big dry son-in-law

Chapter 442 Gift!

Chapter 442 Gift!

Li Yuan held the portrait and touched it gently with his hand, "My Jing'an has grown up!"

Wei Zhong couldn't help but look over, his eyes were red, "Your Majesty, you haven't seen Princess Jing'an for more than ten years. The princess has naturally grown up!"

"Jing'an, do you know how much my father misses you!"

Li Yuanlao burst into tears, and the longing for his daughter that had been accumulated for more than ten years was completely vented the moment he saw the portrait.

After a while, Li Yuan calmed down a little and said, "Jingyun, this, you drew this? You have never seen Jing'an, how do you know what Jing'an looks like?"

"Old man, I have never seen Aunt Jing'an, but my cousins ​​know that I drew it based on what they said." Qin Mo said with a smile.

Li Yuan also didn't expect that Qin Mo could actually draw, and he could draw so well. "You, when did you learn to draw?"

"My father forced me to draw. He asked me to draw maps and troop formations every day. I have never read the military books, so I can only draw based on his dictation. I have never learned to draw. What do you think, old man? It’s not that I don’t know, I hate reading, writing and drawing the most.”

"Indeed, this painting method is indeed not any kind of painting method that is popular nowadays. This painting technique is also its own school!" Li Yuan knew that Qin Mo had Soul Leaving Syndrome, so Qin Mo took out the painting. Although he was surprised, he I don't think there's anything wrong.

"Jingyun, thank you for fulfilling one of my wishes!" Li Yuan felt that this was the best gift he had ever received.

"Old man, as long as you like it, I'll give it a try, and I didn't expect it to actually come out. This way, even if Aunt Jing'an isn't at home, you can still look at the painting!" Qin Mo scratched his head and said with a smile.

"Have you tried many times?"

"No, I just drew a few pieces of paper!"

"Hey, it's so good!" Li Yuan couldn't take his eyes away when he saw this painting.

Gao Yao stood aside, his eyes becoming gentle.

It's just a few pieces of paper, but the stack of scrap drawings in Qin Mo's study is half as tall as a person.

Sometimes Qin Mo is busy during the day, so he takes time to paint and paint at night.

We still had to ask Li Shuangan and Li Xue, so it was very slow to adjust.

Their young master is really too gentle at heart.

Wei Zhong knelt on the ground with a 'pop' sound, "Mr. Qin, I kneel down for you. Thank you!"

"Ouch, Old Wei, what are you doing? Get up!" Qin Mo quickly stood up and pulled him up.

Wei Zhong said with red eyes: "This slave has not seen the Supreme Emperor so happy for a long time!"

"Get up, I am filial to my master!" Qin Mo pulled him up, "We are all our own, don't kneel down anymore!"

"Hey, I remember this!" Wei Zhong wiped his tears and said.

On this day, Li Yuan was in a good mood and even ate half an extra bowl of food.

In the afternoon, Li Yuan said coquettishly: "Jingyun, since you are so good at painting, can you also draw a painting for me?"

"Old man, do you want your cousin to take the painting back?"

"Yeah!" Li Yuan nodded, "Do you think it's okay for me to look like this? Isn't my dress not too formal? Do you want to wear a crown gown when you return to the palace?"

Qin Mo shook his head and said: "No, people will always grow old, and Aunt Jing'an also knows that you have retired, so just let her see your latest situation, and then write a letter to Aunt Jing'an Wouldn’t it be enough to write a longer letter and tell her about my current situation?”

"you are right!"

Li Yuan nodded, and Wei Zhong quickly came over to comb Li Yuan's hair and his beard neatly.

Then he sat on the chair with a serious expression.

"Old man, be happy and smile. You have caused so much pain and hatred. Aunt Jing'an will definitely cry after seeing it!"

Li Yuan nodded and smiled.

"That's right!"

Qin Mo clamped the paper to the drawing board and started drawing quickly.

For more than an hour, Li Yuan's face froze with laughter.But the final rendering after coloring is still very good.

"Okay, great!" Li Yuan was very satisfied.

"My lord, your painting skills are much better than those of the so-called masters. Look at this painter, it's like looking in a mirror, it's amazing!" Wei Zhong said sincerely.

"Wherever, it was just a random drawing!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yuan also said: "Yes, I have completely drawn all my wisdom and martial arts!"

"Old man, why don't you have some shame? Don't your face get hot when you brag like this?" Qin Mo said, "Okay, I'm tired today. You can enjoy it slowly. I'll go check the practice results first. I'll come back if nothing happens." Home!”

"Okay, Jingyun, you go home early. The gifts I have prepared for you have been sent to Haidilao!"

"Why send it to Haidilao? Isn't it better to send it to my home?" Qin Mo said.

"You'll know after you go and see it." Li Yuan waved his hand, "You will definitely like it!"

He thought to himself, Qin Mo had given him a big gift, so he had to give feedback, right?

"Okay, let's go!" Qin Mo first went to check the training effect. The effect was not bad. Although it was a bit difficult at the beginning, they were soldiers and were trained frequently.

At this moment, I am practicing well.

Qin Mo didn't continue to stare.

I have been in the suburbs for several days, and they are all men. The girls at home should miss him.

After entering the capital, Qin Mo did not go home first, but went to Haidilao.

Now Haidilao specializes in various burgers and fried foods, and the results are quite good. Sushan and milk tea business are even more popular.

A big cup of milk tea costs one tael of silver, can you believe it?

Therefore, Haidilao has now successfully weathered the cold winter and found a path to sustainable development.

If others want to learn, they must have enough materials.

Just ice cubes, they won’t be able to get them out in the summer.

Therefore, Qin's Haidilao business not only did not get worse, but also became more popular.

"Xiao Liuzi, where did you die?"

"Master, I'm here!"

"Someone brought a gift, right?"

Xiao Liuzi nodded, "It's a big gift. The box is quite big. It's in your study!"

"Okay, I got it!"

Qin Mo touched his chin, wondering what gift Li Yuan would give him.

When he came to the study room, Qin Mo was stunned. He looked at the "column-shaped" wooden box in front of him with great curiosity.

Lifting the lid, Qin Mo stood on tiptoe and looked inside.

Immediately bewildered.

Damn it, there’s a woman inside!
Ouch, this old man, why do you put people in a box? Isn’t that suffocating?

He quickly removed the box, and a stunningly beautiful woman came into view. However, this beauty was tied up, and the rope was tied with a bow.

There was still silk stuffed in his mouth.

"Fuck you, who are you?" Qin Mo's eyes widened, "I remember, you are the Zhao family of Tianxiangyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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