big dry son-in-law

Chapter 440 The General Manager of the Military Parade

Chapter 440 The General Manager of the Military Parade
There are 16 troops in the suburbs of the capital, but they dare not mobilize too many. 3 troops are enough.

Among them, there are 3000 cavalry and [-] infantry, which are divided into light infantry, crossbowmen, and spears. There are many types.

When the soldiers arrived, Qin Mo rushed into the military camp on the outskirts.

Li Yue also came with the Thunder Army for training.

Li Yuan was also assisting.

If he doesn't come, it won't work. If he doesn't come, something will happen. Although Li Xin didn't say anything, the court was in turmoil.

The main reason is that the military parade was criticized by them as a waste of money and people, and they thought it was of little use.

Not to mention civil servants, even some short-sighted generals are opposed to it.

Li Shilong was also under great pressure. Even the court meeting was not held in the past two days.

As for those foreign ministers, none of them were seen.

Li Cungong and Li Daoyuan are inspectors.

Zhang Xi, Duke of Xun Guo, was Qin Mo's deputy.

In order to appease the civil servants, Liu Fazheng, the Duke of Xing, and Huang Gui, the minister, were appointed as staff officers.

Zhang Xi, Duke of Xun, was relatively close to Hou Gennian before, and he didn't have much dealing with Lao Qin.

Liu Fazheng, the Duke of the State of Punishment, used to be the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and he was very at odds with Li Cungong.

Huang Gui, the servant in the palace, is a highly respected minister and holds the official position of the second rank. He is responsible for accepting orders from the emperor and handling etiquette.

In all affairs of the state, Zhongshu Ling will be in charge of the general affairs, and Zhuan will make the decision to save trouble.

This old Huang is very low-key and rarely talks on weekdays, but he is a good person.

Qin Mo summoned the generals over and wanted to hold a meeting, but Huang Gui scolded him, "Qin Jingyun, what do you know about soldiers? Have you ever led soldiers? You also command the generals to follow your ideas.

In the past, I didn't bother to care about you no matter how much trouble you made, but now that you have your hands in the army, you just can't do it! "

"Old Huang, can you stop making trouble and let me have a good meeting?" Qin Mo said: "Why do you have so many things to do? Is it okay or not? You won't know until you practice?"

Liu Fazheng said: "There is no need to practice, let's let Zhang Guogong be the commander-in-chief. The Supreme Emperor and Wei Chen think that Qin Jingyun is not good at serving as the commander-in-chief of the military parade."

"Jingyun is holding a meeting for everyone, and you have so many things to do. How do you know that Jingyun can't do well?" Li Cungong's eyes turned red when he saw his old rival, "His Majesty asked you to come here as a consultant, not to make you have trouble with Jingyun every day. of."

"If you don't agree with each other, I don't want to argue with you!" Liu Fazheng snorted coldly.

Zhang Xi didn't say anything. He also thought so in his heart. It would be better for him to be the general manager of the military parade.

Isn't it just to show your power? Who wouldn't?

Isn’t this credit easily obtained?

After Hou Gennian died, His Majesty no longer used him very much. He had to change his impression in His Majesty's heart.

"Okay, stop arguing. It was Jing Yun who came up with this idea. Who else do you know better than Jing Yun about what to do?"

Li Yuan frowned and said: "Qin Xiangru has forced Jing Yun to listen to stories about the military since he was a child. How can he say that Jing Yun doesn't know the soldiers?
During last year's hunt, Jing Yun led dozens of people and nearly a thousand remnants of the previous dynasty to fight fiercely, saving Cheng Qian and Xiao Jiu. Is this because he doesn't know how to fight? "

Huang Gui said calmly: "It was a battle, not a formation of troops. This military parade is unprecedented. People from all over the country will come, as well as guests from various countries.

If something goes wrong, not only will it fail to frighten the enemy, but it will turn the mighty army into a joke. "Huang Shizhong, I don't agree with your words. If Jing Yun can't do it, how can Duke Xun Guo do it?"Does Duke Xun dare to pat his chest and review everything without making a single mistake? "Li Yue said: "Furthermore, Jing Yun even proposed how to train, with methods and measures, but without practicing, he denied his overall plan.

My father nodded. Do you know better than your father?Don’t forget, this world was not conquered by you alone. In every battle of the founding of the Daqian Kingdom, my father never failed! "

"Okay, stop arguing!" Qin Mo slammed the table, "Come on, Lao Huang, we don't have any hatred on weekdays, so don't make trouble for me.

As a staff officer, you can raise your opinions. As the general manager of the military parade, I also have the right to refuse.

I didn't say anything, not because I was afraid of you, but because I was too lazy to argue with you.

Don't give me face, you hear me? If I give you face, just hold it!

Lao Liu, look at how calm Lao Zhang is. He didn’t say anything. I want you to recommend me?Don't people have a mouth? "

Qin Mo snorted and continued: "Everyone sitting here today is doing one thing, and that is to make the military parade a success.

This matter cannot be found in the history books. We are the first to eat crabs. If we do well, we will all spread the history of Qing Dynasty.

If you don't do it right, you will be prepared to lie on the wall of shame for the rest of your life. After we die for hundreds or thousands of years, we will still be pulled out and whipped by our descendants. I don't think your descendants have any respect! "

Everyone was silent. They originally thought of all the credit. When Qin Mo said this, Zhang Xi suddenly felt that he couldn't bear the responsibility.

"Jing Yun is right. If I do well, I will feel proud. If I do not do well, I will be embarrassed along with you!" Li Yuan said, "So, from now on, please be quiet and listen to what Jing Yun has to say.

Just practice how Jingyun tells you. Anyone who dares to have feelings for me is not serious.

Even though I am no longer in power, I can still control you! "

"Wei Chen dare not!"

Everyone lowered their heads.

Li Yuan snorted coldly. If he didn't come, it would be difficult for Qin Mo to convince these people.

"Everyone sit down, just listen to me now!"

Qin Mo stood up and said: "The military parade is on the long street outside Shuntian Gate. The street is about 25 feet wide. (Only the part outside Shuntian Gate) the whole street is dozens of miles long. It is the best place for the military parade.

When the time comes, His Majesty, the Supreme Emperor, will gather soldiers at the Shuntian Gate, while the guests from both sides will sit on both sides.

There are also Renrui, filial sons, loyal daughters, and heads of major families recommended by various places, who sit further in front! "

Qin Mo drew it with chalk on the blackboard, making it clear at a glance, "Military parade is an achievement that demonstrates martial virtue, and it also demonstrates the achievements of the Supreme Emperor, Your Majesty, and the governance of the country by two generations of emperors.

Therefore, we must show the spirit and energy of our team. First of all, the team cannot be chaotic or biased!
We need to be unified when we walk, and we must have the momentum of our great strength and fierceness.

Once everything is in order, it will become very solemn. This is not the time to show personal bravery.

Therefore, if you are not careful during training and make mistakes, it will affect the overall situation.

When the time comes, I don’t care whether you are a prince or a servant. I can’t spare you. You can all lie down on the wall of shame! "

This was almost a scolding directed at Liu Fazheng and others, but unfortunately, they couldn't say anything.

"By dragging me down, I will prevent them from being able to live in four rooms or have four dishes to eat in their lifetime!"

(End of this chapter)

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