded.

After leaving the breeding farm, Qin Mo went home and was extremely busy for several days.

Calling soldiers from other roads would be a tedious journey, let alone rehearsing.

There was no choice but to dispatch nearly 3 people from the nearest Gyeonggi Province and Kannai Province.

It took eight hundred miles to rush, day and night, and [-] soldiers arrived in the capital in only two or three days!

(End of this chapter)

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