big dry son-in-law

Chapter 441 Li Yuan’s wish

Chapter 441 Li Yuan’s wish

If the previous sentence is about wearing a hat, this sentence is a threat to Chi Guoguo.

However, Qin Mo is a fool who dares to do anything when he gets into trouble.

Although Huang Gui and Liu Fazheng were not afraid of Qin Mo, they were a little worried at this time.

"The next step is to form a formation. It is best to have a square formation of 500 to [-] people. If there are more, it will not look good.

Every formation must show their momentum."

Qin Mo spoke in great detail. It could be said that he covered everything. He even mentioned the security issues present.

"The six gates will unite with the imperial army to maintain order at the scene. The general process is that the guests sit down and His Majesty delivers a speech.

Then there is the performance of "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Formation". I don't understand this, but Lao Huang, I heard that you are good at music, so I leave this task to you.

Remember, the people beating the drums must not stop. I will introduce two thousand troops and horses to you. They must be magnificent, without chaos or mistakes!

Can you pick it up? "

Huang Gui was stunned for a moment. Although he was extremely reluctant, he had no choice but to nod and say: "Take it!"


Liu Fazheng gritted his teeth, "Okay!"

"Old Zhang, you take the lead in the first phalanx. Remember, you are the starting point. If you don't start well, you will be a big sinner."

Zhang Xi became nervous inexplicably, "I can't make mistakes!"

“It’s better not to go wrong!”

Qin Mo nodded and began to divide the teams. Li Yue was the last one to appear.

The Thunder Army is the top priority, and a few more shots will be fired at that time to shock them hard!
"You all know your division of labor, right?"


"As long as it's clear, go and divide the formations now. Li Yue, remove some people from the Thunder Army and teach them to stand in line and walk. They must be strict.

I want it to be a straight line horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Whoever holds you back will be slapped hard by me! "

"Yes, Chief Manager!" Li Yue nodded.

Although the title "General Manager" made Qin Mo feel chilly down there, it was still quite satisfying.

"Everyone, get out!"

Everyone left the tent one after another.

Qin Mo waved, and Gao Yao quickly poured Qin Mo a cup of tea, and then he fell into the rocking chair with the old man, "Old man, are you okay?"

"Well, you have a little bit of courage like me when you were young!" Li Yuan nodded, "Jingyun, the military training method I just heard you talk about is quite interesting. Is it a new military training method?"

"Hey, this is what my dad said. I don't know how to train soldiers. He told me so much. I thought about it myself and put it to use.

The Thunder Army also practiced this way, and the effect is pretty good. Don't worry, you won't be embarrassed! "

"If you say that, I know for sure!" Li Yuan knew that Qin Mo had something in his belly, but this kid was lazy and would never tell him unless asked, "Last time, what happened to the Thunder Army? Has Father found out?"

"No, everyone was killed, and not a single culprit was found!" Qin Mo said.

"Hey, it's either a remnant of the previous dynasty or a traitor!" Li Yuan said clearly in his heart, "I want to ask you, what would you do if this person had something to do with you?"

"I don't have such people around me!" Qin Mo said: "There is no need for Yongmen and others to do such a thing. Except for those who don't deal with me, they are careerists. My father even scolded me, saying why should I get a grenade?" , I am worried about it every day. I made a grenade just to blow up the mine.

Old man, you also know that Xishan Meishan belongs to my family. I really didn’t think too much about it.

To be honest, I regret it! "I know you are wronged, but what you have done will be beneficial to generations to come. I was the emperor. When I was fighting for the world, I killed many people. When I became the emperor, I also enjoyed all the blessings in the world. Now that I am old, it doesn't matter." Too big a wish.

Just three. First, I want to live for two more years and take more care of you. I hope you can do well and give me more grandchildren!

Secondly, I hope to see your Aunt Jing'an again in my lifetime. I owe her that child.

At the age of ten, I still say "grandpa" every day in front of me, and the down on my face has not faded.

She married far away from Tubo. Sometimes I dreamed about her at night. "

"Old man, do you want me to bring her back?" Qin Mo asked.

Li Yuan nodded first, then shook his head, "Tubo is not a small country like Jiaozhi. They have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and generals, so it is difficult to attack.

It's best to wait until we have a million soldiers and think of a way to destroy him! "

In fact, to be on the safe side, the old man’s strategy is right.

In the early days of Daqian, the country was weak, with more than 60 troops, which may not seem like much, but for Daqian, it was too difficult to maintain so many soldiers.

In another era, the Tang Dynasty reached its peak in the middle period and had millions of soldiers.

It is impossible for any dynasty to blindly expand its military strength. The only way to destroy the country is to resort to violence.

"What is the third wish?" Qin Mo asked.

"No one can say the third wish, I can only take it into the soil!" Li Yuan said with a smile.

"Tch, it's so mysterious. If you don't tell me, I don't want to hear it!"

Qin Mo curled his lips and said what was in his heart, he was quite touched.

He and Li Yuan had been friends for many years, and he was actually quite nervous, because in another time and space in the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan died in the ninth year of Zhenguan.

This year is the eighth year of Longjing.

The histories of the two worlds are different, but also surprisingly overlap.

"You'd better not know!" Li Yuan laughed. In fact, he just wanted to see his eldest son and third son again. His last wish was for Li Shilong to pay homage to the graves of his eldest son and third son. .

This wish can only be a wish.

"Old man, here you go!"

Qin Mo thought for a while, took out a scroll of paintings from his sleeve, and handed it to Li Yuan.

"What is this?" Li Yuan asked curiously.

"Good stuff, you must really like it after seeing it!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"I understand. Last time I asked you to draw Master Chen and his party of five people. This must be the portrait of Master Chen and his party, right?"

Li Yuan really likes Da Gan's Journey to the West so much, it's like drawing Master Chen and his party of five people.

However, he asked someone to draw several versions, but Qin Mo rejected them all.

Later, Li Yuan also lost his temper. In order to coax him, Qin Mo volunteered to take over the task.

"You'll know after you see it!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Li Yuan stood up, spread the scroll on the table, and was stunned for a moment, "Hey, why is it a portrait of a woman? Why does this woman look familiar?"

"Old man, please take a closer look!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yuan nodded, stared at the woman in the painting for a while, and then burst into tears, "Jing'an, this is my Jing'an!"

(End of this chapter)

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